SO MANY TAGS // One Lovely Blog Award, Awesome Blogger Award, & Unique Blogger Award, Oh My!

It’s been too long since I did a tag post.

I mean, it’s been since January, and that’s just not okay. So today I’ll be participating in the One Lovely Blog Award, the Awesome Blogger Award, and the Unique Blogger Award. *takes deep breath* Let’s get started!


Oh, and thank you for everyone who has tagged me for anything lately! As you see, I’m quite behind on tags. But I’ll get around to them all eventually. 😉 Even if it’s in 2019.

Also, on my blog survey, a lot of people said they wanted to learn more about me personally. I do mostly blog/screech about books… I’m currently coming up with posts that will fulfill that, but I hope you’re able to learn something about me from these tags, too!Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 6.17.30 PM

One Lovely Blog Award

I was nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by Malanie! It wasn’t back in January, what are you talking about. Malanie is so so sweet and her posts are amazing, so you should definitely go check out her post and her blog. 😉 Thank you so much for tagging me!


  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award. Thank you Malanie, you’re amazing!
  • Display the banner/sticker/logo on your blog.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate up to 15 bloggers you admire and inform your nominees. I shall do this at the end…

7 Facts About Olivia:

  1. I am obsessed with a boy band. And I mean obsessed, like almost as obsessed as I am with Harry Potter?! And that’s saying a lot. They are called In Real Life, and they are amazing.
  2. I am left handed. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that, but I guess it’s kind of interesting.
  3. I love owls. From where I am sitting (in my bed) I can count 22 owls in my room. That includes these owl figurines I have, an owl mug, a clay owl, and more.
  4. Old movies are my favorite. Need I say more? OLD MOVIES ARE SO GOOD. I LOVE THEM DEARLY.
  5. I wish I was better at hand lettering. I need a professional hand letterer to teach me their ways. I wish I could do good cursive/other calligraphy fonts.
  6. My favorite place in the entire world is the beach. I’d rather go to the beach than to anymore else in the world.
  7. My favorite show to watch with my family is America’s Got Talent. I LOVE this show, and I’m so excited for it to start soon. The talent is amazing?? And so are the judges? And it’s just all around wonderful.

My Nominations:

I’m going to be linking to everyone’s most recent post, because otherwise there’s a good chance I will forget to comment on everyone’s blog, and this way they’re notified for sure. But be sure to check out the rest of their lovely blogs. 😉

As always, if I nominate you, no pressure to do it! And if I didn’t nominate you, but you want to do the tag, then by all means do so. (This applies to all the other nominations on this post, too!)

Carol // Zella // Marie // Julia // Mckenna // Catharine // Anna // Maddy

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The Awesome Blogger Award

Next is the Awesome Blogger Award! I was nominated for this by the lovely Anna. I love her and her blog, so definitely read her award post and go follow her, too. Thank you so much for the nomination, Anna!❤️


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward.
  • Answer the questions you were asked.
  • Nominate at least 5 bloggers and inform them of their nominations.
  • Give them 10 new questions to answer.

The Questions:

What is your favorite smell?

Ooh, this is such an interesting question. I’d have to say the smell of something baking in the oven- whether it is cookies, cake, or muffins. And I also love the sweet pea scent at Bath & Body Works. 😉

What is your favorite book?

How can I pick a favorite child?!? The answer is, I can’t.

I mean of course, logically I can’t

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I don’t know…I think I’d want to be able to infuse people’s minds with positivity.

Do you prefer warmth or coolness?


Animals or plants?

Animals. Especially my dog, Brees.

Do you prefer towns or cities?

I like living in a town (as I do now) but I love visiting big cities. Someday I want to live in a city, but maybe not for that long. I am very undecided on this question. XD

What is your favorite word, a word that makes you happy?

I actually don’t have a favorite word. My favorite word in Spanish is sacapuntas– it means pencil sharpener, and every time I say it in Spanish class it makes me smile for some reason. 🙂

Have you ever hugged a tree?

Yes, I have.

What is the scariest animal in your opinion?

There are quite a few scary animals out there… I’d have to say bears, sharks, and whales scare me the most. Bears because they can swim, run, and climb, so there’s really no escape from them, and sharks for obvious reasons, and whales because they’re so big and that creeps me out for some reason.

What is your favorite movie?

Like I mentioned earlier, I love old movies. A few of my favorites are The Sound of Music, Princess Bride, and Sweet Home Alabama.

My Nominees:

Clara // Laura // Megan // Liz // Lizzy // Annie

My Questions:

  1. What is your best memory?
  2. Do you prefer to use spoons, forks, or sporks?
  3. What is your favorite quote?
  4. Where would you travel right now, if you could go anywhere?
  5. What type of music do you like?
  6. What is your favorite season and why?
  7. Do you enjoy libraries?
  8. How many siblings do you have?
  9. Have you ever kept a diary, and why?
  10. Do you like to make lists?

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The Unique Blogger Award

I was nominated for this by Malanie again! (Read her post here.) Ahh, she’s just too kind. Thank you so much, Malanie! 😊


  • Display the award
  • Thank the person who nominated you, post a link to their blog
  • Answer the questions they’ve written for you
  • Nominate 8-13 bloggers and give them three questions in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity within our blogging family!


What book are you always thinking about even though you read it a long time ago?

