Reasons I’ve Been a Blogger for 3 Years + A Peek At My Blogging Journal!

It’s hard to believe, but I have been a blogger for over three years.

I’ve been a Weebly blogger and a WordPress blogger. I’ve written posts about food and books and writing and so many others things (but mostly books). I’ve commented on blogs, I’ve had my blog commented on, I’ve had long posts and short posts and everything in between. I’ve been frustrated and sad, but most of all I have felt joy.


Once I started blogging, I didn’t want to stop. The first half of this post will be reasons why I’ve stayed on this journey- why I love being a blogger. 🙂


1. I love sharing my thoughts with other people. It would be a boring world if everyone just kept their ideas inside their head!

2. There’s nothing like the thrill of getting an email that someone has commented or liked my post. It may seem simple, but it makes my day every single time! Thank you.😊

3. I’ve learned about so many other blogs! I have discovered so many other blogs that are so wonderful to read and relate to.

4. It’s nice to know people out there can relate. Did I love a book? Hate the book? Ship these two characters? Sometimes it seems like I’m the only one I know who feels the way I do (at least in real life), but now I can read other blogs that feel the same way or connect with my readers through the comments.

5. I love to write. Writing is a passion of mine. I’m lucky to be able to do it whenever I want, through this little corner of the Internet.

6. It’s given me a creative outlet. I’m definitely a creative person. I just love to create. As cliche as it sounds, it’s the truth. What would I do if I had to keep all of these thoughts bottled inside of me? Probably scream.

7. I’ve felt the satisfaction of improvement. While I still have a small blog, in the past few months I have begun to see growth. It is a wonderful feeling to see that your work is paying off and people are reading your blog!

8. I’m a really shy person in real life. I’ve learned that a lot of bloggers are like this. We’re shy in real life, and therefore don’t share our opinions aloud too often. T y p i n g is a whole lot different than talking, let me tell you. 😉

9. I have an honest-to-goodness love for books. Books are amazing! I love reading them, I love talking about them, I love everything about them! They’re my main inspiration for my blog.

10. I am dedicated. The other day I was telling a friend about my blog (hey Liz, if you’re reading this!) and when I said I’d been doing this since 2014 she said, “Wow, you’re really dedicated!” And that’s true. I’m really dedicated to this.


Now, you get a peek into my new blogging journal! I was inspired by this post of Charis’. Meaning my journal is pretty similar to hers, so it’s important that you know all the creativity credit belongs to her. 😉 I just wanted to share mine here!


I’m using a journal I got for Christmas a few years back- I think the title fits its purpose well! The image on the right is my cover page.


On the first spread I have just some general blog info, and then a table of contents. I made the mistake of using Sharpies, so everything is bleeding through a bit. Oh well. 😉


Next I have some of my favorite resources for images, editing, etc. and my favorite blogs. (This post was scheduled in advance, so the ‘favorite blog’ page isn’t quite up to date.)

The next spread features a goals page (which I covered because some things on there are secret projects of mine!) and a few post idea pages (also covered, for obvious reasons).


I started my notebook near the end of August, so I set up for September first. (Once again, please excuse the bled-through Sharpie.)

Finally, I set some goals for September and left a place for me to look back on the month, then a stats page, too. AND GUYS. I actually post planned for September! In August!

Since I knew I’d be really busy with the start of school, I planned out September’s post (and covered them up, of course!). I didn’t know if I’d need any more room for anything, so I just left a page blank.

And that’s my blogging journal! A big thank you to Charis for doing a post about this and being my inspiration and guide. 🙂 #organizeyourworld


Before this post is over, I want to take a moment and recognize that today (if you’re reading this on the day it was published) is September 11th. Sixteen years ago was a dark day in American history, and the lives of so many were taken. Please take the time today to pray for the families of 9/11 victims.🙏🏻

On a similar note, all of my thoughts and prayers are going to victims of Hurricane Harvey, as they deal with the aftermath, and those caught in Hurricane Irma. (And any other hurricanes that may come along?)

I’d also like to note that I am hosting a Q&A next week on September 25th. If you’d like to still ask any questions, then go ahead and comment on this post.

