My Summer 2020 Bucket List, Socially Distanced Edition // My Tentative TBR, Lots of Movies, & Writing Again!!

Summer 2020 is…here.

Besides the weather and lack of school, I don’t know if I’ve ever had a summer that felt quite so un-summer like. The fact that we never went back to school after my spring break has resulted in the past few months feeling like an odd extension of summer, what with the free time and my sister living at home and me actually going outdoors to bike a lot. But, despite me feeling like it’s not summer, it is!

Beige Grey White Square Modern Furniture Design Blog Title (4)

In honor of the months of vacation ahead of us, today’s post is a bucket list for the summer! This is a collab with both Annie and Lucy, of Zoelogist and Not All Who Sonder respectively. Annie and I did this collab last year too (and I find it pretty awesome that we’re making it a tradition), and this year we’re joined by Lucy, who just started her blog! I definitely think you should read both of their posts, and a special shoutout to Annie for organizing it all.

Due to the current state of the world, my list is pretty much composed of things I can do on my own, at my house! Things are opening up where I live, but social distancing is still encouraged and since I don’t really know what things will look like by the end of the summer, I’m making this list very at-home based. As an extra spin to make the post more entertaining, this list will also include commentary on each item from Annie and Lucy!

Without further ado- the bucket list!


Read 35 books.

I feel like the amount of books I want to read this summer is a solid way to start out this bucket list, seeing as this is a book blog and all. 35 books is pretty ambitious for me, seeing as I only read 30 books last summer, and I barely made it (I believe I had to read two books the day before school started back).

But given that not only is it summer but that I won’t be traveling anywhere and will probably be at home for the majority of my time, I feel like I can up my amount a little bit! Also, I’m desperately behind on my Goodreads challenge, and summer is basically my only time to catch up.

I’m much more of a mood reader, so I set never set specific TBRs for myself to follow, but here are a few books I’m hoping to get around to this summer~

Clap When You LandThe Fountains of SilenceLucky CallerThe Henna WarsStrange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1)

As a smaller goal within this goal of 35 books, I want to read 5 classics! While I do love classics, I sometimes have a lack of motivation to start them because they can definitely be daunting at first. I wanted to read way more classics, but I know that’s not feasible because knowing me, I will say I’m going to read 10 classics and then end up spending my entire summer reading contemporaries.

Annie: Whoa, the cover you included of Clap When You Land is different from the one that came in from my library. Mine has two nose-to-nose airplanes separating them. And I’m assuming there will be mini-reviews coming as well?? :)) Oh wait, I should probably not leave comments that include questions. You know what, just ignore them.

Lucy: The Fountains of Silence is on my TBR list too!


Watch more Marvel movies.

One of my main goals last summer was to watch all the Marvel movies, but I don’t think I realized how big of a feat that would be until I had already set the goal. I ended up watching about five, and I loved them all! (I mostly watched the Avengers.)

I haven’t continued watching any since then, probably because I don’t usually watch movies during the school year and most of the time I would choose watching a show over watching a movie? However, this summer I want to continue with my goal of watching more Marvel movies! I feel like watching them will help me be more of a well-rounded, educated person on this earth.

Annie: The thing I am most excited to hear about afterwards is who your favorite hero is.

Lucy: One of my friends binge-watched the entirety of the Marvel film series over the course of 3 days in theaters right before Endgame came out, so it’s definitely possible.


Have a Harry Potter marathon, both with the books and the movies.

I haven’t done a Harry Potter reread in over a year or watched all the movies in over a year…so it’s definitely time for this to happen during summer.

Harry Potter GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Me waving goodbye to weeks of my summer as I spend them reading/watching Harry Potter, inevitably getting even more obsessed, writing more posts centered around Harry Potter, and spending all my time reading headcanons on Pinterest. ^^

One of my friends and I did a Harry Potter movie marathon a couple years ago, and we’re hoping to do one again this summer, if we’re able to see each other at some point! Or I might just make my sister watch them all with me. I also definitely want to reread all the books, because the magic has just never gone away for me. Although an important note that I do not support JK Rowling and the transphobic remarks she has made! I love the world of Harry Potter, not the author.

