5 Fictional Friend Groups I Adore // ft. all the squad-filled book recs!!

There are a lot of ways to my heart.

Chocolate, puppies, an unusual amount of Harry Potter knowledge…and a good, loyal, adorable fictional friend group. I truly can’t resist any of these.

The more I read, the more I notice certain things that draw me towards a book or series (or what solidifies it as one of my all-time favorites), and one factor that consistently influences my love for a story is if there’s an amazing friend group. I’m a sucker for a good and supportive friend group, and I will never stop screaming about this.

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I wish every book had a squad worthy of #squadgoals (yes, I also can’t believe I am using this hashtag), but the ones that do certainly have a special place in my heart. In this post, I’m going to be talking about some of my favorite fictional friend groups!

I might be having slight existential crises over how much I love all of these, but my hope is that I can introduce you all to at least one new friend group for you to obsess over. If I can do that, then I’ll consider this post a success. 😉

All right, without further ado, cue the fangirling!


I have to start with a classic one, both because they’re amazing and because I am Olivia™ and we all knew I was going to mention Harry Potter, so why not do it right off the bat?

Image result for the golden trio gif

(I know this isn’t an actual gif of the movie Golden Trio but they just look so small and squishable and I couldn’t help using it I’m sorry but not sorry because look at the adorable-ness you now get to witness.)

All that to say, one of my favorite fictional friend groups is The Golden Trio from the Harry Potter series. They’re truly phenomenal in so many ways, and even after all this time, I can never stop loving them.

As far as friendships go, I think it’s pretty amazing that their friendship spans seven books (and then the books make it clear that it continues on for the rest of their lives) and, while they do have their occasional friendship troubles (because that’s normal!), at the end of the day they’re always there for each other.

They didn’t know just how much they would have to sacrifice for each other when they first became friends, and the strength of their bond was consistently challenged as they were put in more and more dangerous situations, but they were always there for each other no matter what.

Not to mention the small things that made up their friendship- Hermione helping with homework, laughing at The Three Broomsticks, walks by lake. I just love The Golden Trio so much okay?!


Another friend group I can’t stop thinking talking about is the gangsey from the Raven Cycle series. I’m not sure if that’s the official name for them or not, but I’m using it anyway because it’s easier than saying “the friend group” a trillion times in this single post.

I truly can’t express how much I love this group of hooligans. But I’m going to try, of course.

You have:

  • Blue, who is independent, strong, and most definitely does not need to be surrounded by a bunch of Raven boys
  • Ronan, who seems like he’s all edges but there’s more to him than meets the eye
  • Adam, who’s intelligent and hard-working and only wants to help other people
  • Gansey, the love of my life, charming, dad of the group, just wants to wear his preppy shoes and not be bothered about it
  • Noah, not charming or scary or hard-working, but just kind of there but you can’t help but love him anyway

I love the gangsey’s banter, how they’re always there for each other and love each other so much, the pure friendship and understanding that exists between them, and the fact that you can see the chemistry between them even on a page of a book.

Here are a few pins that I feel like help capture the essence of the gangsey! I couldn’t include a lot of my favorites because spoilers, but these are pretty good and don’t give away anything from the series.

The Raven Boysahahaha where's the lieMy little drama queens

My heart, I love them so much.


It’s been a few months since I read Famous in a Small Town and I still remember the amazing friend group from it. That should tell you how excellent it is!

The group consists of the main character, Sophie, and her four best friends. (The new kid in town, August, later becomes a part of the group.) My memory of this book is fading a little more than I would like it to, but I do remember a few key things that made me fall in love with the friendships.

  • Even though they were all side characters, each friend was developed and had their own unqiue personality. It was far from a group of your typical, cookie cutter side characters- I felt like I knew them all!
  • They have a group chat that the author actually includes in the chapters so you get to see the craziness that goes on and I LOVE that so much!!??
  • The friendship was consistently strong. Unless it’s the main plot of the book, I don’t like on and off again friendships, but this friend group wasn’t like that at all.

Overall, the friend group from Famous in a Small Town was one of my favorite parts of the book and when I reread it, I’ll be so excited to return to this iconic friend group.


Another popular friend group that I too adore is the Six of Crows squad. (Which also extends to Crooked Kingdom, but it starts in Six of Crows.)

