The Social Media Tag // All the Blogger Love + Recognition!!

Besides Harry Potter, something that makes me very happy is blogger appreciation.

Bloggers are incredibly hard workers. We read books, write blog posts, interact with other bloggers, all while going to school or work. How do we do it, honestly. One of my favorite things to do is talk about how amazing other bloggers are!

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Thankfully, tags like this exist. 😉 Today I’ll be participating in the Social Media tag, which I was tagged for by Lily, Kimberly, and Ally. I’m so, so excited to be sharing my love and appreciation for other blogs in this post!

Without further ado, let us begin.


First of all, a gigantic thank you to Lily, Kimberly, and Ally for nominating me! Each of you made my day with your kind message and just made me SO happy that I can’t even properly put it into words.💓

Before I get into the tag, I wanted to say that I follow and read tons of blogs and I love them all with all my heart. It was so hard to choose just a few per category (I’m being a rebel and picking multiple, I had to), and there are still a lot of other blogs that deserve to be recognized. I sense a future post.


Instagram- a blog with a design that you love

I had to pick Kimberly for this! Looking at her blog is like candy for my eyes. XD The fonts, her header, her amazing featured images…I can’t even explain how perfect it is. The whole color scheme just relaxes me and reminds me of the ocean, which I love. Plus, Kimberly is the kindest, and whenever we have comment conversations, I always adore talking with her!


To say I’m obsessed with Sydney‘s blog design would be an understatement. I’M IN LOVE. It’s giving me all the summer-y vibes! The brush script font is one of my favorites, her signoff is perfection, and her sidebar… *squeals*

And even though this section is technically about blog design…I have to add it in that Sydney is the absolute sweetest. 😉


Facebook- a blog with a friendly blogger

How could I not say Marie for this?! I could repeat the words “Marie is the kindest soul” over and over again for eternity and it would never fully encompass how kind she actually is. Somehow she manages to write quality book reviews, discussions, and more while also constantly commenting and interacting on other blogs!

I don’t know how she does it, but I’m so grateful for her friendship and having the opportunity to talk with her all the time. SHE’S THE BEST.

Another blogger who I absolutely had to mention in this category is Lily. Like Marie, she’s always interacting and I’ve had some of the best comment conversations ever with her! She’s incredibly genuine and sweet, and I adore talking to her. Whether we’re obsessing over Harry Potter, Hamilton, or discovering something else we have in common, our chats are always so fun!


Twitter- a blogger who could write 140 characters and you would still love them

Aimee Always book blog

Oh, this definitely has to be Aimee! I feel like every time I comment on one of her posts, I’m screaming with excitement about something or other that’s she written. XD I mean, she writes about exciting books and discussions and even about the Lara Jean movie?! How could I not get excited over every single one of her posts. 😉

Even if she wrote only a few words, I know she’d find a way to pour her passion and energy into those 140 characters!


Youtube- a blog that keeps you entertained

This is 110% Malanie. Ahh, my dear Malanie. Certifiably the kindest person ever, and possibly the most entertaining, too! I’m never quite sure what she’ll blog about next (will it be a list of recommendations from which my TBR grows? a tag? a discussion post? something about her writing?), but I do know that I will love it.

Malanie always keeps me entertained…and she and I definitely do lots of screaming in the comments about Harry Potter, the Raven Cycle, and much, much more.


Snapchat- a blogger whose updates you can’t wait for

Annie is one of my closest blogging friends (and fellow buddy reader, too), and I have to say, I do get a thrill of excitement every time I see that she posts. I see it in my reader, and I instantly go to read it, because I know it’s going to be amazing!

Her posts are always guaranteed to be creative, unexpected, and enjoyable. They also always prompt me to leave the longest comments, and as all bloggers know, long comments lead to long comment conversations, which are so fun! Annie’s blog is just the epitome of awesome.

I also thought May fit perfectly in this category! I get a huge thrill of excitement every time I see that they’ve posted, and I always click on it right away, because I know that any post of May’s always a) makes me smile, b) gives me amazing book recommendations, or c) will address an important issue and be a super great discussion. (Or you know, all of the above is an answer too. XD)

May is also incredibly sweet and ahhh, it makes me happy just to think about their amazing self and blog!


Tumblr- a blog that is very diverse and has variety

RedGal Musings

Elizabeth blogs about a few different things and I absolutely! love! them all! We have her book recommendation/list posts, her writing advice posts, her discussion posts…but my goodness, they’re all so well done. Every time I read her blog, I think, “wow, I can tell she put so much work into this.” Oh, and she loves Hamilton and strawberries like me, and I adore chatting with her whenever I get the chance. 😉

Another blogger who has so much variety is my fellow Hufflepuff, Michelle. She posts book reviews, discussions, tons about writing (she’s an amazingly talented writer!), and sometimes even travel posts! I’ve discovered tons of great books from her blog, and I truly love reading it and also getting to know the wonderful human being that is Michelle!


