5 Hufflepuff Book Recommendations // ft. a collab bringing you all the hogwarts house feels!!

Us Potterheads are very obsessed with our Hogwarts Houses.

From my first time reading the series, when I thought I was definitely a Gryffindor just like Harry, to a few years ago when I decided I was a Ravenclaw, to taking the Pottermore test and realizing Hufflepuff is where my heart is, I’ve always loved having House pride and hearing what houses other readers were.

Nowadays that the stereotype of the Houses only being good, bad, smart, and kind have (I think? I hope?) been mostly abolished, it’s even more fun to do everything House-oriented. Buy merch! Put it in your bio! Create an aesthetic for your House! Shout it from the rooftops! And, most importantly, give book recommendations based on your House. 😉

Blog Title - Design #1 (49)

Today I’m going to be sharing five book recommendations based on the Hufflepuff House (#puffpride) and I’m so excited to be posting this alongside three other bloggers I love and admire, Charis, Kelly, and Xandra. Kudos to Charis for putting this all together and finding Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff (that’s me) bloggers to share recommendations for their House!

I will be linking all the other posts at the end of this post so you can also go read a list of recommendations for each of the other Houses! I really hope you go read them and see all the incredible recommendations each blogger has brought to the table.

Before I get started, I just wanted to give a quick disclaimer that this is not the first time I’ve seen this post done! I think House-based recommendations are a fairly common topic, so if you’ve done this and I use some of the same books as you, that is definitely purely accidental and rest assured I don’t have a good enough memory to copy anyone’s post, like, ever. Some books are just so Hufflepuff-esque that I’m sure they show up on rec lists all the time.

Without any more of me talking, let’s get right into the recommendations!


I Love You So MochiAn artistic main character with a quirky sense of style? A spring break trip to Tokyo to reunite with estranged family members? A soft, thoughtful boy? This pastel cover? This book screams Hufflepuff to me.

I Love You So Mochi is just as adorable as its title (us Hufflepuffs love a good pun) and I honestly couldn’t help but make audible “aww” noises when I was reading this book. I think the cover really captures the true of essence of the story, which is a soft, loving, sweet tale of a girl finding her path in life and establishing relationships along the way.

The descriptions of all the clothes Kimi designed were amazing, her grandparents were actually adorable (I mean, her grandpa was so enthralled with email he admitted he sometimes emailed his wife from the other room just to say hi, can you get any cuter), the setting was gorgeous, and I loved the addition of the love interest. This is a perfect Hufflepuff read for sure.


Emmy & OliverTo me, Emmy & Oliver is so quintessentially Hufflepuff because at its heart, it’s about friendship. It’s about finding your way back to someone, realizing you both have grown up, but also seeing that your friendship didn’t go away.

Hufflepuffs are loyal, we’re kind, we stick by our friends and offer hugs when things get rough and even when things aren’t rough at all we just like hugs. Emmy and Oliver went through so many trials in their young lifes, but they found friendship even when things seemed broken.

I also see this book as being very Hufflepuff because it’s soft but powerful, quiet but beautiful. It is the opposite of a loud book, but that doesn’t make it any less impactful and didn’t mean I cared about the characters or the outcome of the story any less.


To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)Okay, I know this one is probably one of the most frequently talked about Hufflepuff books, but I have to include it, because is it even a Hufflepuff book list if you don’t talk about To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before?

Lara Jean likes to bake. She likes to stay at home on Friday night and read. She likes the vintage vibe. (Look at her room on the cover, for goodness sake.) She prefers to hang out with her sisters over going to parties. She’s a hopeless romantic who writes letters to the boys that she likes. If she isn’t a Hufflepuff character, then I don’t know who is.

I think this book (and the movie, for that matter) is so wonderfully Hufflepuff and Lara Jean’s shy, bookish, romantic self is someone I can relate to so much. It’s the perfect Puff aesthetic™ and never fails to remind me that it’s okay to be quietly beautiful in your own way.


Famous in a Small TownIf you thought I was going to be able to go this whole post without mentioning at least one Emma Mills book, well, you would be wrong. I really wanted to talk about them all but I do have at least half an ounce of self control left. I decided the *most* Hufflepuff of her books was Famous in a Small Town.

Even just thinking about this book fills my heart with joy and puts a smile on my face. Emma Mills’s books are like getting a warm hug and even after I’ve finished them, it’s almost like they’re still hugging me.

This book is no different. With its incredibly wholesome friendship group (we get to see their group chat!! and they’re crazy but so close and it’s beautiful!!), the softest boy whose name is August (he reads books to his baby nieces with accents for each character and he also has strong opinions about lasagna), and truly hilarious dialogue.

