I Should Read That Book Tag // ft. seven books I desperately want & need to read!!

As a blogger, I feel like I spend most of my time saying “I should read that book.”

Every time I read a book review or book recommendations post, I leave a comment talking about how much I want to read whatever books were talked about in the post and my TBR gets larger and larger.

Even though I’m stuck in a perpetual state of “too many books, too little time,” I wouldn’t have it any other way. Hearing about new books and deciding I want to read them is one of my favorite parts about blogging! It’s enhanced my reading experiences so much. All that to say, though, it makes for a hefty TBR.

Blog Title - Design #1 (43)

When the lovely and kind Elizabeth from Red Gal Musings (please go check out her amazing blog if you haven’t already! it’s one of my favorites) tagged me for the I Should Read That Book Tag, I was so excited because this gives me a chance to talk about a lot of the books on my TBR. I just really love rambling about books.

Maybe doing this post will inspire me to clean out my TBR a little? It’s scary. I definitely hope it reminds me of some of the great books out there that I still haven’t gotten around to!

Without further ado, onto the tag.


The Rules

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post (thank you so much, Elizabeth! Go read her post!)
  • Link to the creator’s blog in your post
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag 10 others to take part in the tag (I’ll do that at the end)
  • Enjoy the tag!


A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read

The Foxhole Court (All for the Game, #1)

I could put basically any book on my TBR here, since most of the books there are from blog recommendations (thank you, fellow bloggers), but one that quickly came to mind was The Foxhole Court, continuously recommended to me by the wonderful Malanie.

She mentions it a lot in her posts, and every time I read one of her posts, I remember to look for this book in the library next time I go! I aspire to reach her level of passion, and at this point, I associate this book with Malanie.

Not to mention, I am genuinely interested in reading this book (as well as the rest of the series) and I’m hyped for it to *finally* be checked in at the library so I can witness Neil Josten in the flesh.


A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t read it

Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Flashback to when this book was all the rage- yes, I still haven’t read Divergent. At this point, do I even still read it? It used to be such a popular book back in the day. I remember everyone at school talking about it, even if they weren’t people who typically read books.

I’ve had this on my TBR since before I even had a TBR, and yet I’ve still never actually checked it out from the library. Part of me thinks this is because it’s never checked in, but the other part of me knows that I’m probably never going to end up reading this anyway.  Still, I kind of do want to see what the hype was all about, because if there ever was a hyped book, this is it


A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t gotten around to finishing

The Boy Who Steals HousesThe only occurrences of this I can think of are with a middle grade series I started back in middle school, and that I don’t have an interest in finishing anymore (did anyone else read the Septmius Heap series?) so I’m going to cheat a little and use The Boy Who Steals Houses for this one.

It’s not part of a series, but I’m using it here because I’ve read C.G. Drew’s debut novel, A Thousand Perfect Notes, but I haven’t gotten around to this one yet and it’s high on my TBR. I need to order it online soon! I’ve heard it has great family and sibling dynamics, and also glitter, so it sounds right up my alley.

I also loved the writing style of ATPN and I’ve already read it twice in the past year, so I think it’s safe to say that I’ll be enjoying TBWSH.


A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but have never actually read

To Kill a Mockingbird (To Kill a Mockingbird, #1)

I honestly find it so sad that I haven’t read To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s such a popular book and I feel like everyone in the world has read this besides me! I don’t think I can keep calling myself a bookworm if I don’t read this book soon, it’s just so well-known, well-loved, and has been on my TBR for ages.

The story behind me somehow not ever reading this book, which is The Most Popular High School Required Reading Book™, is that I’m in a program at school called humanities. It’s English and history mixed, and it’s a two-year program for freshmen and sophomores.

Freshmen year, while everyone in the regular English classes read this book, we were doing the first half of world history, so we read Shakespeare since it correlated with the history material. Sophomore year, while the freshmen in the program read TKAM (since we had just learned about the 1900s and it was relevant to the history), we were preparing for the history AP exam and didn’t read the book.

Somehow, no one ever realized this gap and therefore there’s a small group of kids at my school, including me, that have never read To Kill a Mockingbird. All of that to say- I really should read this book!


A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read

What If It's Us

This has to be What If It’s Us. I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since this book came out, and I still haven’t read it! This isn’t entirely my fault (I check for it every time I go to the library and it’s always checked out), but it still makes me sad. I was so hyped for this book and still am, so here’s to hoping to gets checked back in soon!

