An Update On My Summer Bucket List // In Which I Watch Marvel Movies, Read, & See the Sunrise

Well, summer is over.

Part of me is sad about this, because my days spent reading and blogging as I pleased are over, and I’ve already returned to the routine of (online) school, dance, and with that comes stress. But I’m also very excited for fall to come soon and for the semblance of normalcy that’s already returned to my life with school and everything else. Summer being over means we’re making our way through 2020!

This summer will probably go down as one of the most abnormal summers of my life? Usually I would spend it reading, hanging out with my friends, possibly traveling- and yes, I did a lot of reading, but nothing else went the way it normally would have. I was able to spend time with friends outdoors occasionally, but I didn’t go anywhere and didn’t venture out of my house very often at all.

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Despite the setbacks and social distancing measures, this summer was not without its highlights: my whole family was at home, so we got to spend quality time together. I also had (almost too much) free time, and got to spend more time relaxing and doing things that interest me than I normally would.

At the beginning of summer (when I was naive and thought COVID might actually get better instead of worse where I live) I made a summer bucket list, so this is going to be my follow-up to that! I looked back at these goals a little bit, but not a lot, so I’m actually very curious to see if I mostly achieved them or mostly failed.


Read 35 books.❌✅

I ended up reading 32 books this summer, so even though I didn’t entirely achieve this goal, I am giving myself a check in addition to the red X just because I…almost made it, and I feel like that counts for something.

I also ended up being able to read almost all the books I listed on my original post as wanting to read (Clap When You Land, Strange the Dreamer, Lucky Caller, and The Henna Wars– the only one I didn’t get to was The Fountains of Silence). I tried to read a wide variety of books this summer, and I’m excited that I was able to not only continue to read contemporaries, but I also read a lot more fantasy. My favorites of the summer include~

A Quiet Kind of ThunderLucky CallerHouse of Salt and SorrowsThe Boy Who Steals HousesYou Deserve Each Other

(The way these covers fit together in a nice color scheme is my favorite.) I also had a goal to read at least 5 classics, and I only ended up reading one (Northanger Abbey), but that’s okay! I think I knew I probably wasn’t going to achieve that one because I have no self-control when it comes to reading contemporaries and I’m also a mood reader.

I wish I had been able to read 35 books because it would have been more satisfying to check it off without an X, but I’m still happy with the amount of books I read and hopefully I got ahead enough on my Goodreads challenge to make up for whatever disaster is about to come its way during the school year.


Watch more Marvel movies.✅

I actually did this! Watching the Marvel movies was one of my biggest goals for last summer, and I failed on it majorly. However, this summer I watched nearly all of them- as you can see on my Marvel watching log, I have way more checked off now (and it’s fine, I’ll just pretend like the lighting isn’t slightly off in the pictures and that they’re framed the same).


I managed to get my whole family in on it with me, since we were all at home all the time this summer, and they got really into the movies too! It was really fun to watch with them and I know I’ll look back fondly on the many July nights spent watching a Marvel movie after dinner.

I have four more, and one of those is Avengers: Endgame so I’m not quite done, but I think I’ll be able to finish all of them in the next month or so. I feel so invested in the characters and the storylines, and as Annie stated in this post of hers, I love the feeling of knowing that so many other people also love these movies and that they’re so widely watched and enjoyed by the general public and now I can be a part of that.

My favorite superheroes and movies aren’t solidified yet, but as of now, I think my favorite movies are Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Captain Marvel.


Have a book and movie Harry Potter marathon.❌

I didn’t do this this summer, half because I was busier reading other books and watching other movies, but half because it just didn’t feel right.

In the past, I’ve written many posts about Harry Potter and practically made it my brand, but due to the continuous harmful words of J.K. Rowling, I will no longer be recommending or promoting Harry Potter on my blog. Although my love for the world of Harry Potter and the nostalgia I feel in regards to this series will always stay with me, I don’t see any reason that I should continue to talk about a series written by an author who has hurt so many people (great posts on this topic by Kay, Chana, and Margaret).

In the future, I’ll only be mentioning Harry Potter if I do a reread and include it in my monthly wrap-up or in passing references to the characters or plot, but won’t be explicitly recommending the series.