Underneath it all were layers of loyalty, friendship, and love, and that’s what Hufflepuff is all about at the end of the day.


A Thousand Perfect NotesThe amount of love I have for A Thousand Perfect Notes is absurd. I’m so grateful the blogosphere exists because otherwise I never would have read it (twice, because I’ve reread it already and have owned it for barely over a year).

Even though it’s heartbreaking, it’s heartbreakingly beautiful, and I think that’s the part about it that would appeal to a Hufflepuff. I know I love a good cry every once in a while, and sometimes it’s important to know those emotions are there waiting to be untapped.

Plus, there is the MOST precious cinnamon roll of a character named Beck and he’s awkward and sweet and absolutely perfect and I think he’s definitely a Hufflepuff.

There’s music, friendship, cake, romance, and if that isn’t a recipe for a book designed specifically to break a Hufflepuff’s heart (but also put them back together again?) then I don’t know what is. I couldn’t recommend it more!


I truly hope this list could give you some book recommendations and (hopefully?) grow your TBR even more. Since being a Hufflepuff is such a key characteristic of my personality, I absolutely loved getting to explore the presence of Hufflepuff-ism in books that I love. Turns out, a lot of my favorite books give me Hufflepuff vibes, and now that I think about it more, that makes a lot of sense.

Even if you’re not a Hufflepuff, I hope you’ll give some of these books a chance! Of course, you don’t have to be a Puff to want to read books about soft boys and friendship and baking. That’s the great thing about Houses- yes, you belong to one or two or maybe more, but parts of you relate to all of the others as well.

Please don’t forget to go read the other three posts in this collab to satisfy your Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor recommendation needs! And also just because they’re lovely and you should read their posts.

Thank you so much to these wonderful bloggers for collaborating with me, and thank you to all of you for reading this post! I hope you enjoyed and that you’re all having an amazing week, and that this added some much needed Harry Potter happiness to your day.

What’s your Hogwarts house? Have you read any of these books? Do they give you Hufflepuff vibes? Are you a sucker for soft boys? I’d love to chat with you in the comments.

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Credits for my featured image >> Photo by Geoffrey Coonen on Unsplash

78 thoughts on “5 Hufflepuff Book Recommendations // ft. a collab bringing you all the hogwarts house feels!!

  1. I’m also a hufflepuff! 💛 Everyone is always surprised when I revealed that I’m a hufflepuff- they always guess me being in the other 3 houses but never hufflepuff 😂 I’ve only read Lara Jean books and I can she’s the most hufflepuff character I’ve ever met! The whole book also feels like what I imagine the common room would feel like: safe, calm, and fluffy. Not that it meant the story without its tension, but it just feels like my happy place, you know?

    This is a fantastic list, I can’t wait to give the other books a try! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, a fellow Hufflepuff! Haha, I feel like people might guess I’m a Ravenclaw if they only know me from school, but with my close friends I’m a pretty glaringly obvious Hufflepuff.😂YES, I totally get what you mean about the Lara Jean books! They have the best vibe, and it never fails to satisfy me and make me happy.

      Yay! Thank you so much, Tasya. ❤


  2. I WANT TO READ ALL OF THESE. I think I read To All the Boys I Loved Before but I can reread it, of course.
    And, yes, I love Harry Potter but they should have had better Hufflepuff representation. I’m a Gryffindor and I even got tired of how EVERYONE was a Gryffindor.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yesss…I really want to read I Love You So Mochi and A Thousand Perfect Notes…
    And I’m so glad to find another lover of Emma Mills! I’m currently reading Famous In A Small Town, and this just made me so excited.

    This post idea is so awesome, and I need to check out the rest of these books! 💛

    Liked by 2 people

  4. AH I LOVE THESE RECOMMENDATIONS so much Olivia they’re wonderful and so Hufflepuff-y haha. I need to read I love you so mochi, it sounds like a wonderful read I’d adore ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh my goodness Emmy & Oliver and I Love You So Mochi sound incredible!! I will totally be adding those two titles to my list, regardless of the fact that I’m a Ravenclaw :’) Kelly’s post was next in my reader, so I’m so excited to see what a fellow Ravenclaw would recommend! Gotta check those other two out as well x

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Awww these are all such amazing recs! I LOVE them, Olivia! And this collab has been so much fun to do! ❤ Beck is the sweetest cinnamon roll in the world, and I adore him! August and Joey are also such precious characters. I haven't read any Emma Mills books before (the shame! I know!), but I really want to read Famous in a small town! I also need to pick up To all the Boys and I Love You So Mochi soon! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Kelly!❤️It was such a fun collab, I’m very happy we got to take part in it. All the characters in ATPN have my heart and soul (except for Beck’s mom, of course??). Ohh, if you’re going to start Emma Mills I feel like Famous in a Small Town is a good one to start with! It’s one of my favorites, but not my all time favorite of hers, so I feel as if it sets a good starting expectation, if that makes sense. Happy reading, my friend!