Annie: Wait a second—now I will finally understand everything in your Harry Potter posts!

Lucy: I’ve read all the books multiple times but I still haven’t seen all the movies…maybe this should be on my bucket list too.


Wake up to see the sunrise.

I’m very much a sunset type of person. Not only are there really gorgeous sunsets where I live almost every day, but sunsets take place at the perfect time of the day that don’t include getting up earlier than I normally would.

Still, I feel like I’ve never truly appreciated the beauty of a sunrise, and getting up early to see it and going to sit at a park somewhere with a book and breakfast sounds really appealing to me, and I want to try it!

Annie: Whaat, the sunrise happens about when you wake up?? Okay, I think you wake up earlier than I do. *Olivia here to clarify that sunsets don’t mean I have to wake up early- I do not get up with the sunrise, haha*

Lucy: ^^Agreed.


Make a whole meal for my family.

One of my greatest regrets in life is that I am not talented at nor do I particularly enjoy baking or cooking. I feel like my inner Lara Jean Covey should show itself any day now, but it’s yet to do so??

lara cooks | Tumblr

I have to say, I’d rather eat raw cookie dough out of the container then spend hours making cookie dough from scratch, and my cooking abilities are extended only to items such as scrambled eggs. And toast.

So as much as I feel very unequipped to make a meal (or bake anything), I also feel like this is a critical life skill and it’s necessary that I at least try to make meals for my family by myself? Like a real meal that did not come from a box? The more I write about this, the less confidence I have in myself about this one, but I’m going to try.

Annie: 1. Cookies, scrambled eggs, and toast is definitely a meal. 2. I also agree that I would rather make cookies from pre-made dough than from scratch. I have to confess that I am coming to believe that the glory of from-scratch-cookies is a myth. 3. I think what you’re looking for is some ERPs ;))

Lucy: For some reason my family is very against box-meal cooking 😦 but I still have not learned to easily make full meals for my family. Trying to follow recipes takes me forever.


Make my room cozier.

I spend a lot of time in my room during the summer- during the school year, I’m pretty much just in there to sleep and do my homework. But for summer, I enjoy keeping my room clean at all times and making it a cozy space, so I have a few things I want to do in there over the summer!

  • Repaint my desk– my desk used to be pink, and then we painted it white, but the years have started to rub off the paint a lot.
  • Made a photo cloud on my closet door– I have a lot of pictures printed out that I don’t have a place for, so I want to put a lot of them on my closet door, which right now is pretty blank!
  • Mount my ukulele- even though I haven’t played it in forever because I am a Musical Failure, I want to mount my ukulele next to my bookshelf because right now it’s just leaning against the wall.

Annie: Ahh, ukulele! Arguably the most cheerful instrument. 

Lucy: One of my aesthetic goals has always been to have a photo cloud despite the fact that I dislike being in photos.


Start writing again.

As seen by the header on my blog and the fact that back in 2016/7 I used to publish frequent posts about writing (I really would not recommend seeking those out, your life is much better without them), I used to love writing.

I haven’t written anything besides essays for school and blog posts in well over two years, and even though I’ve figured out that I’m always going to put my passion for reading above writing, there’s no time like the present to return to past loves.

I have so many stories in my google drive from literal years ago?? And they all have absolutely zero plot and are all written in Goudy Old Style size 11 font and half of them start with diary entries but!! I think this summer I’ll actually take a look at them and some of the stories I have written down in physical notebooks.

Everything You Need To Know About The

Ha, this will be my stories that haven’t been edited since 2017 when I finally open back up their documents three years later…anyway, despite the fact that my writing will most definitely never see the light of day, I do miss it, and I can’t wait to go back to some of it.

Annie: You’ll need to explain what Goudy Old Style is. I have never heard of this font before. It sounds like a cheese that sneaked onto the Mayflower by hiding in a Pilgrim’s hat. a link to Goudy Old Style, which is not a cheese, although that made me laugh :))

Lucy: My automatic response reading this would be to find these old writing blog posts.


