6 Hyped Fantasy Books I Really Want To Read // Six of Crows, Warcross, & More

I miss reading fantasy books.

As much as I love my contemporaries, I’m really ready to return to fantasy. It’s been a while, that’s for sure. Lately I’ve discovered a ton of fantasies that look amazing, and I can’t wait to share them today and read them soon!

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Like I said, I’ve been on a bit of a fantasy hiatus. But I still have a great love for the genre, and I’m hoping these books will get me back into the swing of reading fantasy. 🙂 I discovered most of them from other book blogs, and I’m so happy I did, because they look wonderful!

In this post, I’ll be screaming about six fantasies I can’t wait to read, and talking a little bit about why I want to read them. Without further ado, let’s get started!


1. Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)



Page Count: 462

Discovered It: from reading other blogs

My Level of Excitement to Read This: 8/10


I’ve heard so much about this book! (And I think it was all good things.) From the Goodreads synopsis, it seems to be a saving-the-world kind of thing, which I always enjoy. 😉 I also think the world will be so interesting and I hope there is a lot of worldbuilding in this book.

Six of Crows has SO much hype surrounding it! I hope I get to read it soon and see if it lived up to all the hype.


2. Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi

Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)



Page Count: 525

Discovered: from another blog(s)

My Level of Excitement to Read This: 11/10


Once again, I’ve seen a ton of reviews of Children of Blood and Bone. Even before I decided to get back into the swing of reading fantasies, I was interested in this book.

This looks so long! I love a good long fantasy- that is, if it’s a book I can get lost in. I have super high hopes for this one- it has characters trying to bring back magic, it has princesses, and the main character seems really interesting!

Guys, I’m so excited to read this. *screeches*


3. A Darker Shade of Magic, by V.E. Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1)



Page Count: 400

Discovered: from pretty much every YA book blog ever

My Level of Excitement to Read This: 10/10



Sorry I keep saying that. But this is a ‘hyped fantasy books’ post after all. V.E. Schwab seems to be so many people’s favorite author, so I am so, so excited to read this book.

I’m already intrigued by the Goodreads synopsis, and the cover is gorgeous, and it’s a series so I have a lot of books to look forward to, and wow, I just can’t wait to finally read it. *faints with excitement*


4. Caraval, by Stephanie Garber

Caraval (Caraval, #1)



Page Count: 407

Discovered: From A Whisper of Ink

My Level of Excitement to Read This: 7/10

Flashback to a couple weeks ago.

I’d never heard of Caraval, and probably would never find out about it since I think most of the hype was last year. Then, I stumbled across this post of Ilsa’s and now I really want to read it and I want to read it now.

The way she describes is just!! fabulous!! This book seems so magical and wonderful and an escape and I can’t even. I just checked it out from the library yesterday, and I’m so excited to read it soon.


5. Warcross, by Marie Lu

Warcross (Warcross, #1)



Page Count: 402

Discovered: from many, many book blogs

My Level of Excitement to Read This: 8/10


Can we just take a moment to admire this cover, because…😍

I always talk about contemporary covers being my favorites, because they ARE, but I have to say, this one is some fierce competition. It’s so beautiful and just *happy sigh*.

NOW, onto the actual book part. This plot seems SO intriguing, and I’m desperate to know what’s going to happen. I love when books have such a modern plot, like this one- a game with a security issue. (I’m guessing it’s on a computer? But I have no idea. Someone help.) I need to know what happens, so I’m going to read it asap!

*also, this is actually sci-fi (thanks Ilsa 😉 ), but it’s on this list anyway*


6. Red Queen, by Victoria Aveyard

Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)



Page Count: 383

Discovered: at a school book fair long ago

My Level of Excitement to Read: 6/10


I first remember seeing this book back when it first came out (in 2015) at my school’s book fair. I remember thinking the cover looked good, but not getting it because knowing me, I probably spent my money on a contemporary instead.

3 years later, I’m still wanting to read it.

I don’t think I’ve seen this much in the blogosphere, but I have seen it a lot in real life! I know next to nothing about it, but I still really want to read it soon.