Pinterest- a blog which is full of creativity and inspiration

Carol never fails to inspire me! Maybe it’s through her helpful list-type posts, or when I discover new books, or when I read her amazing writing. (Likely, it’s a combination of all of these.) And…can we just appreciate the pun that is her web link?! I have much love for Carol and her blog, and I’ll be squealing about it for ages. 😉

Blossoms and Bullet Journals

I also have to mention Annie here, because first of all, I love her blog, and second of all, she may possibly be the most creative person on the face of this earth. Her bullet journal spreads are BEAUTIFUL, and they never, ever fail to inspire me to pick up my own bullet journal! I’m not kidding, they’re absolute perfection.

Not to mention that she’s always inspiring me to pick up new books that I read about on her blog, and I always end up loving them. She’s just all around amazing!


There we are, already at the end? I could have talked on and on about all the bloggers I loved for ages. XD I nominate everyone that I talked about in this post, and anyone else who wants to participate in this lovely tag.

Also, I wanted to say I’m sorry that this post wasn’t up yesterday like it was supposed to be- well, it was up, but somehow its entire contents got deleted, so I took it down. I was a little annoyed that I had to rewrite the entire thing, but I ended up making it even better this time and recognizing even more blogs, so it was definitely worth it. 😉

Oh! And don’t forget that I have a giveaway going on right now! It will be open until September 17th, so if you haven’t already entered to win a $20 gift card, then you still have plenty of time to do so.

Thank you all for reading this post, and I hope you enjoyed it! I know that I had an amazing time writing this and spreading all the love to so many incredible people.

Did you discover any new blogs from this? Do you love blogger recognition as much as I do? Has WordPress ever oddly deleted your whole posts? I’d love to chat with you all in the comments!

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Photo by Jess Watters on Unsplash >> credits for the image I used in my featured image, many thanks to the photographer!

41 thoughts on “The Social Media Tag // All the Blogger Love + Recognition!!

  1. Omg Olivia thank you so much for including me. This just made my day! I’m so touched, and I’m so glad I met you (well, internet “met” you I guess, hehe)—you’re the sweetest and I absolutely love your blog 🙂 I follow a few of these blogs already, but I will certainly have to check out the rest of them—they sound fantastic!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 😭😭😭 AHHHH, this is so kind! And I never pictured myself or blog like Tumblr before??? But it’s maybe kind of true, hahaha!
    I LOVE this tag, though I’m super behind with blogging and catching up with tags since starting back to school right now. I’ve not checked out several of these blogs, so I need to do that ASAP!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, maybe not like Tumblr specifically- it just has some characteristics of Tumblr, like so much variety that I love! 😉
      I love it, too! Wishing you all the best with all your back to school and everything that brings along with it.


  3. I also find these girls are incredible!! I have to follow some blogs that I haven’t followed yet. Thank you for the recommendation!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. AHHH OLIVIA you are going to make me cry, thank you so, so much, I’m honored and a bit emotional to see myself in this, it makes me so happy ❤ ❤ ❤ You are way too sweet and it's always a pleasure to interact with you, you're one of the sweetest souls I've met thanks to book blogging and I am so, so very grateful for it ❤ ❤
    Thank you SO much ahhhh ❤ ❤ I need to check out some of these lovely blogs I don't know! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ohh there are so many blogs here that I don’t know yet, I can’t wait to check them out! I feel like this week’s been filled with love notes we’ve been passing back and forth, haha, but seriously, I adore this post so much, and the fact that I’m part of it is just such a huge honor. ❤

    Also: "Besides Harry Potter, something that makes me very happy is blogger appreciation." – this speaks to my soul. :')

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ahhhh Olivia thank you so much for your lovely words ❤️😭 I’m so in love with this tag it’s just so sweet?? It’s going to be so difficult to choose people for these questions though because I love everyone ❤️ You’ve definitely mentioned some of my favourite bloggers, the others I have to check out 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my goodness Olivia I AM SCREAMING 😭Thank you SO much – you have no idea how much that means to me!! I don’t know how I deserve someone like you, I’m so grateful and thankful for this ❤ It's been really stressful right now, with school starting and stuff, but this has made my week 🙂 I just can't thank you enough for this *hugs* I am 100% in sync with you with all of your nominations!! They are all lovely bloggers with great blogs 😊Amazing post, as always xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. AGH. WHAT. Ahh thank you so much, Olivia! Long comments (and yours specifically) are one of my favorite things about blogging. I’m so sorry that WordPress deleted your post- that’s horrible. That hasn’t happened to me before, but I’ve definitely been aggravated with WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. OLIVIAAAAAA thank you so so much for these sweet words, they mean so much to me and I’m smiling so hard right now 😭😍❤️ I’m always super excited for your posts as well — you’re so sweet and I love reading your posts ❤ And I totally agree with how you categorized Marie's and Elizabeth's blogs! They're both ones I love a lot and you described them perfectly! (And oh no, I'm so sorry WordPress deleted your posts! I've had that happen a few times where I thought it'd saved and it didn't, but I'm glad you go to recognize more bloggers this time around ☺️)

    Liked by 1 person

    • MAY! You’re so, so welcome, I’m so grateful that I get the opportunity to read your blog.💓Ahh, I’m so happy I could make you smile! Thank you so much, you’re the sweetest. Yes yes yes, I love Marie and Elizabeth and their blogs! (Oh, I’m really sorry that the WordPress glitch happened to you, too. Or maybe it was just user error on my part, I wouldn’t put that past myself. 😉 ) Thank you again, you’re the best!

      Liked by 1 person

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