Do college research.

Writing this down instantly stressed me out, but that’s definitely something I’ll be doing a lot of this summer! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, in-person college tours aren’t going on at the moment, but I’ll probably do some virtual ones.

How is it time to write application essays and find scholarships and make decisions that will impact the rest of my life? I would like to go back to being eleven, please.

Annie: nooooo

Lucy: me too :((


Watch the Hunger Games movies.

I’m not quite sure how I still haven’t watched a single Hunger Games movie, but despite reading the series multiple times (and loving it), I still haven’t actually watched any of the movies!

Hunger Games Reaping GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I’m really excited to watch the books come to life, albeit a little scared too. But I know most people like the movies a lot, and I don’t think I can go on any longer without watching the movies like a good fan. I have seen some clips over the years, and I think I’ll enjoy it!!

On a side note, I also want to rewatch the 2019 version of Little Women for the fourth time (and maybe a fifth time) because my sister has yet to see it (!!) and I really think it’s in her best interest if I force her to watch it with me. Thoughts?

Annie: I think I’ve watched Hunger Games and Catching Fire, but not either of the Mockingjay movies. And ahah, I have yet to watch Little Women as well. But I know, I know, I need to.

Lucy: Note to self: watch 2019 version of Little Women.


That concludes my summer bucket list! I do have a lot more small things on my actual list, which I have written down in my bullet journal, but these are the main things that I actually had enough to say about to include in this post. My goal is to another post at the end of the summer with an update on how much of this I ended up accomplishing!

Thank you to Annie and Lucy for collaborating with me on this! I would highly recommend going to read both of their bucket list posts- Annie’s here and Lucy’s here (I will add the link to Lucy’s when it is published!). I really appreciate you all for reading this post! I hope you’re doing well, staying safe, and taking care of yourselves.✨

I also want to continue to acknowledge the injustices in our world right now and remind you that you can make a difference through protesting (if you are able), signing petitions, donating (and streaming videos to donate if you don’t have any money) being actively anti-racist, and continuing to educate yourself. Though myself and others online have been posting “normal” content again, the conversation is not over and seeking justice, equality, and love for everyone is not a trend. I love you all!💗

What are some of your goals for summer? Do you like to cook? Have you seen the Hunger Games? I’d love to talk with you in the comments.

Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 6.17.37 PM

Credits for image used in featured image > Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash

63 thoughts on “My Summer 2020 Bucket List, Socially Distanced Edition // My Tentative TBR, Lots of Movies, & Writing Again!!

  1. That’s such a great bucket list! I live in the Southern Hemisphere so it’s almost winter here, which is fine by me because I love cold, cozy weather. I’ve just recently reorganized my room and it makes me so happy! Coincidentally, I’ve been planning a THG rewatch with my sisters, who never read the books so that should be fun. Also, 35 books seems like a lot! Good luck with your reading and I hope you can achieve your goal 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Juli!💗 Aww, that sounds so nice and I feel like room reorganization brings so much coziness and happiness, haha. I hope you enjoy your Hunger Games rewatch! I think I’m going to make my sister watch them with me as well. Thank you for this very kind comment, I hope you have a really nice winter season! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You need to watch the Hunger Games! They are one of the best adaptions I have ever watched! I want to make my room a bit cozier, too. (Since I’ll be in it more now since I can’t go out)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was such a fun post to read! I completely agree, this summer feels so strange… I have to keep reminding myself that we’re already in the middle of June! Best of luck with your bucket list! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I 110% agree that it does not feel like summer at all since we’ve (mostly) all been home since, what, march? I just finished today and I submitted my last online final and was like…umm…so…is that it? now what?? Anyways I very much admire you for making this bucket list with these amazing goals because ngl right now my bucket list is… get out of bed before noon sometime?

    Having a Harry Potter marathon sounds amazing, I hope you have fun doing so! I’d like to watch more Marvel movies too; I wanted to see Black Widow before all the theaters got shut down haha because I was so excited for a female led superhero movie but in the grand scheme of things I haven’t actually seen that many marvel movies so might as well use this time to get caught up, right?