Wake up to see the sunrise.✅

Did I wake up at 6:20 am on my last day of summer vacation just because I wanted to achieve this goal and had run out of time to do so? Yes, I did. Was it worth it? I’m not sure, but at least I can check this off now, so that’s exciting.

I forgot about this goal until I started working on this update post (at the time of which, I still had a couple days of vacation left), but luckily it wasn’t too hard to wake up early. It probably would have been a prettier sunrise experience if I had gone to a park or somewhere where I could see it super clearly, but I pretty much just got out of bed and stood in the street in front of my house to watch it.


I could kind of see the colors but not really? I also drove around my neighborhood a little bit to try to see it better, but after I circled around the same morning walkers three times I went back home because I didn’t want to seem suspicious, haha.

Even though I wish I had done this earlier in the summer and gotten to see a more beautiful sunrise, I’m still really glad I did this! I’m glad I followed through on the goal, and I also liked getting up early and starting my day hours before I normally would.


Start writing again.❌

I’m disappointed in myself for not doing this- while I did look back at some of the stories in my Google drive from three-ish years ago (the last time I was really writing), I didn’t write anything new. However, I’ve realized that I…really miss writing??

This is a recent revelation, so I didn’t have enough summer to explore it, but I think I’m going to start implementing some kind of writing into my daily or weekly routine, even if it’s something small, like journaling or poetry. I don’t have any ideas for what I want want to write as far as longer stories go, I just know that I genuinely miss writing and want to dedicate time to it again.


Make a whole meal for my family.✅

IMG_6803I surprised myself by doing this…and it was so much fun! I did a little bit of cooking in July, and when I say a little bit, I mean very little. I started off by making pancakes by myself, although that wasn’t too complicated because most of it was already pre-made. (Baby steps though.)

My next step was to actually make a meal! I will say that my mom helped me out with this, but I’m still counting it because you can’t go from zero to operating multiple pots on the stove by yourself, so I definitely needed some assistance. However, I was the one who found the recipe online and I tried to do as much of it as possible by myself.IMG_6804

I ended up making beef and broccoli noodles and it was SO GOOD!! (I used this recipe.) I give the it-tasting-good credits to this recipe and my mom for making sure I didn’t burn anything down but still, I’m glad I wrote down this goal because I never would have made it otherwise and it ended up being really fun and very tasty. I would highly recommend cooking a meal for your family!


Do college research.✅

There isn’t much to say for this one, except I did spend time researching colleges and working on writing essays and yet I still have so much to do. If you have any advice for the college admissions process, or if you’re going through the same thing right now, I would gladly take any advice or comments or commiserate with anyone.


Make my room cozier.✅

IMG_6806I did a few things around my room this summer to make it ~cozy~, including hanging up my ukulele next to my bookshelf and creating a photo cloud on my closet door.

I can’t show the photo cloud because it’s full of pictures of me with my friends, but here’s my uke! I used to be much more musical than I am now, but I did start learning how to play betty on it this summer and that’s been so nice.

I was going to paint my desk white again, because the paint has started coming off over the past few years, but I didn’t end up doing that. But I’m going to count this goal as a success because I did the photo cloud and ukulele as I planned. :’)


Watch The Hunger Games movies.❌

I’m majorly disappointed that I did *not* accomplish this goal. When I included it on my original bucket list post, half of the comments were people surprised that I had never watched The Hunger Games movies and here we are two months later and I still haven’t watched them.

I will use the argument that a) I was busy watching the Marvel movies, b) I didn’t know where to watch them, and c) I am bad at watching movies anyway, so the fact that I watched about 20 Marvel movies (plus Lady Bird and Pride & Prejudice) was kind of my max for movies. I’m still sad I didn’t watch them though, because I actually am really interested in it, so I promise I will be trying to watch them as soon as possible.


I definitely didn’t achieve all of these goals, but that’s okay. This summer was a very strange one to live through, but as everyone has been saying lately: we’re living through history. I hope you all had a wonderful summer, if you’re in the Northern hemisphere, or a wonderful winter if you live in the Southern hemisphere.

Thank you very much for reading my rambles about what I did this summer, and I hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy and safe!✨

Is your summer over, and if so, how was it? What do you like to cook? Have you seen any Marvel movies? I would love to talk with you in the comments.