I’ve enjoyed books by both Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli in the past, so I have high hopes for this. I’ve also heard it has Hamilton references and lots of cute moments. 😉



A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but just haven’t picked up yet

Five Feet Apart

I’m actually not sure whether this book inspired the film or was inspired by the film, but either way, I’m going to say Five Feet Apart. I saw Five Feet Apart in theaters months ago when it came out, and I loved it. Not to turn into a movie reviewer, but it was everything I could hope for in a movie- I adored the characters, I laughed, I cried, my heart broke, and the ending was perfect.

I’m sure this book is in popular demand at the library and bookstores right now since the movie was so successful, but I think one of my friends has it, so hopefully I’ll be able to borrow and read it soon. Rereading it might inspire me to rewatch the movie, because it was just that good!


A book you see all over Instagram but haven’t picked up yet

Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1)

To be completely honest, the one book that sticks out in my mind as being all over Instagram is Red, White, & Royal Blue…but I’ve already read it, so I can’t use it for this prompt. Another book that I have seen pretty frequently (unless I’m accidentally making this up) is Spin the Dawn!

This book was released fairly recently and I’ve seen a lot of promo for it on Instagram and a lot of positive reviews around the blogosphere, too. I don’t think it will be in my library for a while, but the premise looks amazing and I’m not-so-patiently anticipating getting to read this!


Writing this post really helped me take a look at my TBR and actually remember all the books I’ve put on it over the past years. Some of the books I mentioned here have been on my list from the very beginning (like, literal YEARS) and others have only been on it for a matter of weeks. However, I want to read them all!

The terrifying sad truth is that I could do this tag ten times over, mention different books every time, and still have books to spare on my TBR. But you know what, it’s okay! For me, part of being my bookworm self is having an excessive amount of books I want to read.

I’m going to tag ten bloggers to do this, as the rules instruct, but if I don’t tag you, please feel free to do this anyway! And for those that I do tag, there is absolutely zero pressure to participate in this tag.😊

Jenna // Emme // Audrey // May // Xandra // Sophie // Kay // Caitlin // Charis Rae //  Maha


I hope you’re having a great week, and good luck crushing your TBR!✨

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think of them? Do you also have a large TBR? Have you read To Kill a Mockingbird? I’d love to talk with you in the comments.

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Credits for the image in my featured image >> Photo by Ellieelien on Unsplash

88 thoughts on “I Should Read That Book Tag // ft. seven books I desperately want & need to read!!

  1. I really want to pick up what if it’s us and and Five Feet Apart. I think I read five feet apart once but I can’t remember and I love that cover too much to let it pass me by. My best friend has CF so I like seeing it represented in a popular book since I didn’t know about CF until I met her.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope you get to read them all soon! Oh my goodness, yes, Five Feet Apart seriously has such a gorgeous cover, I’m obsessed. I hope the CF representation in it is done well! ❤

      Also, for some reason this comment went to my spam folder?? I'm sorry for the late reply on this comment and on the other one you left me, I don't know WordPress but it in spam. :((


      • That’s okay! I commented twice because the comment didn’t show up so I wasn’t sure what was going on. I’m new to WordPress so I’m still learning haha.

        I’m going to run Five Feet Apart past my friend once she gets out of the hospital to see if she thinks the representation is done well!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. TBWSH is amazing, you will love it. And ahhh I just finished Spin the Dawn and I think it was a little too hyped for me??? Still 10/10 recommend though, and ahh I’ve been wanting to see 5 Feet Apart for ages!!! And happy to hear it’s good!!! What if it’s Us is the best, and it references Hamilton so an automatic pass to Olivia. Love this tag, and good luck with reading them all!!! You’ll need it… 😝 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thank you so much for tagging me Olivia! omg while reading this tag,multiple books that could fit into the prompts were filling my head haha. I think my answer for the first question would be the same as yours! My friend Laura recently binge read the series, and she loves it. according to her, it’s similar to a lot of books I love, so I really have to read it! well, at least you’ve read ATPN already, because both of Cait’s books are on my TBR and i have read none of them :’) sorry to add onto the hype, but I really liked Spin the Dawn and I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on it!! amazing post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Of course!💓Haha, I can relate to that so much, I could think of tons of books for every prompt, honestly. I hope you get to read the All for the Game series soon, I’m really hyped to get around to it eventually! (For some reason I’ve always associated it with The Raven Cycle in my head but I’m pretty sure this is completely false.) Aww, I’m sorry you haven’t been able to read ATPN or TBWSH, but I can assure you that you have great book(s) ahead of you to read. 😉 I’m super glad to hear you liked Spin the Dawn! Thank you, and thank you for this lovely comment, Caitlin. *virtual hug*