    Oh ew college applications yuck haha I don’t envy you there. But you seem like such a wonderful and smart person I’m sure you’ll have no difficulties getting into some amazing schools ❤

    I hope you have a lovely summer, and are able to cross all these off your bucket list ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly! Since I was on spring break when everything went down, it kind of just feels like this has been one long spring break instead of summer. Ahh, congrats on finishing your finals, that’s amazing!🥳 And haha, I sound semi productive until you realize that half of these goals are to watch movies various movies…

      Thanks! I hope I get to do that one soon. Ahh, I wasn’t planning on seeing Black Widow in theaters or anything since I’m not very caught up but she was my favorite Avenger so I should watch it if I’m able! I hope you get to catch on them and enjoy Black Widow.

      Aww, thank you so much, Kay!! That’s so kind of you to say- I hope so, but the whole process is majorly stressing me out, but I’m sure that’s normal?

      Thank you again, this was the nicest comment! I hope you have a wonderful summer too.❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved reading this post so much, Olivia! I hope you have a great summer despite lockdown measures :(( & all of these goals are such great ones to have. I think my only goal for the summer is the spend the free time on my hobbies, and you’re out here with goals like cook for my family, see the sunrise, & more? queen. 🥺 but I really wanna write my own stories this summer too!! haha, i’m not continuing any of my hold stories, because they’re not saved anywhere (thank god), but there’s a book i’ve really wanted to write for a long time, & i think the planning/outlining/writing process will actually kill me, but it’s fine. 🙃

    also, my sister just rewatched the hunger games movies recently, and i watched part of them with her (not every minute, oops). and they are so good!! i never cry in books and movies, but i almost cried at certain parts! i hope you enjoy watching them, & complete all the goals on this list ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Caitlin!💗I hope the same for you. xx Ahh, no, spending time on hobbies is an amazing goal! If I’m productive enough to actually accomplish some of my goals I’ll be happy, but also just spending time with hobbies and doing things you love is the ultimate joy. Omg that’s so exciting about your writing!! Wishing you all the happy writer vibes (who I am, what is happy writer vibes? I don’t know but I wish them to you) and luck with it.

      Oh, that’s so good to hear, I’m really glad you enjoyed them! I’m probably going to get emotional as well, especially since I cried reading the books the first time, and sometimes it’s even worse to watch it play out on screen.🥺 Thank you again for this very kind comment, Caitlin!! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. These sound like great goals!! However, as someone who loves baking (from scratch), I would say to start with something medium easy, yet delicious. The problem with a lot of ‘easy’ recipes is that, while they are simple to make, they don’t often taste as good as the more difficult recipes because you don’t get those levels of flavour as you eat it. For instance, my signature chocolate cake has 13 different ingredients, and multiple steps to do things before you add them to the batter, but it is the BEST chocolate cake ever, and I always get a lot of compliments on it. But I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who is new to baking. Let me know if you want a good, but simple recipe! x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ahh these are such awesome goals and I hope you can accomplish all of them. Love this collab too

    I’m so stoked to read Clap When You Land eeek. I have only read The Poet X of her’s and as soon as I get my hands on her new book I plan on doing a lil Elizabeth Acevedo marathon ❤

    The Fountains of Silence sounds so good?? I really want to read Ruta Sepetys's books this year 🙂

    Rewatching The Hunger Games movies is so amazing!! I do it basically all the time and it's always such a treat. MY FOREVER FAVES!! Same for HP

    I… also need to get back to writing. I started my first ever draft earlier this year, was on a streak, but then got stuck. Wlp.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, thank you so much! Thank you for reading and for this sweet comment.💖

      Me too! I’ve only read With the Fire on High, but I enjoyed it a lot. I want to read The Poet X, I’m just hesitant because I don’t usually read books written in verse.

      I know, ahh!! I can’t wait to read it. I really loved both Salt to the Sea and Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys, so I have high hopes.

