My Summer 2022 TBR // Exploring New Genres and Revisiting Old Favorites

Hi, blogging world. Long time no see?

It would be an understatement to say that I’m excited to be writing this post. After a really long absence from blogging (technically a year, but more like two years), I’m hopping back on here to talk about all the books I’m excited about reading this summer.

Just because it’s been so long I feel the need to first say that I’ve dearly missed this space and the people in it. Abandoning my blog was never intentional, but rather a byproduct of my life becoming so busy. However, one of my goals for this summer for myself is to start putting energy back into my passions, so here I am, blogging again and relearning how to be creative and share my love for books. :’)

Lately I’ve been compiling a little list of books that I either want to read for the first time or reread this summer while I have some free time for reading, and I’m really psyched to share it! Without further rambling on my part, onto the books.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I feel like it shows how long I haven’t been book blogging that I still feel like this book is one of the most hyped books in the blogging community. I still remember the anticipation I felt when I finally read this book in June 2019. Nearly three years later, I remember that I enjoyed it a lot, but I don’t really remember the plot or what exactly happened.

One of my best friends recently read this book for the first time, and I realized while hearing her talk about it that I was more than overdue for a revisit to Evelyn Hugo. So, I’m making it a goal of mine to reread it this summer! I’m very interested to see whether or not I’ll like it as much this time around- I hope so.

Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens

In case you were curious, Taylor Swift is still my main personality trait. One might ask me the question- Olivia, are you reading this book because the movie adaptation of it is being released in July and Taylor Swift has a new song as part of the movie soundtrack? To which I would answer, yes, absolutely I am.

Taylor aside, this book has actually been on my radar for a while because my mom read it and enjoyed it a few years ago. But the reason I’m so eager to read it this summer is definitely because I will be seeing the movie (and therefore must read the book first).

Normal People, by Sally Rooney

I’m already sensing a trend in the books I want to read because I was heavily ~influenced~ by tiktok to want to read this book. I keep seeing edits of the TV series recently? I don’t know why my social media randomly decided I would be interested, but hey they got me, because I am.

I’ve also wanted to read this book for quite some time because of the positive things I have heard about it, not just from other people in the blogging community but from the world in general. I think if a book can elicit such an emotional response from so many people, it must be worth reading.

Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott

It would be quite the understatement to say that Little Women (2019) has my whole heart and then some. It is my all time favorite movie and I could in fact go on about it for hours (please talk about it with me). :’) However, it’s been a while since I read Little Women the book!

I’m so excited for this reread because I feel like since I loved the movie so much, I’ve spent a lot of time with these characters over the past few years. Now I’m eager to go back to the story and get to know them even better with the details provided with the book. Also, the mental image of Laurie as Timotheé Chalamet now definitely isn’t going to hurt.

Mother-Daughter Book Camp, by Heather Vogel Frederick

I don’t talk about it enough, but hands-down my favorite middle grade series is The Mother-Daughter Book Club. Reading Heather Vogel Frederick’s blog is actually what made me start blogging and on top of that emotional connection, all the characters have just the most special place in my heart. I think it’s more than time for a reread, and while I may not get around to the whole series, this one is perfect because it’s ultimate summer energy.

I am so excited to go to camp with my favorite fictional girls and relive the comfort and joy this series brings me every time. Wiping away a tear as we speak.

Crimson Letters: Voices From Death Row, by Tessie Castillo

This year I took a speech class (yay gen eds) and did a speech on solitary confinement. I really hadn’t spent that much time researching anything related to solitary confinement or death row or the prison system before, but after I did a lot of research for my speech, I wanted to know more, specifically wanted to read firsthand accounts.

This was one of the books that I came across, and I really want to read it this summer. I think this is one of those topics that while I already know it will be more than difficult to read about, is necessary and important to learn more about.

Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl: Wide-Eyed Wonder in God’s Spoken World, by N.D. Wilson

I’m a theology minor, and one of my favorite classes this past semester was my Christian Doctrine class. I learned so much, and my professor was amazing and constantly gave us theology book recommendations. I used to write down the titles of books he would say at the top of my notes, and then at the end of the semester I went through and added them all to my Goodreads. One of the books he recommended was this one, so here I am adding it to this list!

I have no clue what to expect, but I’m eager to dive in. This is the definition of me embracing new knowledge, and isn’t that just the most fun?

The Summer I Turned Pretty, by Jenny Han

Taking a true 180, I think I’m finally going to give this book a true chance. Is that because they’re releasing a TV series about it this summer? Yes, it is.

I read the first book in this trilogy a long time ago and then one of my friends explained the entire plot of the trilogy to me over one very memorable lunch period sophomore year and yet somehow I still know literally nothing about the series besides: love triangle, brothers, and her name is Belly. Will I learn more about it this summer by actually reading it and/or watching the show? I don’t exactly know the answer to this, but I hope it is yes.

Love and Other Words, by Christina Lauren

A development in my book taste since I stopped blogging is that I’ve been really into adult romance novels. Therefore, here I am, wanting to read this book.

I’ve had multiple friends love it and I’ve heard really great things about Christina Lauren’s writing, all of which point towards me absolutely needing to read this this summer. I mean, the blurb alone sounds like it has all the ingredients for A Book That Olivia Loves: childhood friends to lovers, bookish boys, multiple POVs…yes, I need to read this as soon as possible.

The Empathy Exams, by Leslie Jamison

So, fun fact about me, I am a theology minor but I am also a psychology major! I feel like that should explain a lot about why this book has piqued my interest so much. I randomly saw it in a record/bookstore (actually, the one with this Taylor Swift mural, which was definitely the reason I was there), read the book of it, took a picture of the cover, and it was instantly added to Goodreads.

It’s one of my goals to keep reading more psychology books because books are the best way I know to learn more about a topic, so I am hoping this can open more doors to me reading even more psychology in the future.

The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak

Lately I have really been craving a reread of The Book Thief. Does that ever happen to you- where you just out of nowhere feel the need to return to a certain book you loved? At the risk of sounding incredibly basic, The Book Thief is one of my very favorite novels. I have read it many times and have loved it just as much with every reread.

It’s been a while since I last read it (not since 2020), so I think it’s time for me to come back to it. There will always be a piece of my heart reserved for Liesel and her books, Max and his basement, and Rudy and his yellow hair.

This list of books is by no means comprehensive- I’m sure I won’t get around to all of these, and there will be plenty I read that doesn’t appear in this post. But I feel like writing it down is not only fun for me, but helps keep me accountable for at least ~attempting~ to stick with a TBR.

I’m really so thrilled to be back and I have a few ideas for some posts I want to do in the coming weeks! I have no idea how consistent I’ll be because it’s been a while since I did this, but I’m determined to actually return this time. Maybe I’ll do a little life update, if that would be something anyone is interested in? Or a post about how my reading tastes have changed since the last time I was active on here? Or perhaps all of the above.

Thank you so very much for reading this! I would love to hear what you’re reading this summer, or what your favorite recent read has been. I’m always looking for more recommendations! I appreciate you and love you. :’)

18 thoughts on “My Summer 2022 TBR // Exploring New Genres and Revisiting Old Favorites

  1. I’ve been meaning to read the first 2 on your list for awhile now – I think I’ll buy them for my vacation coming up soon and read it on the plane. I read The Summer I Turned Pretty so long ago – I just remember I hated the love triangle lol…but I did read the whole series. I might just revisit that series too since the show is coming out soon. I hope you get to read all of these!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ahh olivia!! i’m so happy to see you back in my feed ❤ i totally understand where you're coming from about life just getting in the way of blogging, i feel like that's been happening to me way too often and will only continue 🥲 but this is such a great tbr with a wide range of books!! i've also been meaning to read normal people for the longest time, so i'm hoping i can read it this summer as well. and ahh mother daughter book club! i haven't read those books in ages, but they were one of my favorite series when i was younger ❤ i hope you enjoy rereading it, and reading all these other books!