It’s sort of a tradition for me to mention Harry Potter in every tag I do. So, of course, I have to mention that here. I’m always making connections between Harry Potter and real life, or pinning Harry Potter pins on Pinterest, or wearing Harry Potter shirts….

gET it, because i’ll always mention hp??

What is your favorite food?

Spaghetti and meatballs. Yum.

If you could save three book characters to pass on for future humanity, who would they be and why?

Okay but this is actually the best and hardest question ever??

  1. Albus Dumbledore // I feel like Dumbledore could do so much good if he was in the real world and not the wizarding world, I’d like to see that happen.
  3. August Pullman // I feel like if he lived in the real world, he would inspire people daily. I mean, he inspires me, and he’s fictional.


Ivy & Em // Sarah // Charis Rae // Cynthia // Dani // Hannah // Madi Grace // Rose

My Questions:

  1. What is your blogging inspiration?
  2. When you’re not blogging, what are you doing?
  3. What’s the most interesting/crazy/weird dream you’ve ever had?

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Well, that was quite a long post. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to combine three awards into one post… XD Thank you again to everyone who nominated me! (And to everyone who has tagged me for something, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. 😉 ) I hope you enjoyed this post and learned a few things about me.

What do we have in common? Have you ever done any of these awards before? I’d love to chat with you in the comments!

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50 thoughts on “SO MANY TAGS // One Lovely Blog Award, Awesome Blogger Award, & Unique Blogger Award, Oh My!

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination, Olivia, you’ve always been very supportive of my blog!!! I appreciate it! I’m scheduled to do a tags post today too! I need to catch up XD This summer I’m going to try to get better at hand lettering because I would love to learn to do it too! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AHHH thank you for the tag!! Ooh, I’m excited to answer those questions. I read Princess Bride the book (it was HILARIOUS and so good), but I haven’t watched the movie YET. That is a very good superpower answer. I might have to borrow it sometime. YES, Annabeth and August need to exist. Also: after seeing your first fact, I looked up In Real Life on Youtube and have had their music in the background for the past few minutes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome! I can’t read to read your answers. XD I can’t wait to read Princess Bride- and the movie is one of the most hilarious movies ever, so you’re in for a treat. 😉

      YAY!! In Real Life…*all the heart eye emojis* I normally don’t like that type of music, but my friend and I just so obsessed with them, haha.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you!! Oh my goodness, I’m so excited.

        Haha, which song do you like the most? Or songs, if you have a hard time picking a favorite. I liked the music video with the different girls, do you know what I’m talking about?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. YAY congratulations on these awards, I loved getting to know you a little more – and I really want to see that owl collection, I can’t really blame you here, I love owls they look adorable! I would also love to be great at hand lettering, but… I have no talent whatsoever haha.
    AND YES the smell of baking cookies is AMAZING.
    Lovely post! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • THANK YOU Marie!❤️I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Haha, I should share pictures of my owl collection sometime, it’s quite extensive. And I’m the same way with hand lettering! I need to keep practicing. XD Thank you again, and thank you for reading! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for doing my tag!
    I love old movies, too! 101 Dalmatians, Mary Poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Aristocats, Lt. Robinson Crusoe U.S.N, I could go on forever!
    Thanks for nominating me, too! I can’t do a post now, but I’ll be sure to do the tag in June!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahh it was really fun reading this, Olivia!! I love owls too and would loooove to do handlettering, but I can’t and I have never practised so lol lol that’s all my fault that I can’t do it. 😂 Also hARRY POTTER IS FANTASTIC! My sister and I are constantly sorting people into Houses. It’s one of our favourite hobbies.😂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There’s something about tag/award posts that take me forever to write them…? Haha! I don’t know why XD I loved reading this and getting to learn more about you! It’s so cool that you love owls 🙂 I love owl decor, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. so I haven’t done the award you nominated me for yet, and I’m looking back on this post to see the questions …and saw you need help with hand lettering! muahahaha. well, in the future I’m planning to write a post on that 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. eek this is so late but lovelyyy post! I love reading these because I get to learn so much more about the person behind the blog ❤ (and yes, I agree with you 100%, books are practically my children and I will stab anyone who tries to hurt my precious fictional characters!!)

    i have always wanted to learn calligraphy but every single attempt ends in failure?? I think me and handlettering were never meant to be :'')

    (tbh I think part of me is still mourning Dumbledore… #NotOverIt #WillProbablyNeverBeOverIt)

    anyways, thank you for tagging me!! I'll look forward to doing this in the future~

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh thank you so much, Hannah! I feel the same way about these kinds of posts, and I’m so glad you enjoyed reading mine!💞omg yes, my books are my children and no one hurts my children.

      Sadly I think it’s the same for me and handlettering? But I’m hoping that maybe that’s not the case and someday I will magically become good at it. XD

      SPEAKING OF MAGIC, I am never over Dumbledore either. Who could be over it?!

      Of course! Yay, I look forward to reading your post. 🙂 thank you for the lovely comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I had fun reading this one! I have some of the same favorite movies as you: I just watched The Princess Diaries not long ago, as well as Legally Blonde, which isn’t Sweet Home Alabama, but I always associate the two of them together. I should probably watch Sweet Home Alabama again, too! And I LOVE The Sound of Music!! It’s one of my all-time favorites.

    Sorry I’m super behind on reading blog posts, but thank you so much for the tag!

    Liked by 1 person

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