      I feel like it’s so bad that I haven’t watched The Hunger Games yet so I’m glad to remedy that as soon as possible!! And yes, aww, Harry Potter will always be a fave.🥺

      Good luck with your writing, you got this! I hope you have a lovely summer. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  8. That was a really nice post, Olivia! I hope that you manage to tick off all of these from your summer bucket list. // I also have a few things on my summer bucket list; apply for uni (I totally feel you on this point, haha!), I want to get my driver’s license, read all the books on my tbr (send help), meet with friends (as soon as that is possible),…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Linda! I really appreciate that. xx Best of luck with all your goals too! Ahh, I hope applying to uni and your license go amazingly (that’s so exciting!), and sending you all the positive reading vibes for catching up with your TBR, and here’s to hoping you can see friends soon. 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ah good luck with all of your goals! I love waking up early to see the sunrise- it’s always so breathtaking! I have also begun writing more again once my semester ended, and it’s been such a joy. I hope it goes well for you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. making cookie dough from scratch isn’t as hard as it sounds! I’ve actually never used premade cookies (or hardly use premade anything for baking) so maybe I’m just not used to baking being quick but baking is so much fun!!! Even if I’m terrible at it!! I hope you enjoy strange the dreamer! It’s one of my fave books. It’s quite a slow book, fair warning . I hope you enjoy the Hunger game movies – I think they’re honestly so good (I remmeber not liking mockinjay that much? But I watched it like 5 years ago what do I know) but the action scenes and katniss’s dresses and the acting? Superior. And omg good luck with your writing!! If you ever want to send me anything you’ve written then 😳😳😳 I am available. That’s all I’m saying . Also reading back on old writing is such an adventure – wild in…a sometimes good way but most of the time I cringe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have officially inspired me to make homemade cookies!! I feel like it’s really sad that I prefer premade ones instead, especially since once I start baking I usually like it? It’s the starting part that’s hard for me. Ahh, I checked out Strange the Dreamer from my library the other day so hopefully I’ll start it soon! I can’t wait to read it or to watch The Hunger Games, I feel like the fact that I still have watched zero of the movies is very disappointing. I’m very hyped for Katniss’s dresses!! Thank you so much, Ilsa- I might take you up on that (if I ever write anything that does not need to be placed in a google drive and forgotten about, haha).❤️ Looking back at my old writing is going to be very wack but I’m kind of excited? Thank you so much for this comment xx


  11. I loved how Annie and Lucy had their little commentary on your goals! It made this post even more fun than it already was!

    Good luck on your goal of reading 35 books! I believe in you! I think the trick there is to just read books you’re excited for, and include some short books or graphics novels every once in a while to make the task seem less daunting. At least, that’s how I approach my Goodreads challenge!

    And as someone who loves to cook and bakes, my advice to you is to do a one pan dinner. You can look up recipes for so many different kinds of proteins and veggies, and the instructions are super simple, and there isn’t too much work involved! I’ve made several yummy dinners for myself using this method!

    I’m so glad you’re making your room cozier! When vacation started i reorganized my bookshelves and cleared out my closet and have been making some other much needed changes that are making me love my room even more! I hope you have a similar experience once you finish redecorating!

    And I absolutely adore the Hunger Games movies! I only watched the first two, but I think they were such faithful adaptations! I hope you enjoy them! And I hope you enjoy your Harry Potter reread/rewatch as well!

    Good luck with your college research! I’m thankful that my decision was pretty easy to make because I knew I wanted an engineering program close to or in NYC, which narrowed down my options a lot!

    I can’t wait to see how all these goals turn out in a few months! I look forward to the update! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you so much!! Shoutout to Annie for the idea of that touch.

      Thank you!! Oh, that’s such great advice. I think in order to reach my goal I’m definitely going to have to have some rereads in there as well, and I’m going to incorporate shorter books like you said too!

      Wow, this comment is full of very helpful advice, thank you for the cooking advice too.☺️ That’s a really great idea! I feel like a one pan dinner with a salad and bread of some sort could be very simple yet delicious…you’ve got my wheels turning.

      That sounds so lovely! I love changing things up every once in a while and making things very cozy. I feel like bookshelf reorganizations are the best. Maybe I should do one of those this summer too?