  7. As a fellow Hufflepuff, I love & appreciate this post to the nth degree!! I can’t wait to get my hands on I Love You So Mochi, even just the cover & title scream Hufflepuff 😍 Love love LOVE the recommendations!

    💛 Ngoc

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I thought to myself… If she doesn’t put To All The Boys on here she is no longer a Hufflepuff. XD These are such fantastic books! I adore TATBILB and A Thousand Perfect Notes! Honestly any contemporary novel screams Hufflepuff, which I absolutely love! (Not to mention Hufflepufd x Slytherin makes an epic pair but shh) Thank you so much for joining me and the other girls for such a fun collab — we wouldn’t have been able to do this without you! 💛🖤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why is that so true?? I think it’s a requirement for all Hufflepuff recommendation lists.😂You’re so right- contemporary usually equals Hufflepuff, which is probably why contemporary is my favorite genre and I can be found devouring them on a daily basis. XD Thank you again for making this collab happen! We owe it all to you.❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Your Hufflepuff-ness really jumped out in this post, and I love it. I enjoyed reading all of your recommendations too! Ah, this post was just so fun to read 😍

    Ahhh, I’m dying to read A Thousand Perfect Notes!! Cait has an amazing blog, so I really want to support her by reading her books. It’s also been such a long while since I’ve read a hard hitting contemporary :”) To answer you question,yes, I’m such a sucker for soft boys. I love how they’re gaining popularity right now, because they’re way better to read about than bad boys!

    Also, I’m a Ravenclaw, haha! I always wanted to be a Slytherin, so I took multiple tests multiple times, but I never got Slytherin 😦 Like ever. I then identified as a Gryffindor after that (because my two most common results were Gryffindor and Ravenclaw), but I grew to identify with the traits of Ravenclaw, so I relate to your journey to becoming a Hufflepuff!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I can’t deny it, I’m a Hufflepuff through and through!💛Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Caitlin- that’s so sweet of you to say, don’t mind me over here smiling so wide at my computer screen right now.

      I really love ATPN! I wouldn’t have ever heard of it if I weren’t in the blogosphere, but I would have enjoyed it just as much even if I hadn’t been reading Paper Fury and seeing reviews of it everywhere. Definitely worth a read. Aww, soft boys have my heart! Seriously, give me a book with soft boys and I’ll love you forever.

      I love that! I feel like the fact that you took the test in order to become a Slytherin is a very Slytherin thing to do. XD I can see you, even from me knowing you just based off your blogging and our comment conversations, as being a Ravenclaw!! Thank you so much for this wonderful comment, Caitlin.


  10. I love posts like these ☺️ and all of the books that you’ve mentioned definitely sound like they fit Hufflepuff house (: I particularly want to read To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and hope to do so by the end of the year. Most of these are on my TBR though… Or well all of them once I update it 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so, so much!💗I hope you get to read TATBILB, because it’s the ultimate Hufflepuff book, not to mention there’s a super cute movie out to go along with it, so you have that to look forward to when you finish. Happy reading, and I hope I didn’t overwhelm your TBR too much, haha!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you ❤ Fingers crossed I’ll get to it soon-ish as I do love what I’ve heard about it and do want to see the movie that you mentioned too (: Happy reading to you too (: and don’t worry, my TBR is constantly overwhelmed :L

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Yay for Hufflepuff pride! I always thought I was a Gryffindor before taking the Pottermore test too, but I always just wanted to be the same as the heroes 😂 I already wanted to read I Love You So Mochi but now that I know it’s a total Hufflepuff book I want to read it even more 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I think that was all of us.😂It just seemed so appealing to be in the same house as the Golden Trio! Yay, I’m happy I could inspire you to read I Love You So Mochi- I love it so much, and definitely recommend.