  4. Nice! Don’t worry I also didn’t read divergent until this year hahaha. To Kill a Mockingbird is not bad, but I honestly wouldn’t have read it if it wasn’t for school. (But I dunno why) Ooh yes, 5 Feet Apart is on my tbr too!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Cool tag. I love this tag. I haven’t read most of these books either. I did read Divergent, though. It’s pretty good….but it’s very sci-fi/dystopian so if you’re into that type of books you’d probably like it. Or if you’re trying some new books. I think there was this square of time where all everyone wanted to read was dystopian. I guess we have The Hunger Games to thank for that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, definitely feel free to participate in it if you would like to!🤗I’m not opposed to dystopian, but I don’t read it that frequently. I think it would be worth it to give Divergent a chance, though! You’re so right, a few years ago dystopian books were ALL the rage and all the most popular books were dystopian. I have to say, I’m kind of glad that era is over, haha. Thank you for your comment, McKayla!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much! Yeah, I wasn’t super into dystopian (and I’m still not, completely) but I’m glad I read it. YES, I am, too. I mean, I like dystopian but I like that now there are books of different genres that are popular, too.
        You’re welcome.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Skip Divergent, please! You’ll be doing yourself a favor. XD I will say that the first book is good (slightly cliche), but the rest of the books just go downhill. The Boy Who Steals Houses is really good, I’d definitely give it a go!

    I’ve read TKAM twice, most recently for a literature class. It’s a lot and definitely not my favorite, but it’s actually VERY deep and interesting, and overall a really good story.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s what I’ve heard about the series! The curious part of me just wants to read the first one to see what all the hype is about, but the other part of me is screaming at myself to not waste my time.🙈That’s really nice to hear about TBWHS, I’ve heard lots of positive things about it!

      Oh, that’s really cool. I just feel like it’s such a classic that I NEED to read it and hear the message! Thank you for your comment, Charis. ❤

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  7. To Kill a Mockingbird is worth the read, 100 %. I really enjoyed it in school! 🙂 And I’m just like you, I haven’t read What if It’s Us yet either!!! GAHH I need to get my life together lol. I NEED more hours in a day

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lovely post, Olivia!! I seriously need to read the Foxhole Court because of Malanie as well! Her enthusiasm and passion for the book has seriously made me want to check it out! I need to read the Boy Who Steals Houses soon as well! I actually just purchased it on Kindle yesterday! I’m so excited to read it soon. ❤ I really hope you enjoy Five Feet Part and Spin the Dawn!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, Kelly!💗Aww, I love that she’s spread her love of the series to multiple people. That’s so exciting about TBWHS- I’ll be eagerly anticipating hearing all your thoughts about it. Thank you, ahh, and happy reading to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I loved reading this post! The tag is such a fun concept. I personally was incredibly disappointed with Divergent. It was too overhyped for me, and it came nowhere close to be as good as everyone made it seem. I’m pretty sure I dnfed it and I don’t do that often. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I really want to read Spin the Dawn! That cover is absolutely gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!❤️Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I feel like Divergent is hit or miss for everyone so now my struggle is do I read it in case it’s a hit or skip it in case it’s a miss?! Here’s to hoping we both get to read Spin the Dawn soon, and I agree, the cover is beautiful.


  10. Thanks so much for the tag ❤ I've been seeing Spin The Dawn everywhere looking gorgeous as well and really need to read that one! Also confession time: not only have I not read What If It's Us, but I actually haven't read any of Adam Silvera's books… I want to I just… never got around to it… so hey at least you're not the only one!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Of course, if you ever want to do this I’ll be super excited to read your post!🤗Ahh, that’s okay, haha. If you’re interested in reading them, my favorite is They Both Die at the End so I would recommend that one the most!


