The Good Reading Habits Tag!! // In Which I Talk Bookshelf Organization, Libraries, & Backlist Books

It may surprise you to hear this, but I’m not really the rebellious type.

Well, at least if you don’t know me very well, that could be surprising. If you do know me, then it probably makes sense that I’ve always been more of a goody-two-shoes type. But when it comes to books and reading, I do have a few habits that are frowned upon by the general reading population. I always feel *slightly* called out when those are brought up, so I was very excited to learn that there is a such thing as the Good Reading Habits Tag!

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I was tagged for this by the lovely Erin of Kitty Jade Blog (read her post here), and I can’t thank her enough for the tag. This topic interests me so much, and I’m really looking forward to exposing myself in a positive way in this post. Plus, this is my first tag of the new decade, and it looks like a fun one to start things off with!

The only rules are to pingback to the creator’s post, list some of your good reading habits, and nominate some of your blogging friends to also participate in the fun. I’ll be nominating some people at the end- for now, let’s get into the habits!


I (almost) always read the book before watching the movie.

I want to preface this with two things. First of all, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad reading habit to read the book after the movie, I just think it’s more generally accepted as a good habit to read the book before. (I actually wrote a whole post about this once, because controversial.)

Second, I have definitely messed this up before! Sometimes I don’t know that a book exists for a movie (example, with the Princess Bride) and I enjoy the movie multiple times before ever realizing that there is a book and I have been accidentally going against my principles.

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This is accurate footage of me loving a movie, then realizing it’s a book that I haven’t read yet, and slowly walking away.

All of that to say, for the most part, I follow the rules of seeing the movie after I’ve read the book. I also want to take this opportunity to let you know that you should definitely, definitely go see Little Women! It’s my new favorite movie. I love every part of it with all my heart, and it’s completely worth going to see. The cinematography could not be more beautiful, all the actors are phenomenal, and it is so true to the book’s storyline. I want to go see it thirty more times.


I get most of my books from the library.

I am very privileged to live close to a very good library! It generally has most of the books I’m interested in reading (albeit a long wait for a book to be checked back in is common), and I do read most of my books through the library.

This is a good habit because it means I’m not spending money on books. I hardly ever buy books, actually- I only get them if I have a gift card or if a relative asks for a Christmas or birthday hint, and I give them a list of potential books I would like to read. I can’t remember the last time I spent straight-up money on a book, and I would consider that a good thing!

Of course, lots of bloggers receive free books from publishers or get ARCs, which is amazing. I also know that I am very lucky to be located next to a good library, and sadly, many people don’t have this same privilege. I wanted to include this side note to point out that this good habit isn’t one that’s available to all, and I am not saying that buying books is a bad habit.


I keep my books very organized.

I would say that, for the most part, I am Type A. People in my life know me as being organized, neat, and on top of things that need to get done. That’s not to say I’m not a procrastinator, it’s just to say I’m good at appearing collected on the outside even when I’m not on the inside. This definitely transfers to my book organization.


This is what my bookshelf looks like as of right now! It’s not organized by color or anything (I wish I was that level of aesthetic), but I definitely have a system. Each shelf has a category: the top one is fairytales and classics, the second is fantasy series, the third is middle grade series, etc. (The bottom shelf is my young adult books!) Then to the right of my bookshelf is where I always stack my library books, so I don’t get them confused with the books I own.

Every time I get a new book, it requires a lot of shifting since each book has to stay with its category. But I feel as if this organization is mostly a good thing, as it makes it where I can tell you exactly where any book is on my shelf at any given moment.


I read a variety of new releases and backlist books.

Before I started book blogging, I never paid attention to when the book I was reading was published. The only books I was anticipating was the next installment of The Heroes of Olympus, because Rick Riordan really got 12-year-old me with those cliffhangers.

Now, I do pay more attention to the publication date of a book- I often check it when I first open a book, and I have been made aware of certain release dates thanks to the blogs I read. But even now, I wouldn’t say I’m hyper-into new releases. I’ve never done an “anticipated releases of ___” post (though I love reading them), and since I don’t receive ARCs, I’m not up to my ears in unreleased or newly released material. I get most of my recommendations off of the blogs I read, which means sometimes I’m reading new releases, and sometimes I’m reading books that have been published two or three or five years ago. Or 150 years ago, sometimes.

I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad habit to only read backlist or only read new releases, but I do think it’s a good thing that I have a variety in my every day reading. It makes things more interesting, and I hope it makes it to where I’m not talking about the same two books every two seconds!