  12. I love reading this and you put so much thought into describing each book and why it fits the hufflepuff house— my sister is a hufflepuff and I consider it my secondary house. I think hufflepuff books are wonderful– I am all for soft, kind characters especially if they like food as well.
    I love you so mochi sounds adorable and I can’t wait to get my hands on it and the grandpa does sound entirely wonderful!!
    Emma Mills has been on my TBR for a while and I can’t wait to experience her books and the wonderful friendship groups!!
    I would love to read A Thousand Perfect Notes as well– it sounds so sweet and emotional. Plus cinnamon roll character– yes please!!!
    Wonderful post Olivia!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, Sophie, thank you so much!!💗You are SO kind, this comment made my day. I’m with you that Hufflepuff books are just the softest, sweetest books and never fail to make me smile (and sometimes cry).
      The grandpa WAS wonderful, I feel like he was probably my favorite character? Adorable grandparents in books are amazing.
      EMMA MILLS, I cannot recommend enough. I’m very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts on any of her books that you may read.
      It is the best!
      Thank you so much again!☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Aww, I love this post! I’m a Hufflepuff too, and I like that you described us as “soft but powerful”— so true! I’ll have to check out I Love You So Mochi. It sounds like the sweetest book, and I love that it takes place in Japan too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Jackie! I feel like that really sums up Hufflepuffs- we may be quiet, but that doesn’t mean we have any less of an impact on the world.💓It IS the sweetest book- I couldn’t recommend it more, and I hope you love it!


  14. hi!!! it’s been a while, sorry about that. how’ve you been? this post is a great idea, and oh my gosh, Beck is 1000% a hufflepuff. I, on the other hand, am a slytherin…. and my autocorrect just tried to put ‘southern’ instead. lovely post, sorry this is a pretty short comment, I’ll be back xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • HI RHI!! I’ve missed you- it’s my fault it’s been a while, I’ve been extremely absent lately, sadly. I’ve been okay- very stressed and busy, but there have been good moments, too, in the midst of the crazy.😌What about you? And Beck IS A PUFF, I couldn’t agree more.


  15. Omg, this post is so cute I love it SO much? Harry Potter is the g and I, like so many, am obsessed with Hogwarts Houses so this is PERFECT. I LOVED Famous in a Small Town & TATBILB – they are so soft and wonderful and I – my HEART. I love you so mochi was so cute and soft and yesss for Japanese rep! Everything else is defo on my TBR and I really wanna read them right now!! Off I go to check out the other posts, and I can’t wait to get more Hogwarts houses recommendations!! Happiest of reading, love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Taasia! How do you always leave the sweetest comments ever that just leave me smiling ear to ear??😭💞I relate, pieces of my heart have been handed out to all Emma Mills novels and TATBILB and I Love You So Mochi and…many other books as well. They all have my heart and have yet to give it back. Thank you again, and so much happy reading to you as well!!


  16. Wow, I’ve read two of these books! And watched the movie adaptation of a third! Pretty good, in my opinion.
    Oh my goodness, the grandfather in I Love You So Mochi?? That reminds me of how I saw this news article about how this guy’s grandmother searched Google with manners, like Dear Google, can you please tell me the four Harry Potter houses? Thank you. The guy put it on the internet, and Google ended up seeing it!
    Okay, are you excited for the second To All the Boys I Loved Before movie or what?? The release date as of right now is February 12 of next year, which is four days after my birthday and one day after my friend’s who also liked the first movie-I’m really hoping we’ll watch it together around our birthdays. And maybe bake some cookies???
    I love this collab, it’s awesome :))

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    • That is good! It’s unusual that I read a post where I’ve actually read the majority of the books mentioned.
      Aww, that’s so cute! That’s really funny. I love sweet stories like that because they remind me that there’s so much good in the world.
      I am excited!! Mostly. The part of me that isn’t excited is because I didn’t love the plot of the second book so I’m pretty apprehensive for the movie…but I’m excited because I love a good cute movie.😂The baking cookies and watching it on your birthday sounds amazing, and like something Lara Jean would do!
      Thank you, Annie!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Me TOO.
        I feel like they might take some liberties with the book plot if they don’t think it’s not good-there’s no way they’ll want to let down everybody with how good the first one was. Good cute movies and books are the best. Haha, channeling my inner Lara Jean.
        And you’re welcome :))

        Liked by 1 person

            • Yeah, at least I think they have? I’m pretty sure Lana Condor posted something on her Instagram a while back about how they were done with the filming of everything. I don’t know when it’s coming out, though- I bet they’ll drag it out longer after the second one.
              Speaking of movies, have you seen Frozen 2 yet?? I haven’t, but I’m SO excited to. I feel like our age group is the one that actually remembers Frozen coming out really well, and it’s the only Disney princess movie I ever saw in theaters right away, so I feel a connection to it.

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              • Ahhh, no I still haven’t watched it! I will watch it by the end of the Christmas break-mark my words. Okay, well not definitely, but like 99.9999%!!! Haha, it’s funny because the other day there was a little girl-first grade maybe-and her older sister was talking about how she’s been watching the first Frozen on repeat! So the younger kids are catching the hype as well it seems like. I absolutely love Frozen.

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  17. TATBILB is such a Hufflepuff book xD But I love it! I think that even tho lots of people love this kind of recs post, it’s never gonna be the same, because they recommend different books. Loved your post!! I’m a Slytherin, btw 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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