And there you have it! The top 6 books on my fantasy TBR. I truly want to get back into fantasy, because I think it’s such an amazing genre, and I really do miss reading it. Fantasy is always a great adventure, and I could use some more adventures. 🙂

Have you read any of these, and what did you think of them? Do you want to read any? What are your favorite fantasies? I’d love to chat with you in the comments.

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Photo by Céderic Vandenberghe on Unsplash >> credits for the photo I used in my featured image! many thanks to the photographer!

50 thoughts on “6 Hyped Fantasy Books I Really Want To Read // Six of Crows, Warcross, & More

  1. Warcross is sci-fi but it’s super cool and FUN and I’m excited that you are hyped for it. I would say Six Of Crows is NOT a save the world kind of thing, it’s more the characters are selfish and wanna get rich WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY I LOVE IT. Anyways, Kaz Brekker is just!! wonderful and if you do not fall in love with Nina Zenik CAN WE EVEN BE FRIENDS. She’s great. Like, she loves waffles and is so sassy and just 1?!? so unapologetically her. Red Queen was okay, I gave it four stars, but the rest of the series is REALLY bad so I wouldn’t put it as priority. (In place can I suggest The Young Elites — SUPERB SERIES and will break ur heart) Caraval is AMAZING as you’ve already heard me gush so I hope you can read these soon ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, oops, I thought it was fantasy. XD I’m so glad you liked it, I’m really excited! SIX OF CROWS SOUNDS SO GOOD and it sounds like I’ll love the characters. That’s always a good sign. A waffle loving, sassy character? That sounds perfect. 😉 Good to know about Red Queen, I won’t put too much stock in the most of the series, haha. The Young Elites are on my TBR too! There were a couple fantasies I forgot on this list, like The Young Elites and The Raven Cycle. But I still want to read those two just as much. YES, I can’t wait for Caraval!

      Thank you for all the recommendations & for commenting, Ilsa!❤️


  2. I can’t believe you haven’t read Six of Crows!!! You def need to get to it soon! And I think ADSOM is super fun and I’m planning on reading the sequel soon. I didn’t really enjoy Caravel, it felt a tad too predictable. BUT you might like it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know, right?! I really do need to get onto soon. (As soon as someone returns it to my library. XD) I’m glad you liked ADSOM, and aww, that’s too bad about Caraval. Hopefully I like it! Thank you for reading & commenting, Elizabeth.💓


  3. As someone who doesn’t read a lot of Fantasy, Children of Blood and Bone was GREAT! One of my favorite books I’ve read this year. It inspired me to pick up some more Fantasy too. I just ordered Caraval and I can’t wait to get into it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love how you did your level of excitement for each of them! Okay, I’ve read three of these: A Darker Shade of Magic, Six of Crows, and Red Queen. I liked A Darker Shade of Magic and I was okay with the other two. One of my friends is a big fan of the Red Queen series! I’m pretty sure I’ve Children of Blood and Bone at the library, but I’ve never picked it up. It sounds interesting. OH, favorite fantasies, I really like this question: City of Stairs, The Name of the Wind, The Lies of Locke Lamora, Howl’s Moving Castle, Lockwood&Co.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Haha, it was difficult not to put 10/10 for all of them. 😉
      Oh, I’m glad to hear you liked ADSOM. Did you read the rest of the Six of Crows series or not like it enough to keep going?
      Yes, Children of Blood and Bone does sound great! Although it’s literally never checked in at my library, so I’m just taking that as a sign that it’s really good. XD
      I haven’t heard of any of those, so I’m really excited to look them up! Lockwood & Co. sounds familiar, though…maybe I have read it? I’ll have to check, and thank you for the recommendations.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome!
        No, I didn’t read the second book. You’re right- I didn’t like it enough to keep going, but I don’t try to finish many series, so it’s not saying that much.
        Hahaha, that’s such a good way to look at it!
        Ahhhh, please check! And tell me if you have. I think if you read the description, you’ll probably remember. I would say it’s a pretty memorable book. You’re welcome! Thank you for giving me the chance to give recommendations. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t read these yet! I’ve been in the mood for contemporaries for a while but I realize now that I’ve missed out on tons of good fantasy books. Hoping to get to them very soon 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah I LOVE this list so much, so many great books here, I don’t even know where I should start 😂 I recently read Six of Crows, so very late to the hype, but I’m glad I did, I now get why it is so popular. The characters are so incredible, I loved them all so, very much. I hope you will, too!
    You have to read ADSOM, Schwab is the queen of world-building and I admire her so, very much. I hope you will get to that one soon and love it, as well as Warcross, AHHH that one was so very cool 😀
    I have read Red Queen and enjoyed it at the time, but I didn’t like the sequel, so… I kind of gave up on the series altogether :/ I hope you’ll enjoy it better than I did though 😀
    Happy reading!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh, thank you, Marie!❤
      Yay, you loved Six of Crows! That gives me a lot of hope towards me liking it too, haha. Great characters are really important to me, so I’m so happy to see that the characters are amazing.
      YES, I’ve heard a lot about the wonderful Schwab! 😉 I’m really looking forward to finally reading one of her books, and to reading a Marie Lu book, too.
      A few other people have told me that the rest of the Red Queen series wasn’t that great, too…maybe I’ll just enjoy the first one then. XD
      Thank you again Marie! Happy reading to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