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Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash >> Credits for the image in my featured image

66 thoughts on “An Update On My Summer Bucket List // In Which I Watch Marvel Movies, Read, & See the Sunrise

  1. Researching for college is kinda stressful, haha. I can’t believe I’ll be going to college in two months’ time. I’m not an expert on this but I did get admitted for my first choice of university, so I’d say the best advice I can give is to choose a subject that you’re positive you’re really interested in, since you’re going to dive deep into it in your college years. After that, maybe do some research on recent news about that subject? Because you’ll be asked about them in interviews and putting them in your personal statement will show the college that you’re passionate for the subject. Hope this helps!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for the advice! I’m still not sure what I want to study, but narrowing it down is definitely one of my main goals right now. Ahh, I never thought about researching the recent news about it but that’s a really great idea! Thank you again for the advice.❤️

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  2. Aw I can’t believe summer is over (or winding down, in my case!). I love fall so much and how cozy it is (and my excuse for going to buy coffee and tea literally every day) but also I love to be warm and cold weather is just so ugh.

    So neat to see what you completed this summer!! Reading 32 books is awesome, especially hitting the ones on your TBR!! I don’t have that strong of willpower, haha!

    Also, I’m OBSESSED with the Marvel movies omg. I binge watched them all last summer and had a headache for three days straight because my eyes were so tired of staring at screens but I just. couldn’t. stop!! The way that the story weaves together throughout the movies and how the different plots were planned like 10 years in advance is just so cool to me!!

    I hope you have a great start to school!! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know! It flew by, but I am also looking forward to fall so much.🥺 Haha, it’s really hot where I live so I’m honestly looking forward to the weather getting a little cooler in the coming months!

      Aww, thank you- I have to admit, me reading most of the ones on my TBR was mostly just luck because I didn’t really refer back to the post at all throughout summer.

      They are so good?! I wish I had been able to finish them all, but that’s so amazing that you did that last summer. I know, I have to have such a deep appreciation for the plotlines and how complex there are, it’s amazing.

      Thank you so much, Erin!! I really appreciate it.❤️

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  3. Olivia!! STOP!! I am unaccomplished and set 0 goals and now I regret and want to do this lmao. But also you did AMAZING eeppp. 32 books is brilliant, go you. Ya read some amazing books and ate good food. Sounds like a great time to me <3<3

    Ah also wow you so cool that you watched all the Marvel movies ermygosh. I am also kinda behind on a few of them, but they're kinda a hit or miss for me. My one love is the new Spider-man movies though so I'm good lmao.

    (also yes jkr sucks and her harmful words have just, in general, made me feel so eh about hp now)

    Also omg we MUST motivate each other to do writing bc Yess!! I only started my book earlier this year and have abandoned it. The document hates me and is probs gonna lag when I open it. But I deserve it welp. Anyways, yeah, also miss it and would love to get on a more regular writing schedule and be more consistent. Those pancakes also look SO YUM. And ahh glad you did some room things, lowkey so much to do interior decorating.

    OMG PLS WATCH THE HUNGER GAMES!! And then scream at me. I ADORE those films so dang much ahh

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, Ruby, thank you SO much!! But also, no, you are very accomplished- just look at your blog and instagram and booktube and all the amazing content you constantly put out.😍

      I definitely feel that! There weren’t any that I didn’t like, but some of them I enjoyed more than others, and there were a few that my family didn’t like, haha. Oh my gosh, I love Tom Holland as Spider-man so much- I’ve only seen the first one and then him in the Avengers but it’s SO GOOD.

      Okay but the fact that you have a book you’ve started is amazing! But yes, let’s motivate each other. I don’t know what I want to write or anything, I just know that I really miss it. And I would always be more than happy to scream with you about writing on any and all platforms!! Ahh, thank you so much!! You are seriously the kindest and this comment has made me very happy.❤️

      I WILL, SOMEDAY. Of course I will scream at you as soon as I watch it. :’)

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  4. Goodbye, summer! (Feels strange to be saying that since it’s currently 90 degrees in my house.) I hope online school is as bearable as it can be for you…

    Very glad to hear you were able to have a good summer despite, you know, everything. Congrats on your Marvel progress! Winter Soldier and Captain Marvel are two of my favorites as well 😀 And yeah…I definitely understand the weirdness with Harry Potter. I had a whole series of HP-related posts planned, which I’m obviously not going to be doing anymore. I certainly still love the books and fandom, but it doesn’t feel right to be talking about it all the time on my blog.