This group consists of Kaz, Inej, Matthias, Nina, Jesper, and Wylan, and the first person you know it’s good is that I just wrote all their names from memory and didn’t even second guess any of them. I have a notoriously bad memory for character names, so if I know them off the top of my head, that means they’re really great characters.

What I love about this group is that they don’t start off as friends. Yes, they’re on a mission together, but do they really fully trust each other? No, not at all- and they definitely don’t consider themselves friends.

Image result for we're not friends gif

But over time, they grow to trust each other, and by the end, I would say that they are (in a Ketterdam kind of way) friends. They’re there for each other and depend on each other’s skills for survival.

The friend group in this book is just one more reason to love Six of Crows with all your heart.


I talk about this book way too much, but that’s because it was my favorite read of 2018 and is still my favorite book- and the friend group in A List of Cages was absolutely stellar.

Similar to Famous in a Small Town, this was a consistent friend group that was always playing in the background of the book. It wasn’t the main focus, yet I felt as if I truly knew all the friends individually, they each got page time, and I fully appreciated each of them.

You get to witness the friendships at lunch (they have a designated cafeteria table where many conversations happen), in class, at parties, when they hang out- basically, this book manages to revolve around the main characters, Adam and Julian, while also keeping up a great friend group.

Image result for i love it so much gif

If you’re looking for a book that isn’t solely focused on friendship, but does have a kind, loving group with no drama and only adorable-ness, then A List of Cages is for you.


Hi, yes, this entire post was me fangirling about books and characters I love.

I really enjoyed writing this post because I had so much to say about all of these friend groups! I hope to do a part two of this post in the future, if that’s something you’d like to read, because it was so fun. I better start keeping track of friend groups now.

My hope for this post is that you all discovered at least one new book that has fantastic friendships! That would make my Hufflepuff heart so happy.✨

Do you love friend groups as much as me? Have you read any of these, and did you love them? What are your favorites, give me new recs!! I’d love to talk with you in the comments.

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Credits for the image in my feautred image >> Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash


83 thoughts on “5 Fictional Friend Groups I Adore // ft. all the squad-filled book recs!!

  1. GANGSEY!!! I love them So Much!!!!! (Also that second tumblr post about them is a Mood.)

    One of my favorite friend groups is from Port Lewis Witches series! They’re *so* messy and that’s what I love about them. They fight a lot at first, though, so it’s kind of painful to read 😭

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, yes, yes, they’re the best!! I had so much fun finding tumblr posts to represent their adorable relationships.😭❤️

      Oh, I haven’t ever heard of Port Lewis Witches, but I just looked it up on Goodreads! Thank you for the recommendation, ahh. It looks super good, and I love a good friendship group that takes time to develop.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love friendgroups so much!!! The strangest but yet awesome friend group I’ve read was in The secret history by Donna Tartt, which I like to compare to «how to get away with murder» the TV series. The foxhole court by Nina Sakvic had another amazing friendgroup which are a bunch of troublemakers gathered into a sports team (very little actual sports in this book, just the team feeling). The friendgroup turning into a family is the best thing I like to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They really are the best! Ahh, thank you very much for both of these recommendations. I’m hoping to get around to Foxhole Court soon, I’ve heard so much about it! The Secret History is new to me, but I just read the synopsis on Goodreads, and it sounds super intriguing. Thank you for your comment!💘

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  3. Yessss! The Golden Trio! They’re such an amazing friend group. I really like the group in The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder, Kai, Scarlet, Wolf, Iko, Cress, Jacin and Winter.

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  4. Olivia!! All of your posts are just 😭😭 I love reading about you gushing about stuff, especially friend groups! Sadly, the only book I’ve read from here is six of Crows, but I do completely agree that the friend group there is amazing! They are truly so iconic. And I didn’t know that A List of Cages had a friend group?? I had just heard that it focused on a friendship between two boys, but now the fact that there’s a consistent friend group is making me so excited!! And ahhh I love it when friend group chats are included in books because that’s one of my favorite parts of being in a friend group!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Caitlin, your comments are seriously the kindest and expect me to say that every time I reply to you because WHAT YOU’RE SO SWEET. 💓Thank you! *hugs you* Agh, the Six of Crows gang (for lack of a better word?) really is iconic. Ahh, so in A List of Cages the main focus is with the friendship/brother relationship of two boys, but one of the boys has a great friend group who are consistently featured throughout the books. *heart eyes* It really is the best- thank you so much for your sweet comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. i love friend groups! i really love henry, alex, june, pez, bea and nora from red, white, and royal blue! i love also darcy, sadie, and rosanna from the city girls series (written by susane colasanti)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, I can’t wait to read Red, White, and Royal Blue- I didn’t know it had a friend group so that makes me even more excited to read it. I haven’t heard of City Girls series, but thank you for the recommendation! ❤