      I’m so glad to hear they are faithful adaptations! That gives me a lot of hope. I feel like watching The Hunger Games is very essential and I’m super excited for it.

      Thank you, ahh! That’s so nice that you knew where you wanted to go. I have my dream school, but due to cost and distance, I definitely need some backups so I need to look into more options- and I also don’t really know what I want to major in, so that’s another thing to consider.

      Thank you so much!! This comment was the kindest ever. I hope you have an amazing summer! xx ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Best of luck on all these lovely goals! Yes, yes, and yes to all your amazing read/watching marathons! This summer I really want to focus on habits, like getting up and journaling and staying outside when it’s cool in the morning/evening and photographing the sunset 😀 I hope you have a wonderful summer, Olivia!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Charis!💗 Aww, I love your goals- with not being able to go many places, I’ve been realizing that mornings and evenings are the optimal times to be outside and journaling at both of those times sounds so nice. Wishing you all the luck with your goals too- I hope your summer is the best, and thank you again! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. ahh reading 35 books is such a great goal, you’ve totally got this!! i hope you like The Henna Wars, i really loved it. i’ve been meaning to read Clap When You Land for so long as well, i hope that we both enjoy it!!

    it’s crazy how similar our goals are – i’ve been wanting to wake up to see the sunrise as well, but i have no idea if that’s ever going to happen because i’ve been waking up SO late these days. 😅 and i’m planning on redecorating my room this summer as well as writing as much as i can!

    this collab was so fun, good luck with all your goals! ❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you so much! 💓 Ohh, I’m so happy you liked The Henna Wars- I’ve heard a lot of good things so I have high hopes for it. I hope we both enjoy CWYL as well, here’s to finding new books to love this summer!

      Great minds think alike👀 haha I love that! I feel the same way about the sunrise, I think I can do it once at least?? But, we’ll see, only time will tell. Best of luck with your redecorating, writing, and everything else!!

      Thank you again- this comment made me smile xx

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow 35 books would be amazing! Hope you reach that goal. & I so need to watch the Harry Potter films again – I haven’t seen them in way too long.
    & Same to the applications!! We call it university in the UK but I can’t believe I’ll be writing personal statements and applying this summer??
    Loved reading this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! I hope so, though I’m starting to think it was very ambitious, maybe too much so.😅 I haven’t watched the HP movies in forever either, so a rewatch is very necessary! Ahh, best of luck with your applications, and thank you again, Emme! xx


  15. This bucket list is so so cute! 😍 I always say I’m gonna read more books during my Summer break…and then I end up doing everything I didn’t have time to do during the year instead of reading 😂 My sister & I tried to do an entire Marvel-verse rewatch last Summer & we only made it halfway, but I’m excited to see which ones you love the most! 😍 Omg, if you’re planning on watching the Hunger Games movies, the first one is…not that great, IMO 😅 But the rest of them are done really well!

    Hope you have a fantastic Summer, Olivia!! And good luck with your college applications! 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Ngoc!!💗Haha, I completely get that. I’m not sure I’ll quite reach my reading goal for this summer, but I figured I might as well set the bar high! Ohh, that was kind of me too, except I only ended up watching 5 and you successfully watched half, so that’s awesome.👏🏼 I’m glad to hear you enjoyed most of the Hunger Games movies! I’ve heard good things so I’m looking forward to it.

      Thank you again!! I hope you also have a wonderful summer. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Girl I’m so excited to do some more writing as well!!! Good luck with that, I wish you the very best on that most special kind of endeavour. Ugh, you’re reminding me that I really need to watch the Marvel movies already & that my craving to rewatch Harry Potter has yet to be satisfied! You haven’t watched THG films yet???? I hope you LOVE them. Obviously, the books are better, but I still really enjoyed the films 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much!! The same to you.🥰 I hope we both get to watch Marvel and Harry Potter this summer! Seeing as half this list is me wanting to watch movies, I’ll be very disappointed if I can’t accomplish at least those, haha. Thank you again!! I will definitely keep you updated on THG movie watching process.