  11. i have such a big tbr i’m probably going to die before i read them all, hahah. i read tkam for english in 8th grade and i really loved it! it’s probably one of my favorite books ever. i remember liking divergent, though i don’t fully trust the opinions of 2015 me. thanks so much for tagging me – i’ll be sure to do this tag soon<3

    Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly…same?? I don’t think I’ll ever actually have a zero TBR but that’s okay with me. It gets me so excited to hear your positive thoughts on TKAM!! Oh my gosh, I relate so much to not actually trusting my 2015 thoughts on books. I really don’t think I would like about 70% of the books I LOVED back in the day. Aww, yay! Thank you for your comment, Audrey.💛

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I thought Divergent was pretty good but I wasn’t a fan of the rest of the series, so idk if there’s any point in recommending that you pick it up 😂 THE FOXHOLE COURT ON THE OTHER HAND, YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. if you ever want to br the foxhole court let me know!! and i’ve spin the dawn everywhere!! i really want to read it. i still haven’t read the gilded wolves which everyone seems to have already? and red white and royal blue is one that i haven’t read yet even tho EVERYONE loves it

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, we definitely should! (At least, if it ever gets checked in to my library, lol.) I haven’t read Spin the Dawn or Gilded Wolves either, but I have read RW&RB. Not to add to the hype, but it was really good! I hope you enjoy all these books, happy reading.❤️


  14. I felt so called out by the first paragraph of this post 😂 Literally every blogger post or review that I read that sounds interesting I say I’ll check this out! And then I add it to my TBR. And tell myself how much I want to read it. And then never get to it.

    The Foxhole Court was also brought to my attention by Malanie! And I really recommend reading To Kill a Mockingbird, it was my favorite book that I read while in High School!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my gosh, that made me laugh.😂That’s basically the story of my blogger life, but somehow I’m okay with it and it just keeps on happening!

      I love that so much! Ooh, I’m glad to hear that about TKAM, after reading the comments from people on this post it’s pretty much solidified my decision to read this book as soon as possible.


  15. Hahahahahahahahahahaha all of these books except for The Foxhole Court is on my TBR too, and has been for quite a while. #oops. I read the Foxhole Court trilogy (? idk if the trilogy had a name lol) during the spring and really really enjoyed it, so hopefully you will too!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. You’re not alone! I haven’t read what if it’s us yet either, although it’s just come back in to my library & I put it on hold so I’ll be leaving you alone again soon ☹️😂

    Liked by 1 person

    and i haven’t read any of these books, except for DIVERGENT, but that was a long time ago, i don’t even remember what happens in the series 😂😂😂

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  18. Wait-another person who read Septimus Heap?! A few years ago, I was really into that series. My advice on Divergent is to just read the first one. The trilogy steadily gets worse and worse. Spin the Dawn is really good, I just finished it. I feel like it’s the sort of book you’d like.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, that’s so cool! I never ended up getting past the first few books, but I was into it while I was reading those, haha. I’ve heard that about Divergent- thanks for the advice! Ooh, I’m glad to hear you liked Spin the Dawn. Thank you so much for the comment, Rose! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  19. And YES, I have read To Kill a Mockingbird! It is actually my favorite book of all time. When I grow up, I want to be Atticus. This is my story of me and To Kill a Mockingbird: I went to Costco with my mom one day, and of course, as I always do when I go to Costco, I went to the huge book table. I saw To Kill a Mockingbird, recognized the title as a classic, and bought it. I think that was in sixth grade? I’m not sure. The first time I read it, I remember not understanding or liking it. I was like, what is all this hype about? Then later, I decided to read it again even though I almost never reread books. I think I wanted to give it another chance. That’s when it became my favorite book. And then I had to read it again for school in eighth grade. I have not reread it since, but maybe it’s time?
    The Foxhole Court is on my to be read list too! It was recommended on a blog too, but I don’t remember which one. It’s interesting because from the description, they could have taken the cover in so many other directions, but they decided on this one.
    I think my TBR is on the small-average side for people who read? On Goodreads, it’s a little above six hundred.