  6. The Golden Trio is amazing and I love them too!! And you are right seven books is a lot but I was never bored of their friendship– they were loyal and they had fun together!!
    And The Raven Boys friendship group is amazing– they are love each other and all have different traits!! I was living for all their interactions– I love them so much!! If it ever does become a TV show I hope it captures their friendship really well!! I love the tumblr posts for them!!
    I really want to read Famous in a small town and get to know all the characters– the friendship group sounds amazing!!
    I absolutely love fictional friendships– they have a great dynamic and I loved this post so much too!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re just the best!😌I honestly wish more of the Harry Potter series just showed their friendship, but I’m still grateful for all the awesome moments we did get of them together. *tear*
      Ahh, I really hope the film version of The Raven Cycle captures it!! For me, the friendships is what made that book as excellent and realistic as it was, so I hope that doesn’t change in a screen adaptation.
      It really, really is- I hope you get to read Famous soon, I loved it!
      Thank you so, so much for reading and for your comment. Happy reading!💓

      Liked by 1 person

  7. i WISH we all still used #squadgoals!!! that was a thing when i was in sixth grade and my friends and tried so hard to be #squadgoals lmaoooo. i adore the gangsey, golden trio, and dregs so much! i also love the stranger things friendships, specifically the scoops troop in st3 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I love that so much.😂I’m so happy we agree on so many wonderful friend groups! Ahh, I haven’t watched Stranger Things because I’m completely and utterly a scaredy cat when it comes to scary movies/shows, but I’m glad you enjoyed the friendships in it.

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  8. The Golden Trio and the squad from Six of Crows are amazingg!!! I would say that I really wish to be in their friend groups and be bffs with them but also I don’t want to have to face Voldemort or turn to a life of crime so I’ll be content rereading and rereading their interactions on the pages of a book and smiling endlessly

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have never related to a comment more?? Yes, this is exactly the sentiment I have been searching for my whole life.🙌🏼I LOVE IT SO MUCH, and will forever be smiling endlessly at these beautiful friendships.


  9. Ahhhh, I love friend groups! Harry Potter’s friends are some of the best, though now I wish that Luna and Neville were given more screen and page time, because they’re my two favorites.

    Famous in a Small Town had such good friendship goals! I love a funny, honest group chat. And Six of Crows is one of the best friend groups in a fantasy series, ever.

    I also think the friend group in the Illuminae Files is really great! They don’t all start as friends but by the end of the series, they’re definitely a fantastic friend group.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re so awesome! Okay, yes, I thought about adding Neville, Luna, and Ginny to the Harry Potter friendship group in this post, but I decided not to since there isn’t THAT much page time given to all of them together (besides them fighting/avoiding death, lol). I do love all the friendships at Hogwarts so much, though!

      It most definitely did- the group chat was amazing. Ahh, I loved SOC friendships so much too!

      I haven’t read the Illuminae Files, but I’ve been getting much more into fantasy lately so I’ll have to check it out! Thank you for the recommendation, and happy reading. ❤


  10. Yes! I love the entire best friends trope and I will never ever ever ever ever get tired of it! I love all of the ones that you have mentioned although I must admit that I haven’t read the Raven Cycle yet (I say yet because I promise I will, plz trust me)!
    -Emma 🙂

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  11. I loved this post so much, Olivia!! I have so much love in my heart for friendship squads — found families make me so happy lmao. I of course love the Six of Crows squad, and I definitely agree with you about how they grew to be friends and trust each other, and that made their friendship more compelling! And reading what you said about the Raven Cycle squad really makes me want to reread the series. (It’s been over two years since I read it and I hardly remember it!) Great post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, May!💖It was so awesome to watch the characters in SOC start to trust each other on more than just surface level and develop and become friends and- my HEART. Also, yes yes yes, you should reread Raven Cycle!! I genuinely adore it so much and also want to reread it soon just because I can’t get enough of the characters (although tbh the plot confuses me so much, haha). Thank you for your comment, happy reading!