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Belle is actually me talking about Foolish Hearts or Harry Potter or A List of Cages every two seconds. You know, I think I’ll start to work on my repetitiveness.


I read all the books in a series, most of the time.

We all know how it goes. You read the first book in a series. Then you have to wait for the second book to be available (maybe it’s unreleased, maybe it’s not at your library or bookstore), and by the time you get your hands on it, you either feel like you need to reread the first book again in order to remember what happened or you just feel as if this is all too much work, and the process ends there.

I would say I’m fairly good at actually finishing out my reading of the series instead of just giving up. Of course, there are exceptions. coughCARAVALcough For the most part, though, I take my commitment to a series pretty seriously. If I’m going to spend time getting invested in characters and a plot, I want to see it through.

It may take me a lot longer than it should, but I will be a good little bookworm and complete the series. (Unless I don’t like it. But I think that goes without saying.)


Well, that’s my list of five good reading habits I have! A huge thank you again to Erin for tagging me, I truly appreciate it and I had a lot fun participating in this. Please go read her post and view her blog!!

I’m going to nominate a few friends to participate in this as well, as the rules decree, but of course there is no pressure whatsoever to participate. If I don’t tag you but you’d still like to take part in this, also feel free to, I would love to read any posts about this!

Macey // Tiffany // Taasia // Charis // Maha // Sophie // Kelly // Caitlin

This post got me thinking about how fun it would be to do a reverse version of this sometime- where I talk about my more unpopular reading habits. I don’t know if I necessarily have bad habits, but I definitely do have some habits that I feel as if I would get lowkey judged for partaking in. But hey, the point of the post would be to expose myself in a friendly, safe environment. 😉

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope this post could be in some shape or form relatable and entertaining to you. I’m wishing you all the best of days and I hope each of you have a wonderful week ahead of you.✨

Do you share any of these habits? What are your good reading habits? Would you want to read a post talking about my unpopular habits? I would love to talk with you all in the comments.

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Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

58 thoughts on “The Good Reading Habits Tag!! // In Which I Talk Bookshelf Organization, Libraries, & Backlist Books


    It was amazing. Truly. Gideon is just a cinnamon roll and Iris is a burnt marshmallow and I love them all.

    I absolutely think I have some good habits! My bookshelf is one of those colour coded ones 🙂 and honestly I wouldn’t have done it but it brings me too much pleasure to look and say I did that.

    Such a lovely post to read Olivia!! x

    Liked by 1 person


      I know, right?? I have so much adoration for them all. Gideon is a close second to Gansey. Aren’t they a little similar? (Or is it just me being in love with them both.) I can’t with Iris and Claudia’s brother and the spooky tree and everything else. I’m so happy you loved it!

      Ahh, from what I can see of your bookshelf in your profile picture, it is so beautiful. You deserve some kind of award for having a bookshelf that perfect!

      Thank you so much!! xx

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      • Oh no. Never gets mentioned 😉

        THEYRE SO SIMILAR. It’s not just you… also I’m doing a Raven Cycle reread and feel compelled to mention that 🙂 AND yes, the entire thing was adorable.

        Thank you!!!! Oh my gosh you’re too sweet – your outfit in your picture is absolutely wonderful xx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I really enjoyed reading your answers! And I went to see Little Women a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing. I’m so glad to have found someone who loved it as much as I did! 🥰 X x x

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  3. This is a great post.
    Also, yesssss, libraries. That’s where I get most of my books.
    I don’t have a particular way of organizing books…..I guess.
    I generally finish series, too. Isn’t it annoying when the library has the first book and the third one but not the second one?
    I’ll have to see Little Women. I’ve heard it’s a good adaptation. I already know Black Widow will be one of my favorite movies (even though it doesn’t even come out until May……)

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    • Thank you, McKayla!
      Same- I very much appreciate libraries.
      THANK YOU!! I didn’t use to have an organization method either, but after so much condensing and reorganizing, I eventually developed one. XD
      Haha, yes, that is always so infuriating! I always get so tempted to skip over the middle one. Have you ever run into the circumstance where you got a book without realizing it was the second or third book in a series, and was either really confused or somehow made it through but ruined the whole series for yourself after? I’ve…done that.
      It’s SO GOOD, MCKAYLA. I would go see it ten more times just in theaters. Oh, I’ve heard about Black Widow! I think this guy who was in Stranger Things may be in it- David Harbour, but I’m not sure.