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    • Ahh, I think I knew that because of the part in your blog bio about Atticus Finch! (Assuming that’s the same Atticus. XD) I love that story about how you discovered it. Sometimes the books that I discover all on my own just by randomly picking it up in a library or bookstore end up being the best ones.
      Yeah, I thought the same thing about the cover! I like it in a kind of very chill, minimalistic kind of way, but I also think they could have done a lot more with it. I do think it’s memorable, though- I’m always able to picture the cover in my head.
      Wow, I only have 180 books on my TBR on Goodreads!! I’ve only been using it for about two years, though, so maybe that’s a factor? I wonder what the average TBR size is, that would be an interesting experiment!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, yes it is! (I think I might have to add Dumbledore to the list soon :)) Yes, exactly!
        You’re right, it is memorable. But hm, I don’t know if that’s saying too much because I feel like covers tend to stick in my head. Is it like that for you too?
        I LOVE Goodreads. I don’t know when I first made an account, but I think I’ve been really using it for three years now because I have 2017, 2018, and 2019 bookshelves for books that I read each year. Yes, that would be interesting!


        • Ooh, really? I just remembered THAT YOU HAVE READ HARRY POTTER and I became very excited. I just realized I never really officially updated you on our summer deal, though I did talk about it in a post- but I sadly failed our challenge, I’m sorry.😭I only watched Dr. Strange, The Avengers, Age of Ultron, Infinity Wars, and Spider-man Homecoming, BUT I LOVED THEM ALL SO MUCH and my new goal is to have all the Marvel movies done by the end of next summer. The banter between the characters in the movies is on point, and I can see why Marvel is such a huge fandom and so widely loved.
          What are your Harry Potter thoughts?
          Some covers stick in my head, but not always. I’d say it’s half and half, depending on if I liked the book!

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          • I KNOWWWWW. It’s a bit surprising to myself as well, after not having read them for so long. Ahh no, it’s okay! You watched five movies, which is already a good ten or twelve hours, especially with Infinity War. AHHH I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVED THEM. That sentence made me reflexively smile so hard. Hahaha yes, I love how it just all builds. I’m excited to hear more about your thoughts on Marvel. Was it a good level of scary?
            Agh, I need to sit down and gather all my Harry Potter thoughts in one place. Dang, I really should’ve done a mini journal entry after each book. Okay, here are a few of them: When I grow up, my career goals are to be either Atticus, Dumbledore, or both. I love how Harry, Hermione, and Ron fight actually a good amount. It feels very realistic. Okay, as I think of more, I will need to try and sprinkle them through comments. But I really did love them, Olivia. Thank you for striking this deal with me. :))

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            • YAY! It’s taking a lot of self control to not seek out Marvel pins because I don’t want to see any more Endgame spoilers than I already have, thanks to Twitter and the fact that I follow people on there who are obsessed with Marvel and therefore retweeted a lot of stuff when Endgame came out. The movies ended up not being scary at all! The only time I was really scared was kind of funny, actually- Hulk dropped out of nowhere, and I screamed, but it was just a jump scare, haha.
              Speaking of jump scare, I started watching Stranger Things!! I’m watching it with my friend who I was watching Riverdale with (we finished that) and I just started season two. IT’S SO GOOD.
              Aww, yes, the trio’s fighting is realistic! I saw something somewhere that said their friendship worked out so well because they were all the awkward third wheel at some point, and honestly, that’s the truth. I’m so happy you loved them!

              Liked by 1 person

              • Hahaha yikes, I hope nothing huge has been spoiled for you about Endgame. And even if you do, I hope you forget about it while you watch the movie. Because that definitely happened to me while I was reading Harry Potter. Well kind of. I thought I know most of the huge spoilers going in-that Snape loves Lily, that Snape dies, that Dumbledore dies, that one of the Weasley twins dies (sorry, I think it’s Fred, but I’m not sure). But then I totally forgot about the second two. I did read the whole series knowing that Snape was good. Also, I always thought there was going to be a big moment where Snape goes, turn to page 42, but I never noticed it happen.
                Are the people you follow on Twitter who are obsessed with Marvel people you know or celebrities? I think it’s super cool when well known people talk about books or movies they really love. Ahh, yayyy! Hahahaha, that’s funny. Which movie was that in?
                Ohhh wow, that’s really insightful!

