The Lady Janies Book Tag // Most Anticipated Release, Favorite Characters, + More

I think we’re long overdue for a book tag.

I love a good book tag almost as much as I love a good contemporary, and today I’m so happy to be participating in The Lady Janies Book Tag. I’ve recently realized just how many amazing characters there are named Jane, and that made me especially excited to do this tag. 😉

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I was tagged for this by Malanie and Elizabeth (they’re both amazing and I love them and their blogs dearly), so thank you to both of you for the tag! This tag was created in honor of The Lady Janies series and My Plain Jane‘s release, and while I haven’t read this series yet, I definitely want to now.

Let’s get right into it!


Before We Begin, The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you (^^)
  • Answer all the questions down below
  • Pingback to creators: Rebecca @bookishlyrebecca and Ellyn @Allonsythornraxx
  • Nominate 5+ bloggers to do this tag (I’ll do so at the end of this post)


Lady Jane Grey {a short book that packed a punch}

It’s been ages since I read Orbiting Jupiter, at least three years, and yet I still remember reading it. I can’t recall the exact details, just the general plot, but I do recall how much I cried during and after I read it.

Image result for orbiting jupiter

Even if it’s been a while since I read it, I think this book deserved to go here, because 1) I need to reread it and 2) it definitely packed a punch! It’s not a fluffy book, though it is only 183 pages long.


Jane Austen {favorite heroine in a classic book}

I have to steal Elizabeth’s answer here…how could I not say Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables? And the rest of the series, which is also amazing, by the way.


I love this series an exorbitant amount, and Anne will never fail to be one of my all-time favorite characters. I love reading her pages upon pages of dialogue, her adventures with Diana (and later Gilbert), her constant positivity, and just her outlook on life. If Anne Shirley were real, this world would be a better place!


Jane Lynch {a character on the LGBTQ+ spectrum}

I had to think hard about this one, but I think I need to go with Mateo from They Both Die at the End! It’s been quite a while since I read this one (agh, it needs a reread), but I remember loving him so much. *wipes away tear*


I loved this book and its characters dearly, but it broke my heart, and I’m still not over it.


Jane Eyre {your favorite retelling}

I’m sure I’ve read retellings before, but I actually can’t think of any?! I do love any books about fairytales, though, so maybe I’ll have to go with the whole Land of Stories series by Chris Colfer. Ah, middle grade never fails. XD


Calamity Jane {your most anticipated release}

Right now, it’s none other than What If It’s Us!

What If It's Us

When I first heard about this book, I thought it would never come out, but IT IS ALMOST HERE NOW, and I can’t calm down about it. The reviews I’ve read so far have just made me even more excited (Harry Potter! and Hamilton! and realistic romance!). Y’ALL, CATCH ME IN BARNES & NOBLE ON OCTOBER 9TH BUYING THIS BOOK.


Jane Fonda {character who upholds feminist ideals}

I’m sure a lot of characters uphold feminist ideals (I hope) but it just isn’t mentioned, but recently I read The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls, and fall absolutely in love with the four sisters starring in it, and they were all feminists!


Des, Kat, Bea, and Vi all had the most amazing shirts about feminism and I loved it dearly. I think my favorite character was Vi, so we’ll use her for this one. 😉


Jane Krakowski {an underrated book you wish people would read}

I haven’t heard too much about A List of Cages, and since it’s my favorite book, I had to mention it here. Because I’d 34820384% recommend it to you all.


You can read my review here, but basically, it has allll the platonic love, the best almost-brother relationships, the sweetest character in the world (Adam), my child (Julian), a great gang of friends, and all the feels. I read this in one sitting, and I’ll never stop loving it.


The Lady Janies {two or more authors you wish would work together}

Ahh, this is such a great question! Honestly, I would say Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli, but GUESS WHAT, that’s already happening. *rubs hands together* *waits impatiently for October 9th*

This might be a totally weird combination (?!) but…Morgan Matson and Adam Silvera. I love both of their contemporaries, and how amazing would they be if they were mixed?!


Wow, this tag was so fun! Although, like Elizabeth said in her post, I really don’t know most of these Janes?! Which is sad, and must mean there are a lot more books that need to be added to my TBR. 😉

Now for the five bloggers I tag! Of course, if I tag you, no pressure at all to participate, and if I don’t tag you, still do feel free to participate if you’d like. And definitely link back here so I can read all your lovely posts!

Sissi // Aimee // Michelle // Tiffany // Lily

Thank you so much for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Oh, and just a reminder that I do have a giveaway going on right now (for $20 visa gift card), and it will only be open for another week, so if you haven’t already, click here to enter.

Have you read any of the books I mentioned? What did you think of them, and which ones do you want to read? Is anyone else excited for What If It’s Us? I’d love to chat with you in the comments.

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Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash >> Credits to the photographer of the featured image!