    Ahh you’ve inspired me to get up early enough to see the sunrise! That sounds so lovely, and I definitely want to do that at some point 😀 And that noodle meal looks delicious. I hope you stay healthy and safe too! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Margaret! Haha, same- it’s just been getting hotter and hotter here and usually reaches 100 most days. But I’ll just keep telling myself fall is coming.😅

      I love both of those so much! I think Captain Marvel caught me off guard as being one of my favorites, but I just feel in love with the characters and storyline. I completely agree with Harry Potter! I’ve done a lot of Harry Potter related posts in the past, but now it just feels wrong to post about it.

      Aww, that made me smile! It was actually very nice, even though I didn’t see very much of it. Thank you again, Margaret, for your very kind comment! xx


  5. I hope this is the most abnormal summer of my life. I can’t imagine what could possibly be more abnormal.
    GOOD NEWS. I decided to check my library’s website the other day, and I saw that they had The Boy Who Steals Houses?? I obviously immediately put in on hold, so I should be reading it very soon. My hunch was that it was requested by another teen.
    AH yesss, Marvel!! Ahaha, thank you for linking to my post. Oh my goodness, I’m excited–as always.
    Your pancakes look so good! Making pre-made food is still making food if you can’t eat the food after just buying it from the store. Ahh, your noodles look great too. Do you know what the past name was?
    About college applications: I think the best part of the process so far was this one night when some of my friends and I were calling, and we were all doing college apps. It was surprisingly so much more fun that just doing it by myself, but I also didn’t actually do any of it, so that might be a factor as well.
    Did you like Lady Bird?? I have a friend who absolutely loves it so much that she did an oil paint of a still from the movie for a project last year in art class.
    As I’m writing this, my summer is ALMOST OVER. Wow, two more full days. But my first day is online, so it still kind of feels like summer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s very true- I also hope this is the most abnormal summer of my life, or else the future has some explaining to do.
      Oh my gosh!! That’s amazing. I didn’t know it was in the US yet so yay for that. :)) That’s also really exciting that it was requested by someone else as well- me over here getting excited thinking about the adventure you have in store with TBWSH and smiling!
      Of course! Ahh, thank you for the validation regarding the pre-made food. I would have to say I agree with you- even though it wasn’t hard, it wasn’t effortless. Ah, thank you, and as for the pasta name, I’m not sure? I know it was rice noodles of some kind but they didn’t have the flat kind so we had to get a different shape.
      That sounds like so much fun! Okay, now I want to schedule a zoom like that with some friends. Not actually doing any of it sounds like something that would happen with me too, but I feel that- and sometimes you end up feeling productive even if you didn’t do anything, which is somewhat of a good feeling.
      Oh wow, that’s so cool! I did like Lady Bird, but I definitely did not love it at the level of your friend, haha.
      Oh my gosh right! I’m very excited to hear about how your first days have gone. :)) HAPPY SECOND LAST FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL.

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      • AH, that makes me excited :))
        You are very welcome. Ohh okay, I feel like I always get curious about the names of different pasta shapes.
        THANK YOU!!! You’re right, it was like having two first days. OH also, I only mentioned the health change stuff on Insta, but the most eventful thing that happened in my opinion was that on the first day, I got confused by the schedule and accidentally slept through my entire biology class. I emailed my teacher about it (I didn’t tell her I was sleeping though), and she was super nice about it and said she understood. Besides that, zoom is actually better in some ways than how we’re doing it because when you’re at home, you cannot hear what the students are saying at all—because they’re wearing masks and they’re far away. A funny glitch was this student had to drop something off at school and ended up having to drive during Spanish class, which was kind of nerve-wracking for everybody else to see him glancing at the camera.