                Liked by 1 person

                • Sadly, it was a main spoiler, but my thought process is that if I don’t speak it out loud it might not be true? (Even though I know it is.) I’m glad the HP spoilers didn’t mess up the reading experience too much. Aww, yeah, that would have been great in the books- but it’s one of those details they just put in the movies (I think). While I’m all for sticking to the books, the movies do have a lot of tidbits that I love even though they weren’t in the books.
                  They’re people I know! But yeah, I agree, it’s fun to see people you’re a fan of fangirl over something else, especially when it’s the same. I think it was in Infinity Wars! I know it was the one where they’re searching for the stone things and Dr. Strange is in it.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Hahahahaha, hm, you never know????
                    Wait WHAT, that’s only a movie detail? That’s a thing? WHAT. Okay, I guess I do have to watch all the movies now. Just to finally see the turn to page 42 scene. Whaaat, now I’m curious about all the things I knew about that were only movie things.
                    Ohh okay, I have a guess for which scene it was. Did it involve him moving his head around really rapidly? Or maybe him telling Iron Man there’s only one?

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                    • HAHA, I’m pretty sure it’s in the third movie, by the way. (Which is honestly one of the best movies. Even though I love them all so I’m just a *little* biased.)
                      Agh, I can’t remember?? I think maybe the first thing you said…it’s been a while now.

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  20. We need days with more than 24 hours to read all the books! haha
    I’ve been seeing Spin the Dawn everywhere too, don’t worry, and I’m highly anticipating it. Hopefully, I’ll read it once I finish The City of Brass ^^

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  21. honestly, i’ve never related more with “too many books, too little time” like i do now. i’ve read 40 books this year and i still feel like i have an endless TBR to check out.
    i’m really surprised you haven’t read divergent yet! it’s one of my favorite series ever and it was for sure really hyped, which actually put me off at first, but i ended up getting it as a gift so i kinda had to read it. i loved it and devoured the rest of the series. i think it’s a really polarizing one, but worthy giving a shot!
    to be 100% honest, i have no idea what to kill a mockingbird is even about. i assume it has to do with a mockingbird? and i know there’s a character named atticus, but that’s how far my knowledge goes, lol. needless to say, this is not a required read in my country, so i’ve only heard of it because of fellow bloggers or in US media. i do have quite a few classics i like the sound of, such as pride & prejudice and wuthering heights, but i am also way too intimidated by classics to ever think about reading them, lol.

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    • That’s awesome that you’ve read 40 books! But yes, I feel you with the endless TBR that just doesn’t give up.
      Ohh, I didn’t know Divergent was one of your favorites! I’ve been getting very mixed reactions in the comments on whether or not I should read the series, but yours may have tipped me in favor of giving it a shot. 😉
      I’m honestly not sure what it’s about either! I’m thinking that going into it a little blind will be better, since it’s already so hyped up for me due to the fact that it’s basically required reading EVERYwhere in the U.S. I’ve read P&P and half of Wuthering Heights! Classics are intimidating, but well worth the read in the end. ❤ (I actually have a post about classics coming kind of soon…)
      Thanks for your comment, Lais!

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  22. Ahh lovely answers for this tag, Olivia! I also really want and need to read The Boy Who Steals Houses, it sounds so good and I loved Cait’s debut so much as well. As for Spin The Dawn…. I’ve been seeing it EVERYWHERE and can’t wait to be able to get a copy either ❤ ❤

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  23. I love TKAM!! I read it for the first time in 7th grade for fun and I’m currently rereading it for my freshamn pre-ap english class :)) I will say that I’m not loving it AS much as I did the first time but it’s still really, really great

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  24. thank you SO MUCH for the tag, queen
    ‘i should read that book’ or ‘i’ll get to that book immediately’ is literally my motto and its a lie bc i never do, so i feel seen right now.
    omg good on you for still trying to read those backlist books like divergent. the boy who steals houses HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOREVER TOO!!! i loved atpn and i know im going to love tbwsh but i just gotta, heh, prioritize it
    dude, are we the same person?? i watched five feet apart and sobbed my heart out (and still havent read the book) but im so happy you loved the movie too, i cant believe it hurt me like that.
    this was such a great post but also, A GOOD REMINDER to read all these books lol good luck!!