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  12. Well, books are my friends. The Golden Trio is also my favourite! I’m about to read the Six of Crows Duology and maybe I will agree with you there, also. How do you come up with such good book post ideas? I also blog about books and have hit a slump for ideas 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true. 😉 I love both of those so much, and I hope you enjoy Six of Crows when you read it! My best advice for book post ideas is to think of something you love (or don’t love) about a book and then try to turn it into a post from there. I usually let the books I’m reading guide me in my content! And if you’re feeling stuck, reviews and recommendations are always awesome to read, or a good book tag. I hope that could help! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I LOVE Friend groups! I love how in the first HP book, each of them is useful with the different tasks to reach Quirrel. The same goes for the Dregs: they all have valuable and particular skills beneficial to the group! Thank you for mentioning other friend groups I didn’t know about; I’ll definitely check them out! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, me too! That was such a valuable moment for the trio, and it was awesome to see them all finding their place in the team. Don’t mind me quietly sobbing because I LOVE THEM.😭❤️I’m so happy I could recommend some new friend groups to you, yay! Thank you for reading.<3

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  14. that gif of the golden trio but not really was for real the squishiest most adorable thing i’ve ever witnessed, thank you so much for sharing????
    I totally agree with you about them as well. I feel like it’s very hard to find a bond that lasts for so long, but the things they have to go through together is what makes the friendship stronger. It also makes me happy to see they can always count on each other.
    ALL THE TEXT POSTS ABOUT THE GANGSEY!!!@!#!(!!! I do have a personal favorite, though, and it goes something along the lines of:
    adam: *cracks his knucles*
    gansey: you need some milk, adam. and you’re gonna get arthritis. why do you do this to me? i’m gonna put you in a bubble one of these days. you’re gonna be a bubble boy. people from all over will visit henrietta, virginia, home of the bubble boy, all because you won’t take your vitamins.
    It’s SO ACCURATE. Gansey is the best, hahah.
    And I’m so glad you mentioned the friend group from A List of Cages. They’re absolutely and totally adorable. I love how they make Julian feel part of the group too and the relationship between him and Charlie, who’s much snarkier and meaner, but still grows to love and care for Julian just like everyone else, makes me SO HAPPY. I legit teared up sometimes, especially when they have that conversation on the car and Julian asks him if Charlie is happy. It broke my heart and put me back together in a matter of a couple pages, hahah.
    Sorry about the long-ass comment, btw. I just have a lot of feelings whenever friend groups are involved, hahah.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m SO HAPPY you appreciated the Golden Trio gif because my whole heart belongs to it- how how how are they so adorable and how can they make my heart melt so much.😭I love their bond and their friendship SO much! Like, infinitely.
      OKAY I LOVE THIS TUMBLR POST WITH ALL MY HEART. Why would that actually happen?? Gansey is an Absolute Dad and it just makes me love him all the more.
      Yes yes yes, the A List of Cages friend group was unexpected (you would never know there would be a friend group?) and beautiful. I loved Charlie, and also I loved the girl (maybe Allison, it’s been a bit?) who was like the mom of the group and took care of Julian. Agh, I truly just think Robin Roe was TRYING to break my heart during the entire book.
      Ahh, this comment made me SO HAPPY. There’s nothing I love more than fangirling about books! Thank you for making my day, Lais. ❤ ❤

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  15. aaa, I do love the idea that your reading tastes solidify as you read more and more. I’ve definitely come to realize that I love family-based / family rep. in books! I’m also a sucker for the golden trio too. CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, AND CHOCOLATE! I’m not insane (well, maybe slightly) but this thing is lit. soul food. and same! potterhead references are the way to my heart. if you make them, then I know you’re a life-long friend, haha. I also love the idea of a group of people learning to become friends and create strong bonds between themselves (sorry, not sorry). the idea is different than forced friendships, but I’m really drawn to the fact that needing to have each other’s backs then leads to learning more about the person. “famous in a small town” is on my t.b.r. rn. nice post, olivia!
    p.s. I will be gushing over that h.p. adorableness in that corner over there. don’t mind me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So, so true! Aww, family in books in this post (I’m hoping to do a post similar to this but with fictional families soon 😉 ). Ahh, chocolate is the best ever! I could (and kind of do) eat it every day and be totally happy. Same with Potterhead references, I need them for survival. That’s so insightful, I love that so much! I agree with you, watching friendships naturally develop is a truly beautiful thing. I hope you love Famous in a Small Town if you get around to it soon!! It’s a fave for sure.