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      • Yes. It’s so frustrating. I actually had to so that once. But it turned out it wasn’t a big part of the story so it was okay.
        OMG, YES. It’s so annoying. I always think of the first one as a prequel if I do that. It also doesn’t help if the library doesn’t have the first one…..
        I actually got tickets to see it! It looks good. My sisters and I have actually been compared to the sisters in Little Women.
        My oldest sister is Meg, I’m definitely Jo, and I think the youngest is Beth. So sweet. She’s definitely a Hufflepuff. I think Jo is a Gryffindor, and Meg is probably Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. I’m not sure about Amy. What do you think?

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  4. I’m definitely a library reader as well! I usually don’t buy books until I’ve already read them and know for sure that they’re worth taking up shelf space. I also remember the days when the only anticipated books I knew about where the newest Rick Riordan 😂 Simpler times.

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  5. This was such a fun post to read, and I’m definitely the non-rebellious type like you 🙈 My bookshelf at the moment isn’t the cleanest since as a college student, I don’t have a bookshelf and just stack all my books on my drawers. I also try to utilize my library as best as I can so I don’t have to purchase as many. Thank you so much for tagging me, Olivia!!

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    • Aww, thank you, Tiffany! Us non-rebellious Hufflepuffs can stick together. 😉 Oh, that makes sense! I’ve started thinking about how I’m going to deal with not having a bookshelf in college, and it scares me a little. Maybe I’ll have to start reading more ebooks…of course, if you do participate, I can’t wait to read your post! (But if not, no worries.💓)

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  6. I enjoyed this post! And I love Libraries! They are the best! Unfortunately, I don’t have easy access to any right now, but all growing up my siblings and I would take like half the library every time we went, which was often! Libraries are definitely the way to go. Although, I really enjoy having my own books too, but generally I don’t risk buying a book if I am not certain yet what I think of the book or the author.

    Also, I am a big fan of used bookstores to get books cheaper. I know some people don’t care for used. But I guess when you grow up in a big family with no money then you learn not to be too picky. 😉

    And definitely want to see that post about your unpopular habits. That sounds fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Hannah! Ahh, libraries truly are the best. I’m so sorry to hear you don’t have access to one currently- but I’m glad you have the fond childhood memories to reflect on.🤗

      Oh, yes, I love used bookstores! There’s a really great one near my house and if I do buy books without a giftcard, that’s the only place I’ll do it. I’ve found some really nice books for very cheap there, and it’s so much more worth it than paying full price!

      Aww, thank you for the feedback- I think I’ll be writing that post for sure. Thank you again!

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  7. Wowow you’re a good habit reading queen!! I find that I do the same thing with books and movies. I’ll try to read the book before watching the movie, but sometimes I won’t know that the book was based on a movie so I’ll make sure to read it after (looking at you Room, Molly’s Game etc).

    I used to try and organize my books but my organization system ranges from all the blue books go here, to all the trilogies on this shelf, so I’m not really sure if it counts as organized 😅 Great post!! 💕

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    • Aww, thank you, Chana!💖Oh, yes, the game of “is this a book?” is a fun one to play… I always feel a little guilt when I watch a movie before reading it, but it’s okay in the end. XD

      Hey, I love that organization system! 😉 “All the blue books go here” definitely sounds like an aesthetically pleasing system, I have to say. Thank you again! I’m sorry this comment is so, so late- your kind words are greatly appreciated. xx


  8. I’m right with you there about always reading the book before watching the movie! And, sidenote, YES Little Women was amazing and I loved it sooooooo soooo SO much ❤ Saoirse Ronan was unreal, I loved her as Jo!! Everyone needs to see this movie 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! And- YES.🙌🏼I’ve actually watched Little Women two more times in theaters since writing this post, and I have zero regrets. The casting was absolutely spot-on, and I can only hope there will be more adaptations of classics in the future that are just as beautiful.

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  9. We have lots of similar bookish habits: I organize and attain my books similarly to you (I don’t get very many books, apart from the library, and my bookshelf is meticulously ordered. I think it helps that we don’t get as many books, so we can keep it more organized), and I nearly always read the book before watching the movie. I try to read new and backlist books, but since I’m reading ARCs, it’s a little bit more difficult. I *try* to read all the books in a series, although sometimes it takes me yeaaaaaaaaaaars to read, haha! (I actually FINALLY finished the Caravel series: I suspect our opinions of it are quite similar, but I decided to finally finish it, since there are only 3 books and I was so close to the end. 🙂

    This was such a fun post to read!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Libraries and organized bookshelves are *chef’s kiss* 😉 Oh, for sure, if I read ARCs I know I would find it much more challenging to keep up with the demands of both new books and backlist. Ahh, I still need to read the last two books in Caravel! By now I’ve mostly forgotten what happened- but someday, I’ll probably read it.