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    • Aah, of course!!
      I feel like everyone says “I should read that hopefully soon” and then “hopefully soon” ends up being in six or more months but it’s okay because we all do it??
      That moment when my backlist goes all the way back to like 2014…AHH, SAME WITH TBWTS, like I just never think about it at a time where I can actually buy it, if that makes sense.
      I actually cried so hard in that movie! Agh, and when my friend and I got back in the car after we literally screamed for a good thirty seconds to get all the emotions out. (We are a little overdramatic, but it was SAD.)
      Aww, thank you!! Happy reading my friend💗

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  25. ahhhh I FEEL SO EMOTIONAL NOW AND HAPPPPYY ❤ ❤ ❤ i am so honored that u associate tfc with me omg i cherish our friendship so freaking much :') i need to make a post about how I associate you so much with harry potter, RAVEN BOYS, list of cages, and A Thousand Perfect Notes (which i still need to read i'm missing out so much)

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    • AWWWE, MALANIE. I will forever associate you with The Foxhole Court and also with The Raven Cycle because you definitely influenced me the most to read it, plus our fangirling about it together is just ❤️😭 I’m ACTUALLY THE MOST HONORED to be associated with all of those things because they are beautiful books that I love with all of my heart!! Yes yes yes, I hope you can read ATPN soon because it’s amazing.

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  26. This is such a minor detail to take away from this post but GOD I wish I had a humanities program at my school 😭😭 But anyways lmao, yes, I’m so excited for you to read The Foxhole Court!! I’m not gonna lie, there are definitely some yikes things about it, but I do hope you’re able to recognize that and enjoy it at the same time (it’s 100% just terrible quality too lmao!!) ❤ And yes Spin the Dawn is all over Insta, and I love it because the cover is absolutely gorgeous and I love seeing it in my feed! Great post ❤

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    • Aww, I wish you did, too! It was such an interesting and unique way to learn about history, and I feel like I took a lot away from the program. Ahh, I really haven’t heard anything specific about TFC besides Malanie raving about it, but I’m hoping I enjoy it?? (The truth is, I often love terrible quality books with all my heart.😂) The cover to Spin the Dawn IS so pretty, ahh- I hope I can read it soon. Thank you so much, May! ❤


  27. “As a blogger, I feel like I spend most of my time saying “I should read that book.””- I relate to this so much, I say this in the comments all the time haha!!
    Yay The Foxhole Court– I love this series. I think you can either love it or hate it but I absolutely love it and the characters. Some behaviour is definitely not good but the story is more than that and I really hope you enjoy it.
    I hope you enjoy The Boy Who Steals Houses because I did enjoy it and loved the family dynamic in it. Plus you just reminded me that it had glitter in it and it has definitely made me smile.
    I have been seeing Spin The Dawn around on instagram too and it does have a amazing cover so I can see why. I’ve heard a lot of good things as well so I hope you enjoy it when you read it!!
    This was a great tag and I hope you get to read all these books soon and love them. I can certainly relate to having a large TBR!! Thank you so much for thinking of me for this tag!! ❤ ❤ Great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know, right? I honestly feel a little terrible about how often I say it.🙈
      I’m really happy to hear you had a positive experience with both The Foxhole Court and The Boy Who Steals Houses, because I’m looking forward to both of those quite a lot! Haha, I heard about there being glitter in TBWSH from some reviews I read on various blogs, and I mean, that basically just solidifed how much I really do need to read it.
      Thank you so, so much, Sophie! This was such a lovely comment. Sending you all the happy reading and conquering of your TBR!❤️

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  28. Thank you so much for tagging me, Olivia! ❤ (And I’m sorry I’m so late! 🙈)

    I really liked Divergent when it first came out, but I don’t think it’s worth the hype anymore! (But if you’re really feeling up for it, go for it!) And I agree with you about The Boy Who Steals Houses! I read ATPN a few months ago and I really enjoyed it, but I haven’t been able to purchase TBWSH yet! It’s very high on my TBR, though 🙂

    I’ve been trying to read What If It’s Us since it’s release, and I even purchased a signed edition a few days after it came out! But I’m just… never in the mood, I guess! Hopefully I can read it eventually.

    Good luck with your TBR, Olivia! 💕 Happy reading!

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    • Of course! Ahh, no, you’re completely fine.🤗

      I definitely have heard the same from other people, and I kind of agree! Part of me really doubts that I ever will actually read it. Probably not, honestly. XD I hope we both get to read TBWSH soon, because I’ve heard tons of great things and ATPN was beautiful!!

      That’s so cool you have a signed edition?? I totally get you on not being in the mood to read a book though and putting it off.

      Thank you so much, Xandra! The happiest reading to you, too.☺️

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  29. I still need to read Divergent too 😅 I have all three as ebooks but need to pick them up. I’ve actually just treated myself to a copy of Spin The Dawn so I’m hoping to read that ASAP and I also adored Five Feet Apart; it was such a beautiful movie and I’m sure I’ll watch it again.

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