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        • Haha, oh no, the first day of school story! That sounds stressful, but I’m glad your teacher was understanding about it. We haven’t been doing Zoom classes since September, but I remember the schedule being very confusing and a lot of people showing up at the wrong times at first. Ahh, the guy driving during Zoom sounds stressful too. I would be like, dude just log off and drive instead of trying to multitask here, haha.

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          • Ohh, got it. Have in-person classes been going well? My school has definitely not been perfect clear of cases, but we also haven’t had to go back from being fully in-person. Fingers crossed that stays the case after this break.

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            • Same here! They’ve been going pretty well, at least for me- I haven’t had to quarantine due to close contact or anything so far. I hope things keep going well after break too, I’m worried about that because of a lot of people traveling over Christmas…but we’ll see, fingers crossed. :)) I’m glad yours is going okay too!


  6. I hope the start of your school year is going well so far! I still have a few weeks left to accomplish some of the things on my bucket list. I agree that this summer has definitely been weird. I haven’t seen very many of my friends, even though we all thought we’d be able to see each other by summer. My family and I have been going on a lot of hikes and visiting state parks near us. I also read a bunch of great books this summer, which is good. The first half of the year was super meh readingwise for me, so I’m glad it’s looking up. One of my summer highlights was folklore’s release. My favorite Marvel movies are The Winter Soldier and Captain Marvel. Endgame is rough lol. I don’t think I’ll be able to rewatch it for a long time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy your last few weeks of summer.💛 I definitely feel you on thinking it would be okay to see friends right now but not being able to- hopefully things get better soon. I’m really glad you’ve been able to go to state parks and read good books, that’s always very exciting! I couldn’t agree more that folklore releasing was a highlight not only of summer, but of 2020 in general. Ahh, I’m so nervous to watch Endgame because I’ve heard it’s so emotional from so many people- and I also just know it’s going to feel so final when I watch it and then I will be done with so many storylines, but I know I have to watch it eventually. Thank you for this comment, Rose! xx

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  7. Loved reading this update Olivia and you did pretty good with your goals!! Especially 32 books that’s amazing – definitely motivated me to read more haha.
    My summer doesn’t end for a couple weeks yet (we go back in September in the UK) but it’s in person and I’m not really looking forward to it. It still doesn’t really feel safe to go back to school because social distancing can’t really happen but I guess we’ll see what it’s like.🤷🏽‍♀️

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    • Ahh, thank you, Emme! I’m so glad this could motivate you and happiest of reading to you.🥰 I hope that you enjoy your last couple of weeks of summer, and good luck with going back to school! In person is definitely scary (I’m going back in person in a couple weeks and I’m pretty worried) but I hope it’s safe and that you enjoy getting to see people again and gain back some normalcy. Thinking of you! xx

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  8. Such a great post, Olivia 😊 Congratulations on 32 books, thats amazing! I read Clap When You Land this summer and I loved it. I hope you are able to do more writing during the rest of the year, but your room and the food you cooked both look incredible 😍. I don’t think I cooked anything this summer except pizza haha! My summer has been okay, fairly productive but I would have enjoyed it much more if it wasn’t for the pandemic.

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    • Thank you very much! I’m really glad you loved Clap When You Land- I also really liked, which was a nice surprise because I haven’t loved books written in verse in the past. Ahh, thank you- ooh, cooking pizza sounds so good though. I love pizza and wish I had the talent to make it instead of just buy it.😂 “I would have enjoyed it more if it wasn’t for the pandemic”- yes, exactly, I couldn’t agree more. Thank you again, Stephen!

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  9. Enjoyed reading this post so much!! For me, this weird but surprisingly productive summer isn’t really over yet but a lot of things happened already. I graduated from high school, I am working on my driver’s license rn, and I am probably going to move in a bit more than a month for uni. Still waiting for my uni admission letter, though thanks to covid…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you, Lydia! I’m really happy you had a good summer and that it’s still going on for you.💗 Congratulations on graduating and on uni, that’s so amazing!! I hope everything goes well for you and imagine me tossing confetti right now in celebration. xx