Now, what are the reasons you blog? Why do you love blogging? And do you have a blogging notebook, and what do you think of mine? See you in the comments.


33 thoughts on “Reasons I’ve Been a Blogger for 3 Years + A Peek At My Blogging Journal!

  1. Wow, you’re SO organized 😂 Happy 3rd Blogoversary 🎉🎉🎉 !! I’m a newbie to book blogging, so I never had the idea of a blohging notebook before! I think if I ever make one, it’d look a bit like yours, for maximum neatness ! Thank you for sharing this 💙💙

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh wow, I totally need to start a blogging journal. Yours is so pretty and organized ❤ Thanks for the inspiration! And I found my blog on the “favorite blogs” page 😄 thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I like your blogging journal!! I don’t have a blogging journal but I am a very list/goal/planning oriented person so I would probably want to make some sort of plan if I did have a blog. I really like all the cool designs and the new layout of your blog. Maybe a life hack post just relating to anything would be fun… I like life hacks because I’m a perfectionist. It’s interesting that you said you are really shy… I don’t see you as being shy maybe it’s cuz i’m your sister!! Have a fab day good post sista

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Carter! Or should I say SNAPE LOVING TRAITOR SISTER OF MINE. 😉
      I am glad you like my blog…and maybe I can do a life hacks post sometime! Or you can, haha.
      Hmmm, I’m surprised you don’t see me as shy. But then again you didn’t know I had braces either.


  4. I agree that a genuine love of books and the desire to talk about them with other people is what let me to blogging. Plus, even though I was drawn to the book community through BookTube, I much prefer writing as a medium to making videos.

    And thanks so much for being an early supporter of my blog! I totally agree with you on the thrill of a new like or comment and can’t tell you how much it’s meant as I’ve started out 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely! It was one of my biggest motivators. I’ve never checked out BookTube, but it’s something I should look into. (As a source of entertainment, not for me actually making videos! 😉 )

      AHH YOU ARE SO WELCOME! The thrill is the best thing in the world and I’m glad I can give it to you. ❤️Your blog is awesome, and I know it will continue to grow!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Whattttt wow 3 years?! #experiencedblogger *claps* All my school websites are on Weebly so that used to be the only blog making website place (what) that I had heard of UNTIL my mom told me I should start a website on WordPress instead.

    Omg I totally ADMIRE everyone who makes those journals because they are sooooo beautiful and I’m jealous because I haven’t made time to make one. YET. I reallyyyy want to! I should’ve done that during all my free time this summer…hahaha. Yours looks super good!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats on 3 years of blogging that’s AMAZING. And I also loved your list! I’m the same with so many of those…I love the satisfaction of blogging and it’s also really exciting to see your blog grow and like learn how to do it better. Soooo much love for that for me. :’) And I’m super shy too so like blogging is a great way to still discuss and share about books!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I have no journal but I can relate to so many things about blogging. Especially being shy in a real life and when it’s easier to express my thoughts and opinions just blogging.
    Also after I write one post I immediately start planning another one and this is something I like. It’s like a constant internal monologue in my head -)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, THREE YEARS that’s amazing!! I started blogging in earnest a little less than a year ago, and I guess I started it because I started writing again. I mean. I have ALWAYS loved writing. But I kind of let the world’s notion of artists talk me out of it for a while there, and I was profoundly unhappy for a very long time, until I realized that writing IS my passion, and I’m happiest when I’m writing and reading! So I started reading a lot again, I started writing (by joining NaNo haha) and I decided to fire up my blog again with a new name and new everything! It’s been a long journey but so worth it as I have discovered amazing blogs and the people behind them, made awesome friends on bookstagram, and most important I AM WRITING BOOKS. It feels so good. I don’t have a blogging journal but my bullet journal does have blogging notes/goals/plans in it! Love this post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Esther! 🙂
      I feel you completely. I’m so happy that you’ve found a way to combine your passions of reading and writing by book blogging. Blogging is so great!
      Ooh, a bullet journal! I’ve always wanted one of those.❤️I’m so glad you enjoyed my post- thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment!

      Liked by 1 person

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