April Recap // Time Flew, I Read Books, Watched Gilmore Girls, & Now It’s May?

Not to be a broken record, but I don’t know how it’s already May.

Not only is it already May, but it’s already almost a week into May? I don’t understand where this month went exactly, but I’m very grateful that it went by faster than the year and a half that was March. I think almost every recap post I’ve read so far this month said the same, so I know I’m not alone in this feeling- but I still can’t believe we’re in the fifth month of 2020 already.

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I’m also very excited to be writing a recap post again, because upon looking in my archives, I realized I haven’t written a proper one of these since September! That is absurd, and it just shows how off on my blogging game I’ve been. I hope I never go that long without writing a recap post again, because I love them.

Anyway, now that we’re here (thank you for being here), I’m going to talk about what I read this month (more than March! unsurprisingly, it can’t be difficult to beat March), the little that I blogged, and the even littler that I did in real life, and some goals for May!

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A Very Late April Recap // Too Much School, But Also Reading, Dancing & The Office!!

Hello again, dear blogosphere.

It’s been quite a while since I posted, or was able to interact with everyone here, and I just want to give everyone a giant virtual hug. Insert imaginary giant hug here.

Even though we’re already nearing the end of May what how help I still wanted to take a moment and talk about some notable moments of April because 1) recap posts are so much fun to write, 2) I already had some of this post done before I took a short hiatus, and 3) I feel like I just need to catch up with everyone?? It’s been a minute.

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Like I said, I genuinely can’t believe it’s already almost June. The past few months have had their slow moments, but for the most part, have absolutely flown by. I feel like I’ve just been standing in the same spot, shell-shocked at how fast the year has passed me, since about February.

All right, without further ado, let’s get into the recap. 😉

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Goodbye, April + Blog Updates + It’s Almost Summer!!

I blinked and then April was over.

2018 is already going by so fast (I’m still writing 2017 on my papers, no joke), but this month went by fastest for me. I honestly can’t believe it’s already May! And that summer is so close, I can nearly see it. 😉


In this post I’m going to (briefly) wrap up April, set a few goals for the upcoming month, and then talk about a few blogging related things. Lettuce begin.

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