      Oh my, SAME. It’s the cutest and I will never not cry over young Dan, Emma, and Rupert.💛Thank you for the kind comment, Vaishnavi!

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  16. *whispers* did SOMEONE SAY SQUADS??? im HERE and im ready for recommendations!!
    so my professional opinion states that this list is basically perfect bc the gangsey (they own my heart) and those tumblr edits you posted literally made me SO emo and want to reread the whole series DONT TEMPT ME LIKE THIS BC I WILL
    and omg famous in a small town (we can pretty much refer to them as the ‘where will you spend eternity’ squad) i want SO BADLY to be part of their group chat i could cry
    anyways this list is epic and this post is epic and its made me very happy 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • I DID SAY SQUADS. I love all of the friendships in this post so muchhh.💛
      Aww, YES. The gangsey owns my heart too, more specifically Gansey, and I am happy that I tempted you because The Raven Cycle deserves to be loved and read a thousand times over (@ me because I’m resisting the reread but it’s hard and the raven boys are calling to me)
      Their group chat was so iconic?? Like I kept looking forward to the next time we got to read their texts because it was just a beautiful thing to witness.
      Thank you so, so much! This comment is epic and made ME very happy!🙈

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  17. Ahhh, I love this as a post idea! I also love a good sequel and friendship goals but I feel like I REALLY struggle to find them?!?! HP absolutely. But I have yet to read any of the others you have mentioned *hits self on the head in exasperation*. I will definitely be getting to Six of Crows soon because I just finished the Grisha trilogy a couple of months ago. I’ve also heard SO MUCH about the Raven Cycle yet I haven’t picked it up. What is wrong with me?!

    Squads I can think of – Love Simon crew (I know, I know, I am a broken record LOL), The Maze Runner, and The Diviners series. They were all awesome. Oh, and the motley crew in the Hobbit if that can count! 😀

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    • Thank you, Becky!❤️Friend groups are pretty hard to come across- best friends, easy, but a full on squad is much rarer. I’m super happy that I could nudge you in the right direction of some great recs!! I’ve yet to read the Grisha trilogy, but I really want to since I loved SOC. I hope you love both SOC and The Raven Cycle, they’re the loveliest books!

      I love this, thank you for the recs! I almost put the Simon Vs. crew on here, but then hesitated because I didn’t know if Leah and Abby were really friends?? (But I mean, they become friends, just at the beginning they’re a bit at odds.) Thank you for the kind comment!

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  18. Wait, I’ve never seen anyone call it “the gangsey” but that’s absolutely perfect! ❤️ They are an awesome group of friends, for sure! I only read the first book, but I got busy trying to read Dream Thieves and I keep forgetting to return to the series! But it’s definitely on my TBR. And then, of course, The Golden Trio is also just the best. Amazing friends. Who wouldn’t want to be in their group?

    Awesome post, Olivia! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I saw it on tumblr and it’s honestly the cutest name for their group ever?? I hope you’re able to return to the series soon, because it just keeps getting better and better. 😉 Ahh, I would give so much to be friends with the Golden Trio!

      Thank you so much, Xandra! I really appreciate your comment. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  19. AHHHH, YES. I LOVE friend groups in books! There’s so much opportunity for banter and insults and making each other tea and fierce life-risking loyalty. Harry Potter has such AMAZING friendships ❤ Harry, Ron, and Hermione are wonderful of course as the core of the friend group, and then there's Neville and Luna whom I LOVE FOREVER. I love how the friendships grow and change throughout the series and how they are such a big part of the story.
    Another friend group I love is Reynie, Kate, Sticky, and Constance in The Mysterious Benedict Society. I also love Muggles, Curly Green, Walter the Earl, Mingy, and Gummy in The Gammage Cup. They're all so different and they way they interact is hilarious to read about 🙂
    Yes!! Please!! Part!! 2!!!! I would love to hear about more friend groups you love 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re truly the best! Ahh, Harry Potter friendships are just🙌🏼😍I do love Neville, Luna, and Ginny being a part of the group too and I wish they got more page time.
      Oh my gosh, I was going to put the friend group from the Mysterious Benedict Society in this post! I just decided not to include it since it isn’t YA, but I will forever love their bonds and that will always be one of my all-time favorite books. I haven’t read The Gammage Cup, but I’ll have to look it up!
      Aww, that’s good to hear. Thank you so much for this incredible comment! ❤