    • YAY, I’m so happy you loved those books! My excitement level to read them just went up 100%. 😉 I’ve heard that about Red Queen, but I’m glad you enjoyed the first book at least. Thank you Tiffany, and thanks for your kind comment!❤


  7. Ahh I’ve read ALL of these and thoroughly attest to it being a good list!! 😍 Warcross isn’t my life favourite but it was still cool!? It has a fantastic villain ahh!! And omg Caraval is good but LEGENDARY IS LIFE. I am also thoroughly addicted to anything Schwab ever writes. She is truly magnificent and genius afdkslad. Six of Crows TWISTS THE MIND. Absolutely the best.😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • All of them?! You’re of the queen of fantasy, Cait.😂But seriously, I’m so glad you enjoyed them, that gives me tons of excitement to read them all! Ohhh yes, I want to read Legendary after Caraval (this is a series I am determined to actually finish, haha). Yes yes yes, I’m so looking forward to both ADSOM and Six of Crows! I’ve heard so much about both of them and ahh I’m just so excited. Thanks for reading & commenting, Cait!❤️


  8. I think SoC is the most hyped up book I’ve ever seen, the hype surrounding it is really crazy! I think it’s an enjoyable book and I do think the sequel is better 😀 ADSOM is also a really enjoyable book and I’m looking forward to read the next two books! As for Warcross, I love Marie Lu’s Legend and I want to read it because I trust her writing skill- even though I’m not really into sci-fi 😀 Sadly, I didn’t think Red Queen worth the hype, in fact I think it’s very dissapointing 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know right?! If I had a penny for every time someone talked about Six of Crows…😂I’m so glad to hear you liked it and that the sequel was also good, that gives me a lot of hope! The same goes for ADSOM and Warcross. I’ve been wanting to read Marie Lu’s Legend as well, maybe I’ll have to do that sometime! Aww, that’s too bad about Red Queen. :/ Thanks for the heads up, though!


  9. The reviews of Children of Blood and Bone have also made me want to read this book!! I’ve actually read all of the other books you mentioned in your list and I enjoyed all of them quite a lot (with the exception of Red Queen and Caraval). I felt like Red Queen contained a lot of tropes I’d seen in other fantasy books and there wasn’t anything particularly unique about it. And I didn’t finish Caraval because I just..got bored? I don’t think it was the book for me but a lot of people have enjoyed it so I’d still recommend that you check it out of course.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same here! Everyone seems to love it and I’m just so curious to read it. 🙂 I’m SO happy to hear you enjoyed a lot of these books! I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy Red Queen, though. I just finished Caraval and actually really enjoyed it, although I can kind of see how someone could get bored! Thank you for your comment, Rachana, and happy reading.

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