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  10. It looks like despite everything going on you had a wonderful summer, and I’m so happy for you!
    For someone who doesn’t watch many movies, you did such a great job with the Marvel ones! I’ve been watching them for years as they came out, and it’s always so nice when I see new people joining this crazy fandom. If you ever get to watch the Hunger Games movies I’d love to hear you thoughts on them. Catching Fire is probably one of my favorites book-to-movie adaptations.
    Congratulations on reading so much this summer! In just a couple of months, you read half of what I’ve read so far this year 👀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! Even though it was very strange, hopefully I was able to make the best of it.😌
      Yay- thank you! I’m so excited that once I catch up I can watch them as they come out because that’s just next level fan status. When I watch The Hunger Games, I’ll definitely mention it because I would love to talk about them with anyone. Catching Fire was my favorite book in the series that that makes me really excited for the movie!
      Ahh, thank you- ahh, it sounds much more impressive than it actually is when you put it that way, especially because I only read a few books before summer this year. But thank you! xx

      Liked by 2 people

  11. […] Olivia @ Purely OliviaNaemi @ A Book Owl’s CornerChana & Malka @ Paper ProcrastinatorsNicole @ Sorry, I’m BookedKerys @ The Everlasting LibraryVicky @ What Vicky ReadCielo @ Bellerose ReadsEmer @ A Little Haze Book BlogNoura @ The Perks of Being NouraHaley @ Fangirl FuryXandra @ Starry Sky Books […]


  12. Before I start rambling, the sunrise photos are hands down GORGEOUS.
    32 books is so good! Wow, I haven’t even read 32 books this year alone yet haha 😂 I hope that you found some new all-time favourites this summer break. I personally believe that reading is a life long journey, and that enjoying the process > the total number. I think that it goes way further, and the most important thing is your love of reading.

    Oof, “make up for whatever disaster is about to come its way during the school year” what a mood. Our school year plan was finally released yesterday, and everyone is so confused haha. Hopefully the upwards trend recently will slow down:)) Really thankful that I am still able to physically go, even if it’s just 2 hours a day!

    Wow the noodles look amazing. Virtually feed me please, Chef Olivia. Weird comment but we have similar countertops haha (why am I always noticing things out of context). College wow, same here. The apps this year will be very interesting, don’t know how that’s going to work yet. How’s your research going? I know that it may feel overwhelming, but I’m sending you positive energy! I will cry again and again over folklore, I’ve been listening to it so much that it’s starting to become concerning haha. Have your listened to the lakes yet? I saw it on youtube yesterday and… let’s say I was internally screaming.

    My summer ends in just under three weeks, I’m also trying to complete as much goals I had set beforehand. I was doing summer school the entire July as well as the first week of August, so I just started to relax and chill a week ago. It’s like I forgot how to… do nothing?? I love making korean rice cakes and udon noodles, it’s so simple, quick, and easy to make (my life motto for the kitchen lol).

    So so sorry for this long comment, I really missed commenting and reading your posts! Sending you the best of luck for the school year, and take care of yourself! Loved reading this post xx

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    • Ahh, Aria, thank you so much!💛 Oh my goodness, that was so insightful. I love that outlook on reading and I completely agree- especially since I’ve read hardly any books since I wrote this post four months ago. But you’re absolutely right, it’s about the process and the love for reading, not about how much you read.

      I hope your school year has been going well! Fingers crossed that you had a safe semester. I ended up being able to go in person for most of this semester and stayed healthy during that time, though I’m not sure if it was wise for my school to be open…I’m not quite sure what will happen when we return from break though, what with the upwards trends.

      Haha, I love noticing things like similar countertops! Ahh, apps were SO weird this year. I’ve applied by now thankfully- how is it going for you? I know it’s such a crazy time to be making these big decisions and I’m sending you all the best in your application and decision making process. xx Also, I love how this comment is us fangirling about folklore but now we have evermore….what is life?!?