      Thank you so much, Hanne! I’m very sorry this comment is so late. ❤

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  10. This post was SO relatable!!! I completely adored the Little Women too, and I always try to borrow a book before buying it so I’ll know if I like it. 😉 And your bookshelf organization is beautiful! I’m a huge procrastinator, but I also try to keep organized as much as I can, haha. This was such a great post and I’d love to see one about your unpopular habits ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you, Ash.🥰Little Women was amazing beyond words, it’s genuinely my new favorite movie. *cries* Thank you, haha! I feel that- I haven’t been a very organized reader or blogger as of late (hence this incredibly late comment). Thank you again for all the sweet words!! I appreciate you very much. xx

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  11. I also try to always read the book before watching the movie, but sometimes it’s so hard! Mostly when it’s a book that I’ve been meaning to read for years, then the movie comes out and I havent gotten to it yet but don’t want to miss the movie (it sounds very specific because I’m thinking about The Darkest Minds and how I still haven’t finished that series *sighs*)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly, this comment was so relatable! I felt this on a spiritual level. I’ve missed out on a movie due to not reading the book yet- and after that happened, I told myself I wouldn’t do that again, and would just temporarily abandon that value for the sake of seeing a movie. 😉

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  12. Ahh thank you so much for the tag!! I’m looking forward to writing this up 🙂 I definitely always try & read the novel first, if there’s a movie adaptation. Sometimes, however, I have–to my shame–been unable to wait to get my hands on the book, and if I know the adaptation is supposed to be fairly close to the novel, I might just cave & watch the film :’) I would LUV to hear about your unpopular habits!! Deffo bring out a post about that xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Of course, Macey! I’m so happy to hear that, I’ll be looking forward to it.💓(By the way, I hope you’re doing well! I’ve been absent for what feels like forever and I’ve missed our conversations.) Haha, I’m trying to be more open to just seeing the movie even if I haven’t read the book! It’s hard, but sometimes necessary. Oh, thank you for the feedback! I’ll most definitely take that into account. xx

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  13. Aww… I loved reading this so much Olivia!! 💛
    I would definitely consider myself a person who isn’t rebellious too!!
    It is fun to think about reading habits!!
    I like to read the book before The movie too. I’m glad to hear you rate Little Women so highly!! I would love to see it!!
    I loved seeing your shelfie 😉I love organising my shelves and seeing how people do it. Yours looks great! But whenever I get a new book I do have to spend time rearranging it all too 😂
    I like to finish series if I start them too. Although I do have a few I need to complete at the minute!! 😊
    I loved reading this and thank you so much for tagging me!!! 💛💛

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    • Thank you so much, Sophie. Haha, non-rebellious people unite, maybe this is why we get along so well. 😉
      Oh, please let me know if you’ve seen Little Women or when you do, what your thoughts on it are. I may be slightly (completely?) obsessed.
      Ahh, thank you so much!
      I’m so happy you enjoyed this! Thank you for all the kind words, and of course.💖

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  14. this is such a fan tag—thank you so much for tagging me in it 💖💖 Ahh, I’m so jealous of everyone who has a well-stocked library. those are pretty much nonexistent in the Philippines :(( But I’m glad that you make good use of yours—it’s a dream of mine to one day be able to get almost all of my books from the library.
    Ahh, your bookshelves look so good 😍 I used to think that if I ever got a bookshelf, I’d organize it rainbow style, but I think that categories will work for me way more since I can find books easier that way! Plus, shelves organized by category actually look super cool! And I like to think that I read a variety of new releases and backlist titles as well! Since I want to one day get my TBR down to zero, I’m now way stricter about which new releases I add to my TBR! This year I’m also challenging myself to read 50 backlist titles in the first six months of the year—I’m so excited!
    Omg, I’m in awe of anyone who’s good at finishing series. I’m the *worst* at that. I suck at reading sequels and finales, so what ends up happening is that I forget most of what happened in the previous book/s when I finally pick up the sequel. :”)
    Amazing post as always, Olivia 💕💕

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    • Ahh, Caitlin, you’re so welcome!💓First of all, how are you?? I accidentally took a month long hiatus and I think I’m back (ish?) but I’ve missed you very much, and I hope everything is going well for you.
      Aww, I’m so sorry to hear you don’t have access to a good library, but I very much hope that you someday live next to one that provides for all your bookish dreams. xx
      Thank you!! Yes, exactly- I used to want rainbow shelves as well, but that just wasn’t realistic for me, so I had to give up my aesthetic fantasies. XD Oh wow, I admire your TBR goals so much. I love your challenge for yourself and I’m cheering you on!
      I’ve definitely done that before, especially with fantasies. I sometimes…read one fantasy book and then sort of forget that there are more and then just don’t read them, like ever??
      Thank you again!! YOU’RE WONDERFUL.🥺