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    • Thank you, Tasya! 💞Eep, I love HP friendships endlessly. Oh my gosh, haha, I relate so much?? I was so confused by the plot of TRC at all times but hey I loved the characters so I just kept pushing through. XD


  20. THE GANGSEY!!!!!! Omg a big yes from me lol. They’re my all time fave. But I totally agree with all of these! Especially Six of Crows. That group definitely lives up to the hype. Great post! 💛 Definitely got all the feels reading this lol I wish there were more great friendships in YA.

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  21. Ahh this is an amazing post idea!
    Oh, I didn’t know Harry, Hermione, and Ron are called the Golden Trio?? I really like how they have friendship problems throughout the books in realistic ways, I feel like that’s not always true for books. Also update: I read the first four books in like a week I think two weeks ago, but now I’m struggling to find people to borrow the last three from. Two of my friends have all of them, but one of them is moving and cannot find them in all her boxes and then the other one is in Taiwan. Ugh.
    Dang, thank you for reminding me about A List of Cages again. Still need to read that.
    Okay, I read the first Raven Cycle book and wasn’t that into it, but maybe I will give it another chance sometime. Ohh, that’s a hyped book I didn’t really like!

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    • Thank you, Annie! :))
      I think the fandom has just slowly begun referring to them as that throughout the ages. OH MY GOSH ANNIE YOU’RE SO FAR. Does you reading the first four books in a week speak to you really liking them?? TELL ME ALL YOUR THOUGHTS, and hopefully my caps lock came across as enthusiastic and not too alarming… Aww, I’m sorry about the last three books. Maybe the library will have them, or a secondhand bookstore?
      Yesss A List of Cages is so, so good.
      If you ever give the Raven Cycle another chance, I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts! I just fell in love with the characters, but the plot was wacky and confusing.

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      • Hahaha, I really liked them!! Okay, I will try to give you all my thoughts so far. I was surprised at the mystery element that all of them had, but it made sense because I realized J. K. Rowling also wrote a mystery series after Harry Potter too! The characters are so good, and I can’t wait to meet the ones I know I am going to meet but haven’t yet (Luna Lovegood), and I’m also excited/nervous for the plot twists that I also know are coming. I think I know a good number of the major spoilers? THANK YOU, Olivia, for pushing me to read them :)) It’s okay, my friends are home, so it should be good now!
        Yes, I think the wacky plot had something to do with me not liking it. It was also because of the magical realism feeling-I feel like magical realism books always throw me off.

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        • YAY!! Ohh, I can see how it would be surprising that they all have some kind of mystery. I honestly never thought of them having a mystery until now but I have just realized they each have one and now my eyes have been opened. (Thank you.) YAYAYAY, I’m so excited to fangirl about it with you once you’re done! You still have so many characters to meet and things to be uncovered, I’m really excited for you. That’s good!!🤗
          Magical realism books can be strange, but for some reason I love them. But I can see how they throw you off, especially since I feel like you get thrown into a fantasy but with no worldbuilding?

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  22. […] dezzy!!! i adore her and her blog in every way possible. dezzy’s posts are brilliant and she, as a person, is so kind-hearted and caring. basically, a real life cupcake i love popping onto her blog to see what she’s been up to and which books she loves (her taste in books is *chefs kiss*) i believe she is currently on a hiatus right now, but i am eagerly waiting for her return Olivia @ Purely Olivia […]

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I’m so excited to start reading the books you recommended!! I completely agree, my favorite books of all time center around friendships. Anyone read “It” by Stephen King? Beverly, Ben, Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Mike are the best friendship Squad I’ve ever read!! Thank you so much for these recs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, that makes me so happy to hear! Books with amazing friendships are superior, I don’t make the rules. 😉 I haven’t read It, but I have heard about the friendship squad (mostly from knowing a bit about the movie, haha). I think it might be too scary for me?? But knowing there’s cute friendships makes it a little more appealing.❤️ Thank you so much for reading and commenting! xx


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