      I hope the end of your summer was relaxing! I am SO sorry this reply is so, so late, I’ve just been getting back into blogging and opened up WordPress for the first time in ages today. Thank you for this very, very kind comment and I hope this finds you well!🥰

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  13. I did a lot of stress baking this summer (which my family appreciated). It turned out to be a good way to deal with stress, with the convenient side-effect of having tasty muffins and cookies to eat afterwards 🙂 I didn’t use to be that interested in the Marvel movies, but they’ve grown on me so much ❤ Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Age of Ultron are among my favorites too! I also love Captain America: Civil War. That ukulele on the wall makes me happy. I feel like the ukulele is the instrument of happiness 🙂 Best of luck with the new school year!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stress baking does sound like the ideal way to deal with stress- I hope that you are less stressed now and that you have now found some new baking favorites.😌 Oh, I definitely liked Captain America: Civil War too, I think it had some of the best banter of all the movies, I just got a little sad when they were fighting against each other, haha. Yes, you’re so right- the ukulele just represents such lighthearted happiness. Thank you so much, I’m so sorry for this late reply! I hope you’re well. xx

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  14. I loved reading this post! I have to agree with you, this was certainly the most abnormal summer of my life. Like you, I usually spend the summer reading, going on a vacation, and meeting up with my friends. This year, though, we ended up cancelling out vacation (even though it was within the country’s borders, we just didn’t feel like going) and I haven’t been able to meet up with all of my friends. :/ Also, trying to think up safe outdoor programs is hard! Usually, we can go and eat out, watch a film, or shop in the mall etc., this time around though we obviously didn’t want to do these things.

    Anyhow! Congrats on completing quite a few of your goals! (And the reading goal is SO CLOSE, I absolutely support counting that.) I can’t cook for the life of me, but I’ve been trying to bake during isolation, though I ended up stopping when the weather became extremely hot. I haven’t seen a lot of Marvel movies, but I love the Thor movies, especially the third one, and I also really enjoyed Captain Marvel. 🙂

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    • Thank you so much for reading, Veronika, and for this kind comment! I’m so sorry I’m so late to replying to it. I hope you were still able to have a somewhat lovely and very safe summer! I agree, finding outdoor things to do with friends has been a continuous struggle, but thankfully as the weather has gotten cooler where I live, it’s become easier.

      Thank you again!! xx I admire your baking capabilities, I am not naturally talented at it, haha.

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  15. Yay for sunrises and Marvel movies! Two of my favorite things 🤗🤍 Summer is my favorite season and I’m mourning it, but I’m so grateful because my summer feels so FULL. It had its ups and downs (though I’m refusing to admit it’s over for good!) but it was definitely full of life, and I couldn’t ask for more.

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  16. Hi Olivia!
    I loved reading about your summer bucket list. And yes I’m also a bit sad that summer is almost over… This summer definitely wasn’t the same as our usual summers!
    That’s great to hear that you’ve accomplished most of the things on your list. I think the important part is to enjoy everything along the way and it sounds like you have 🙂 It’s wonderful that you had the chance to spend lots of time with your family! I really hope that you will find motivation to write again!
    Wishing you the best for the last bit of summer 🙂

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  17. You still managed to do lots of things, that’s amazing!! ❤ I could *never* wake up early just to see the sunrise, but I bet it was beautiful to see!! Good luck with your college applications! Since the process here in Portugal is so different (pretty much only exams, there are no essays or interviews), I don't have any useful advice, but remember to take care of you (it's a stressful time), to choose something you enjoy studying and preparing as much as you can, though knowing you will not be able to control everything and that's completely fine 🙂

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  18. Ahh despite everything it sounds like you’ve had such a productive summer overall, wow. I am amazed by the amount of books you’ve read, wow! And I’m just so happy you loved A Quiet Kind of Thunder, it’s one of my favorite books of all times, really ❤ I'm glad you figured out that you miss writing, sometimes all it takes is this little revelation to really throw yourself back into it. You can do this! ❤

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  19. ahh, even though this summer was a weird one, it seems like you did great things 🥺 i actually spent my entire summer at home lmao. i haven’t set foot outside my house since March, i think 😭 it’s amazing that you woke up early to see the sunrise and cooked a meal for your family 🥺🥺 also, best of luck with college prep! the university admission is very different here, so i don’t think i can give you any useful advice, but i’m wishing you all the luck anyway ❤ and ahaha i relate to that writing bit. i guess i did spend a lot of time writing during summer, but i still didn't get much progress done because writing is so hard :(( hope we can both still write even though the school year is upon us :")

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you, Caitlin! Even though I’m replying to this comment a million years later, I hope you had a safe and relaxing summer.💛 Thank you so much for the well wishes with college admissions! I’ve got the worst of it done now, and I’m very grateful to be done (minus the decision making parts). It’s been forever since we talked and I really hope this comment finds you well!! Sending you a virtual hug. xx