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      • Ahhh, I love you so much!! And I’m so sorry I’m replying to you so late! I think this comment got lost in my notifications, but good thing I still noticed it! I hope that everything is going well with school, dance, and life for you ❤ Really miss you right now, but definitely don't come back if it's going to cost you too much ❤ ❤ Please put yourself first 🥺
        As for me, I'm dying as usual because of school…. but even more so because I'm recovering from appendicitis and missed more than a week of classes 😂😂 But other than that, life is good! I have summer break in two weeks, and the end is so near 🥺 I can just taste the freedom!!
        Hope everything is going well for you! *hugs*

        Liked by 1 person

        • YOU’RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU TOO.🥺It turns out when I wrote that comment I wasn’t back, but now I actually am, I think. I’ve been catching up on some of your posts and it’s been so nice! Thank you so much. ❤
          Oh my gosh, Caitlin!! I hope you're doing well and feeling better now. I'm so sorry! But yay for the fact that you might potentially be on your break now?? I hope you are and things are going amazingly for you at the moment.

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  15. Really loved this tag! Thank you so much for doing it. Your bookshelf organisation is goals! My room is too small for a wide bookshelf so mines really skinny and not particularly ‘aesthetic’. With classics I do watch the film prior to the book (in most cases) because then I can appreciate the description when I read it – instead of grasping the plot disguised in all of the description. Still not seen Little Women! From the trailer it looks excellent. I’m very glad you enjoyed it.
    Have a lovely weekend Olivia! And if you are aware of any book tags please let me know because I’m out of post ideas XD
    Erin x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you again for tagging me in it! I had so much fun participating, and that’s all thanks to you.😊Oh, thank you! I’m sure your bookshelves are very beautiful as well. xx I definitely see your strategy with classics, that’s very clever, because sometimes reading a classic is a bit like decoding a secret code with all the fancy language. Little Women is the best, I highly recommend!
      Thank you! I’m so sorry for the lateness of this comment, but I hope you’ve had a nice month.❤️I’m not quite sure of any good tags at the moment, as I’ve been off the blogosphere for a while, but I’ll keep you updated if I see any new ones!

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      • Aww, you’re welcome Olivia! My bookshelves get rearranged all the time but I think I’m finally happy with them haha 😆 Little Women is very good, and not at all hard to read. But I can’t get into Jane Austen? I tried very hard to enjoy Pride & Prejudice but I ended up DNFing it 😦
        Don’t apologise! We’ve all been busy. I need to start looking around for good book tags because my blog’s theme has been more on the lifestyle side of things at the moment.
        Hope you’re well! Can’t believe we’re almost in March? 🤯

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  16. Thank you so much for the tag, love! This is such a fun tag. 😀 We have so many good habits in common, which is awesome! I’m obsessed with organizing my books, I (almost, hehe!) read books before the movies, and I read a bunch of backlist books. I can’t wait to try this on my blog!

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  17. Aww thanks so much for the tag! And these are all such fantastic reading habits! I also have organized bookshelves (just by color and library reads though haha), reading a nice blend of recent and backlist books, and read primarily from the library! I get almost all of my books through OverDrive. I’m honestly too broke to afford most books! Haha! I’m so thankful that I have a great library system where I live. 🙂

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    • You’re so welcome, Kelly! I’m super happy I could tag your wonderful self.❤️Thank you! Ooh, a bookshelf organized by color is my ultimate aesthetic dream. I love OverDrive! Thankfully my library is connected to it. I don’t usually read ebooks, but when I do, I use OverDrive exclusively! Me too, having a great library is such a blessing. Thank you so much for your comment!


  18. Ah this is such a lovely post, Olivia! ❤ I also always try to read a book before seeing the movie, but sometimes yes, I'm not aware that there IS a book until afterwards and when this happens,well, I always feel a tiny bit frustrated, I gotta say hahaha. I admire you SO much for being able to read entire book series, I tend to forget about them and it takes me about a gazillion years to finish them hahaha 🙂

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    • Thank you so, so much Marie!❤️(I apologize for the extreme lateness of this comment.) Haha, I understand that frustration fully. Part of me always feels like I have let the book down when that happens, and then I have to remind myself that it’s all okay. XD Thank you, haha! I think it helps that I mostly read YA contemporary, so not many series there. 😉

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