    Liked by 1 person

    • MAY! I’ve missed you and thought about you in my absence from the blogging world- I hope you’re doing well, sending you the biggest virtual hug.💗

      I’m so happy to find another MDBC fan because I feel like not too many people read them, or at least if they did, they don’t talk about them. But they have all my heart!! I hope you get to read Normal People too, and that you have the best summer (and good luck with exams if you’re still in the midst of taking those)!! Thank you so much, and thank you for this comment xx


    • That’s so fair! Classics are so intimidating to me too, Little Women is one of the only ones I’ve tried out. I definitely recommend the movie if you haven’t seen it yet, and then maybe from there the book will seem more appealing! Thank you so much for your comment 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Olivia, it is so nice to see your post in my feed 😍 I’ve missed you, but I totally understand how you can’t always make time for blogging. I hope you’ve been well! 💕
    I loved reading your TBR. I find it very satisfying to make TBRs even if I don’t read them all. I have been venturing into adult romance more as well, but I’ve yet to try out Christina Lauren. I’ve heard great things and I agree the tropes in Love and Other Words sound great 😍 I mean childhood friends, come on 😍
    It looks like you have some fascinating non-fiction books on your radar too. I hope you enjoy your experiences with them. I would love check out more educational non fiction in the future!
    Happy reading and, again, it’s so lovely to see you on here again Olivia. Yay! 🎊💕🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much!! Your kind words mean the world to me. 💗
      “I find it very satisfying to make TBRs even if I don’t read them all” -> YES. This is exactly how I feel, and why I wrote this post despite knowing I won’t stick to it precisely. And yes, childhood friends to lovers is my favorite always.
      I’m excited to give the non fiction a try! Hopefully I actually do it because I always say I will and then I don’t…but I am determined to!
      Thank you again for this very sweet comment, I appreciate it so much! Happy reading to you xx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. OLIVIA!!!!!!!! i am soooooo happy to see you in my feed again!!!! ahhh it’s so exciting to see you’re back and i hope your summer is even more enjoyable now that you have a bit more time to dedicate to your passions!

    i’ll be looking forward to hear your thoughts on normal people. i have been watching the show, mostly out of curiosity because indeed, tiktok seems to have an obsession with it. and tbh it has yet to blow my mind. but maybe the story will work better for you! i know sally rooney has an unique writing style!

    i do really enjoy the 2019 version of little women, although i have to re-read it asap. the thing i loved the most about it is that i could totally see myself in the sister dynamics! having an older sister myself, so many moments are just deeply relatable. the writer definitely knew how to write sisters! i have also been obsessed with the 2020 version of emma. i don’t know if you’ve watched it already, but it’s one i would recommend if you loved little women. they both have a more modern twist and an a+ cast!

    i remember reading the summer i turned pretty forever ago, but likewise, i never continued on with the trilogy. i think i might just watch the show (mostly because of taylor swift in the soundtrack yes hahah), as it looks really great from the trailer!

    wishing you the best summer and good luck on your TBR goals!

    Liked by 1 person

    • LAIS it makes me equally happy to see this comment!! I’ve missed talking to you greatly, thank you so much. <33 I hope you're doing well!

      Oh, so interesting! I'll keep that in mind. I haven't read or watched Normal People yet, but I did just read Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney and I'm going to watch the show for that (or at least start it). I feel very conflicted about the book and am unsure of the writing style and how it worked for me, so now I'm questioning my decision to read Normal People. But- all that to say, I probably will give it a try because I know it's beloved by lots!!

      YES sister moments. I love that aspect of Little Women so, so much. I also have been wanting to watch Emma for a long time, so this just reminded me to add it to my list of movies I have on my phone that are ~watch soon~ movies.