52 thoughts on “The Lady Janies Book Tag // Most Anticipated Release, Favorite Characters, + More

  1. I’m really excited for What If It’s Us!! I agree that Mateo from They Both Die at the End is a pretty great character. Aside from that book, I haven’t really read any of the other books you mentioned in your post (but A List of Cages has been on my tbr for awhile).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely answers for this tag, Olivia ❤ I really need to read They Both Die At The End sometime, it sounds like such a great – and heartbreaking read. I also would love to read The Garrett Girls, I have a feeling I would love it 🙂 AND YES A LIST OF CAGES it's such a good book!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to camp outside of Barnes & Noble for What If It’s Us, and it’s unnecessary BUT I’M JUST SO EXCITED. Gay literature has been blessed w Becky ++++ Adam????? ////together??///// IT’S ALMOST TOO MUCH.
    2. A List of Cages deserves all the love and I’m so happy we appreciate it like it deservesss
    I love your answers so much + ily + I’m so excited for What If It’s Us c: c: c:

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That seems like a great plan, let’s camp outside together! 😉 Seriously, though, Becky and Adam can only produce a lovely work of literature, and I can’t wait to read it.
      2. I agree, I agree, I agreeeee! You already knew that, but I felt like it needed restating. XD
      3. Mateo. *cries* *sobs* *washes away in flood of tears*
      Thank you Malanie!💓Ahh, I love you and our excitement for books too much for words.

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  4. A List of Cages is also one of my favorite books! You’re totally right though, not a lot of people talk about it anymore. The end was so pure, I cried for like three days straight (okay, not literally). I read My Lady Jane, but I haven’t read My Plain Jane yet. Your answers were fun, thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, that makes me SO happy to hear! It’s truly amazing. I remember just sitting in my room wide awake for nearly an hour after I finished because it just impacted me that much. And don’t even get started on Adam, I love him with all my heart. AND JULIAN. Thank you Madeline, and thank you for reading!💗

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’M CRYING because I heard about What If It’s Us and like THERE’S SO MANY GOOD BOOKS COMING OUT IN THE SHORT TIME SPAN AND MY BANK ACCOUNT CANNOT HANDLE THIS. I didn’t realize there were so many Janes in fiction but that’s super neat. Also THE ONE WHERE THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END!!! I started reading it but then I had to return it the day I left for college, so that was fun. 😦

    xoxo Abigail Lennah

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    • I’M CRYING, TOO. “So many good books coming out and my bank account cannot handle this”- so relatable.😂What If It’s Us obviously has my heart even though I haven’t read it yet, haha. Ahh, I hope you get another chance to read They Both Die at the End someday, because it’s beyond amazing. Thank you for your comment, Abigail! (And I hope college is going well for you.❤️)


  6. I am literally screaming at HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL BOOKS WERE MENTIONED IN THIS POST. Ahhh Anne of Green Gables such an amazing classic – couldn’t agree with you any more on that. I placed a hold for my public library on TBDATE and I. Need. It. In. My. Life. Now. Haven’t read LOC before, but now I definitely will!! After reading posts like this, I add all the books to my tbr, and once again I am drowning bc I don’t know how I will ever finish that list XD Love this tag, and amazing post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • AHH, KIMBERLY.❤️We can scream together! Anne of Green Gables is iconic and will always be one of my favorites. Ahh, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on They Both Die at the End! I LOVE IT SO MUCH. (Even though my heart is now in a million pieces, thanks, Adam Silvera.) It makes me SO happy to hear that you want to read List of Cages, because it’s just that amazing!🤗That’s so relatable, I honestly don’t think I will ever complete my TBR. Ever. XD Thank you so much, thank you for reading and commenting! You’re the best.


    • You’re so welcome, Lily! I can’t wait to read your answers if you do it (but no pressure, of course).💓

      ALL THE LOVE for A List of Cages and What If It’s Us! I can’t wait to scream about it with you if we both love it. 🙂


  7. Did you know that there’s an Anne of Green Gables Netflix show out? I haven’t watched it, but I first heard about it on the blog ModernMrs.Darcy (one of my favorite blogs, the reason I started listening to podcasts and reading non-fiction, and a big reason why I started blogging- basically, Anne Bogel has changed my life), and I think she also said it was good. Wait, Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli haven’t written a book together before? I feel like they have. Okay, so what’s the name of the book coming out on October 9th and what’s it about?

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  8. Thank you for the tag! Though I haven’t read the Lady Jane series yet, this seems like a fun tag to do 🙂 Out of all the books you’ve mentioned, I’ve only read Anne of Green Gables (still need to finish that series too… I think I’m now at book 5?) but so many of these are on my tbr! Like you definitely made me want to read A List Of Cages and I’ve been meaning to read They Both Die At The End but I’ve heard Adam’s books make you cry and well, with a title like that… How will I NOT cry. I’m really curious to see if I’ll cry while reading What If It’s Us haha

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, you’re welcome! Same here, but this tag increased my awareness of the series, so that was definitely a plus side to it. 😉 I love Anne of Green Gables and the rest of the books, too! It’s such an entertaining classic. A LIST OF CAGES, I really hope you get to read it soon, it’s just one of my all time favorites.❤️Same for They Both Die at the End! I cried so much in that book, just as I expected to, but somehow I just read it anyway knowing it would tear my heart apart. Same here! Thank you for reading & for your comment!

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