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  20. pls ignore me being incredibly late to this post, but you got super close to your book goal for the summer and that’s awesome! i am super unproductive during the summer and that’s typically the months i read the least, so i am already anticipating myself and trying to read as much as i can this spring (it will be spring for me here obv), so i can compensate for my slump during the summer months, hahah.

    i tried watching all the marvel movies in anticipation to endgame last year, but i couldn’t, hahah. there are so many of them, and they’re also soooo long! i think my favorite has to be captain american: the first avenger and the first avengers is badass too (i love loki, hahah). i hope you enjoy your watch of endgame, it’s super intense but i had a lot of fun!

    congrats on following through your goal of watching the sunrise! i remember waking so early during school days that i got to watch the sunrise practically everyday lmao so during the summer, i did nothing else but sleep in as much as possible!

    the meal looks delicious! i’m glad you enjoyed your summer, hope the new school year treats you well, olivia!

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    • Please ignore me being four months late to responding to comments on this post…I am so very sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you on this, but thank you for all the kind words, Lais.💛

      There are SO many Marvel movies! My family dedicated basically a month of our summer to watching them and we still didn’t end up finishing. I love all the Avengers ones as well, their banter is so wholesome and I love it when they come together. Ohh, I did end up watching Endgame and it was SO good but there were lots of tears involved.

      Thank you so much again! I hope you’ve been doing well. xx


  21. I love seeing the sunrise and the sunset to be honest I just love the sky in general haha. I will say though that in order to see the sunrise better it’s best to find either ‘higher’ ground or an area where there’s more open space I’ve found. I live in the countryside so the I can easily see the sunrise without leaving my house and it’s colours are always pretty haha. (one time I woke up at like 4am so I could go out with my dad to take photos of the sunrise and I still think about it now…the sky was oranges, pinks and fluffy clouds. Was really pretty!) Ooops can you tell I really love a good sunrise xD

    I’m not a huge fan of cooking to be honest, although it is growing on me, I prefer baking and I love baking cheese scones hehe. I did bake a cake though for my blogs birthday it was a plum cake and was very yummy! I’m glad you still had a wonderful summer though, even if it wasn’t the one you originally envisioned! I’m still trying process like the last few months, doesn’t feel real that summers over already.

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    • Ahh, me too! I usually go for seeing the sunset because I’m always awake at that time, but it was nice to switch it up. Oh, that sunrise sounds so beautiful and I’m glad you live in a place where you can easily see the sunrise anytime you want to.☺️

      Oh my goodness that sounds SO good! I wish I were talented at baking- I can make some things with the help of a recipe and other people, but I don’t have a knack for it. Thank you for this comment, Clo! I’m sorry I’m so late in replying to it. xx

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  22. Hi! I’ve read so many books as well this summer, probably around 50! You can find the hunger games movies on Netflix, have you read the books? I actually did read and watch harry potter for the first and while I liked the writing, I certainly did not like the words JK Rowling was putting out. My school starts reallyy soon and the anxiety is kicking in, anyway, I hope you have a great day! Also, I have a blog as well! It’s really new and its called Purely Bliss, you can find it here:

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, wow, that’s amazing! Congratulations on reading so much.🥰 I have read The Hunger Games books and Harry Potter- just need to get around to THG movies. This reply is so late and I apologize for that, but I hope school has been going well for you! I’ll be sure to check out your blog. xx


  23. I’m so happy that you were able to accomplish so many of your goals! This summer was definitely a weird one, and I feel like it went by super fast and super slow at the same time? I love Marvel movies! I think I’ve seen all of them besides for The Hulk and Iron Man 3. I’ve also technically never seen the Hunger Games movies! For some reason, I’ve only seen the last one, Mockingjay part 2, but I’d love to see the other ones at some point.

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    • Thank you so much, Chana! Agh, I know, right? I’m so sorry to be replying to this months later, but even after some time away, I still remember this summer as being so strange. Oooh, I haven’t seen The Hulk either, but I did really like Iron Man 3. Here’s to hoping we can both watch The Hunger Games movies soon, haha! Sending you all the best. xx


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