      I think I'll probably watch the show no matter if I end up reading it or not as well!! Because new Taylor song, that's gonna get me every time!!

      Thank you again! Happy reading to you!! Sending you a virtual hug🥰


  5. Hii i’m late to this but can I say I absolutely loved reading another one of your posts- welcome back!! 💗
    Little Women and The Mother-Daughter Book Camp make me so nostalgic ahh 🥺 I adore little women so so much- the sister dynamics and every sister’s personality and Marmee and Laurie too (i agree on the Timotheé Chalamet part hehe). And the Mother-Daughter book club made up so many of my middle school years, I’d really like to read them again too 🥰
    Evelyn Hugo is totally iconic, I love screaming about it to everyone! And *gasp*- I didn’t know Taylor’s singing a song in the movie of WTCS?! I’m so excited for it’s movie! Normal People has been on my tbr since forever but I’ve seen a few mixed reviews for it so I’m looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it~
    Loved reading this, can’t wait to see more posts from you <33

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much!! This is so sweet of you to say and I appreciate your comment so much.💓

      SO nostalgic! Also, so happy to find another MDBC fan because I don’t usually talk to people who have read them. They definitely have a special place in my heart and also led me to read more classics! (and yes timothee)

      SO ICONIC RIGHT?? I absolutely must reread it so I can remember just how much of an icon she is. Yes, she has a new song on the soundtrack and I am Unwell about this!

      I’ll definitely talk about my Normal People thoughts once I read it! I had mixed feelings about Conversations with Friends so I’m also interested to see how I’ll like it. Thank you again for this very kind comment and for reading my post! xx


  6. ahhh i love this post (AND YOUR ENTIRE BLOG) SO!! MUCH!! i hope you have the best summer EVER and enjoy all the reads/re-reads!!
    i read evelyn hugo only last month and AKSDLLAKSK EVERYTIME I THINK ABOUT IT, ITS DIFFICULT TO FORM WORDS BECAUSE ITS SO AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL AND HEARTBREAKING 😭😭 I hope you love it just as much on your reread as you did the first time!! and the 2019 little women adaptation is PERFECTION, can?? we??? scream??? the characters were basically my LIFE back in 2020 and I STILL LOVE THEM (especially JO)!! i remember reading the mother daughter book club series back in elementary school AND WAS OBSESSED WITH THEM?? now that you mention it, maybe i shall just copy you and re-read them this summer too (YOU DON’T MIND, RIGHT??) And all the non-fiction books look SO INTERESTING!! i need to check them ALL out and can’t wait to hear your thoughts!! AND DID I MENTION I LOVE YOUR BLOG?? IT’S GORGEOUS AND PERFECT ❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • HI THANK YOU ANOUSHKA!! I can’t tell you how much I smiled reading this comment like what thank you so much!! 🤍

      RIGHT, Evelyn Hugo just gives you all of the feels. I cannot wait to reread it and return to all of those ~emotions~ even though I know it’s going to cause pain! And let’s please scream about the 2019 adaptation of Little Women, I will do that any and every day. I just rewatched it and all the emotions are fresh. I don’t think I will ever get over how perfectly they weave together all the storylines and how amazing the monologues are (I just think that women…) and LAURIE?? Wow, I could just go on.

      YES MDBC! These are absolutely so underrated and completely and utterly amazing. I simply love them and think that you should reread them too. Then we can scream about them together!!

      Thank you again for the genuinely kind words and your comment!! xx


  7. It’s so, so lovely to read a blog post from you again, it’s been so long!! 🥰 this is such a good post and a great list, I hope you’ll manage to get to most of these this summer. I adore Evelyn Hugo, truly, and I hope your second time reading it will be just as good!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you so much!! It’s been so lovely to read your posts again too since coming back and looking at my reader again. I hope I love Evelyn Hugo as much this time around as well- and I hope you find some reads you love this summer too!! ❤️


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