Why I Love Blogging Schedules {The Pros and Cons + Should You Have One?}

I love blogging schedules.

Without them, you probably wouldn’t be reading this post right now. 😉


However, they aren’t for everyone. Today I’m going to be sharing the reasons I personally love blogging schedules, and then talk about some of the cons as well. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to have a schedule, maybe this can help you!

Also! Before we get started, you may have noticed that I updated a few things around my blog. I changed up my header, blog button, a few other various items. *cheers* I hope you all like the new stuff as much as I do! Lemme know what you think. 🙂

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Why Do I Love Blogging Schedules So Much?

I’ve had a blogging schedule for over a year now, and I absolutely love it. But why, you ask? Patience grasshopper, I shall answer all the questions.

There are a few short and simple reasons I’ve stuck with my schedule for so long.

  • It keeps me accountable for blogging
  • I stay organized and on top of blogging
  • It keeps me from taking random hiatuses
  • It keeps consistency in my blogging

Let me go into depth on each of these…


1.) I stay accountable for blogging.

I’m a very busy person. As I’m sure you all are, too. So can blogging sometimes get pushed to the backburner?

Well, the true answer is yes. When I have to choose between blogging and doing my homework, I pick homework. No I’m not supposed to be doing homework right now, what are you saying. When I have to choose between blogging and going to dance- I go to dance. And so on and so forth- you get the idea.

It’s kind of a wonder that there are so many bloggers out there who juggle school, blogging, sports, and just life in general. I guess we’re a wondrous people. *pats every blogger on the back*

SO, back to the topic of blogging schedules. Ahem.

With my schedule, I stay accountable for my posts. Even if I’ve had a busy week, I know that I need to sit down and write a post. Without it, well, you most definitely would not be reading this post right now.


2.) I stay organized/on top of blogging.

With my blogging schedule, I keep my blog organized. If you scroll through my archives (please don’t) you’ll see that since January 2017, there’s been a post (nearly) every Monday. Of course there have been mishaps…but for the most part I’ve posted.

On a slightly related topic, if you do choose to implement a blogging schedule, make sure to put a lot of thought into what day you decide to post. I picked Monday because then I have the weekend to revise write my post if I’ve had a busy week. 🙂 And no, I have never written a post at 11:30 on Sunday night. Why would you think that??


3.) It keeps me from taking random hiatuses.

Before I start, let me stress this extremely important point.

It is perfectly fine to take a hiatus.

In fact, I think hiatuses can be great. Whether you’re feeling burnt out by blogging, your life is just way too busy, you’re feeling stressed, or whatever your reason is- there’s no shame in taking hiatuses. In fact, I think it shows how strong someone is that they can see what’s best for them and take a break!

But what I’m talking about here is unplanned hiatuses.

Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of these. And they happen to everyone. Life catches up with you. School is overwhelming. You just don’t feel like opening WordPress. You don’t even have the motivation to announce that you’re leaving.

Before I started using a blogging schedule, I had way more of these. I’m not saying that using a schedule can completely eliminate them, but I do think you’re less likely to take unplanned hiatuses if you’re using a blogging schedule. 🙂


4.) It keeps consistency in my blogging.

If you read Purely Olivia frequently, then you’ve probably noticed (or heard me mention) that I post every Monday. A new post can be expected from me once a week, at exactly the same time each week.

With blogging schedules, you can keep your blogging consistent! Readers can know when they’ll be seeing the next post by you.

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What Are the Cons to Blogging Schedules?

As you can probably tell, I love blogging schedules. 😉 But, this post is about helping you decide if you want one or not. So, I also want to list about some of the cons of blogging schedules. That way you can make your decision after hearing both sides.

A few downsides to blogging schedules are:

  • They can be stressful
  • You may not be able to committ
  • Might not fit with your personality type
  • It can be restricting


1.) They can be stressful.

For me, it’s comforting to think of the fact that I know when my posts have to be written by. But for others, that can definitely be a stressor.

If you have a schedule and are determined to stick with it, it can be very stressful to do that. Maybe you had a particularly busy week, or had things going on in your personal life- you might feel all the expectations to post piling up on you. That can cause a lot of stress!

me failing to meet expectations like


2.) You may not be able to commit to a schedule.

I sense a theme throughout this post. You know what it is?

People are so busy.

So if you’re super busy, and always find yourself struggling to find time to write posts, a blogging schedule might not be for you. It may be difficult for you to commit to a schedule that you can actually stick to. (Although keep in mind that it’s totally fine to not stick to your schedule 25/8. 😉 )


3.) It might not fit with your personality type.

Y’all, this is a big one.

I have a pretty Type A personality. I’m organized, I like things to be done a certain way, and planners and sticky notes are my best friends. I guess it’s obvious why I like schedules.

If you have more of a Type B personality (relaxed and go-with-the-flow) then schedules might not work as well for you. You might be more of a fan of spontaneous posts, and it won’t bother you that your posts are at random. Your personality type is a major factor in if blogging schedules work for you or not.


4.) Schedules can be restricting.

It’s true. Schedules can be very restricting.

Because what if you get an amazing idea for a new post? What if you get tagged for an award that you really want to do? What if you go somewhere cool and want to share your pictures from it right then?

With a schedule, you might feel like your creativity is getting squelched. You’ll have to rearrange things to fit in the post, and if you’ve been planning your other posts ahead of time, it could be a few weeks before you get to squeeze your new idea in. (You may have noticed that I sometimes do ‘bonus’ posts! Those happen when I just really want to post, and I’m not gonna let any schedule stop me. XD)

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You’ve heard both sides. So, should you have a blogging schedule?