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  17. What a fantastic bucket list, Olivia, I hope you’ll get to do all of this! ❤ reading 35 books is such a gigantic amount of books in a summer ahah, I hope you can make it and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the henna wars, it sounds so lovely ❤
    Have a wonderful summer and take care ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Marie! Haha, you’re right, I’m beginning to seriously doubt that I can read that many books, but hey, I might as well give it a try.😅 I’m looking forward to reading The Henna Wars too! Thank you again- wishing you the loveliest summer xx

      Liked by 1 person

  18. This was so fun! I hope you can finish everything on your bucket list this summer :))
    Also I was shocked because right after reading this my friends made plans to watch the sunrise!

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  19. i’ve been thirsting for another emma mills book ever since i read lucky caller :’)

    ok but reading this made me want to do a marvel marathon SO BAD. i literally want to actually finish all the movies this summer now. wish me luck.

    since you mentioned hunger games, i’ve been reading ‘the ballad of songbirds and snakes’ and IT’S GIVING ME SO MUCH ANXIETY (i just wanna go back to the THG world pls)

    hope you get to do everything on your bucket list!!! (do get back to me on how the waking up for the sunrise part is going b/c i’m barely waking up lmao)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me too and then I realized I have read them all and I’m sad…but if you haven’t read them all, I most definitely suggest Foolish Hearts :,)

      Good luck!! I believe in youuu. I don’t think I will get near finishing them all but I’m also going to try!!

      Ahhh do you like it?? I want to read it but I don’t want to read it so much that I want to buy it, and I feel as if it will be checked out of the library until approximately 2022, so not sure when that’s going to happen, haha.

      Thank you so, so much!! Your comments make me smile so much.🤍Ha, will keep you updated! It has not happened thus far in summer.

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  20. omg, i felt that about college research 😭 i sat down today and officially started looking, and it just genuinely felt so unreal (and i felt like i was being so unrealistic / idealistic lmao!). i’m wishing you all the luck though, i can’t imagine how stressful it’s going to be for us and all the other students graduating in the next few years with all these covid repercussions 😦

    but aahh 35 books is a great goal, i’m sure you’ll reach it easily! ❤ i'm also really hoping to read clap when you land soon — i might have to push it back for some library books and arcs which makes me so sad, but i'm definitely getting to it some time in the next few weeks! i hope you enjoy the henna wars too 🥰

    i hope you're able to meet all these goals, olivia!! and YES to getting back into writing — it can feel a little overwhelming at first but i believe in you 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s so stressful?? I feel like I was so ready to go away to college until it became more of a reality- but it’s still an exciting time, despite the stress. Thank you, best of luck to you too! I know, it’s crazy, some school aren’t even requiring SAT/ACT scores for my year.👀

      Ahh, thank you! I hope so. I really hope you enjoy CWYL when you get around to it! I’m eagerly awaiting my hold for it to be ready, haha. Thank you, you were very pivotal in me wanting to read The Henna Wars so much!

      Thank you again!! You’re the kindest, I really appreciate this comment, May💖

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  21. Summer this year will definitely be weird! I’m glad you have some goals, it’ll help to create a sense of normalcy!! And good luck, I hope you manage to do all of them and have a great time 😀

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  22. Olivia I am so late to this post but I can’t believe you haven’t seen The Hunger Games movies!!??! I hope you love them—I absolutely do. Also college research solidarity haha, I totally feel you on the on that 😭 I able to visit one college before everyone got sent home and I’m lowkey worried about having to make decisions and stuff since I’m already so indecisive. The virtual information sessions have been pretty helpful for me, but they can get so monotonous lol. Good luck with your research and with the rest of your goals! ❤

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    • Ahh, I know right, it’s kind of horrible that I haven’t seen them?? I feel like I’ve failed some sort of unspoken test but not doing so, lol.😅 I’m worried about the whole college decision without tours thing too…I got visit a few places since my sister went to college a couple years ago and I went on all the tours with her, but it’s still weird to not get to go wherever now. Thank you so much, and good luck with everything too!! xx

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