After hearing both sides, now it’s up to you to decide what you want to do. 😉 At the end of the day, I think it boils down to your level of business and your personality type.

A blogging schedule works for me because it helps me get up new content despite how busy I am, and it fits with my organized and structured personality type.

But depending on what’s going on in your personal life or depending on how well you can roll with the flow, blogging schedules may or may not work for you!

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Thank you so much for reading this (long) post, and I hope you got something out of it. I appreciate you spending your time reading this post!💞

Do you have a blogging schedule? If you do, why does it work for you? If you don’t, why not? I’d love to chat with you all in the comments.

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Photo by Jesus Kiteque on Unsplash >> Credits for the amazing picture I used on my featured image! Be sure to check out the lovely selection of free photos on Unsplash.



46 thoughts on “Why I Love Blogging Schedules {The Pros and Cons + Should You Have One?}

  1. I don’t have a blogging schedule, but I’m trying my best to stick to one HAHA because I really want to reduce the number of unplanned hiatuses I take!! I prefer blogging schedules in general just because they’re much more organized, and you don’t have to stress about typing up a post last minute:))

    Liked by 1 person

  2. great post! I don’t have a blogging schedule though and I probably won’t make one probably due to the cons you listed out, but it does sound like a pretty good thing to have. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your new header Olivia! 😍
    I’m not a blogger, but I do appreciate your schedule (I’m rather a type A myself 😁) because I can look forward to seeing your new post each Monday. Thank you for being so consistent!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. {1} This was an awesome post, and I concur at every level!

    (Ok my screaming is over XD)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the new changes to your blog design! This was a very interesting post! I don’t exactly have a blogging schedule, but I do have a weekly post Unknown Me Monday. It does push me to know that it’s a “scheduled” post in a way, but it is a simple post. 😛 I might try a schedule after this post! 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lizzy! I’m so happy you like my design and also the post. 😉 Ahh, that reminds me to go check out your Unknown Me Monday post for today…I think it’s so cool that you have that scheduled for every Monday! It definitely gives your reads consistency. 🙂 Good luck with all your future blogging-schedule-endeavors!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. For me, schedules made me nervous. They made me have to deliver content on a certain day at a certain time. With the way my LIFE is right now, I’d rather go with the flow, post when I can, ya know? I have a schedule with some posts, like I post about music every first friday and recap every last day, but other posts I just roll with my inspiration gauge.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you for the pat on the back XD Your new blog design is BEAUTIFUL!!! ❤ I LOVE my blogging schedule, it is so helpful to me! 😀 Before I had it I would wake up one morning and say "hmm I haven't posted since last week! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?????" Ok… that that might be slightly over dramatic but not by much. People really are busy, it's a problem XD This was a wonderful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is such a great post, I love it 🙂 I am a big fan of blogging schedules, as they help me staying on top of everything and I do love being organized just as well and planning things out – I wouldn’t blog the way I do if I hadn’t a blogging schedule, that’s for sure. I do try to be flexible though and happen to miss a post or two, whenever I am too busy and just don’t feel motivated at all to write.
    Lovely post 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, Marie! 🙂 I agree with you! Who knows what my blog would be like without my schedule…definitely not consistent in any way. But yes- I do agree too that part of being a human is having the flexibility of missing or adding a post every once as the need be. 😉 Thank you again, I really appreciate your comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ah, your new designs rock! I love how it all goes together. Nevermind, I guess that’s supposed to be the point, duh.
    Yep, I am definitely Type A. I’ve lost my planner on occasion and I felt completely lost at school. I do have a blogging schedule! But it’s on the relaxed side and has gone through multiple changes. A brief history: I started out in the summer with the plan to post every Tuesday and Saturday. Then it changed to every Monday. Since last week it is now every Friday.
    OOF, that gif of Taylor Swift (that is her, right?) falling off the treadmill looks painful.
    A schedule works for me because then I have the deadline motivation of oh, I have to post this day instead of putting it off.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The blog looks GORGEOUS, I might just say. 😉 I love how you’ve designed it!

    And yesss I’m so much into scheduling. I have a very consistent routine with when I put up posts (even down to the hour they go live haha) so I like scheduling to keep everything orderly and on time. But it can be stressful if you really have no idea what to blog about but it’s BLOGGING DAY. *cries* 😂😂But mostly I love it and I think consistency helps with stats and such too. Readers know what’s going on and when to expect us!

    Liked by 2 people


      Yes! *nods fervently* I agree with all that, consistency is key. I also schedule my posts for an exact time, and I feel you with freaking out when you don’t have any blogging ideas and you have to write a post that day.😂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I don’t stick to a specific schedule, but i do like scheduling posts in advance. Sometimes i have time to write 2-3 posts one after the other, and then i just schedule them for later.
    I think an actual schedule would be too restrictive to me. I like to move scheduled posts around a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I schedule all my posts in advance and I love it! With my job, I don’t always have the opportunity to check my blog everyday so it’s nice to not have to worry about getting that post up or not. I do certain post types on certain days so I do find that can be limiting. Especially when I sign myself up for a last minute review/promo opportunity. Then I have to shuffle things around 😛 But scheduling is great!

    Liked by 1 person

    • *claps because fellow schedule-in-advancer*

      I completely agree with you! For some people schedules are stressful, but for me it takes off all the stress of if the post will be ready or if it went up or not. 🙂

      Thanks for your comment!❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Very interesting post! I’ve just come back from an extremely long unplanned hiatus – it was for a variety or reasons but the main overreaching one being not having enough time in the day. Having a blogging schedule is an idea I’ve played around with but never really seriously considered. After reading this post, I’m thinking it may work quite well for me, thanks!


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