A Late January Recap // Harry Potter Reread (Again?!), Dancing, & Hamilton

So January happened.

And now it’s almost two weeks into February, but shhh, this recap is definitely on time. It somehow already feels as if it’s been 2019 for ten years?!

Usually January is a mediocre month, but this month was actually filled with a few wonderful things, like a Harry Potter reread (!!!), spending time with friends, and a whole lot of dancing.

Blog Title - Design #1 (13)

Well, without further ado, let’s begin. 😉

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Last year I started off the year with a reading slump, and I kind of expected that to happen again this year. But…it didn’t?!

I ended up reading 9 books in January, four of which were rereads and five of which I read for the very first time. Not the best ratio, but oh well. I have my excuses

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As you can see, I have started another Harry Potter reread. Yes, I did one just last July. Yes, it’s making me procrastinate all the other books I’m reading because all I want to do is read more Harry.

But yes, I love it even more than I ever have before during this read through.

Maybe I’m just a crazy Harry Potter fan, but it just gets better and better, I just love the characters more and more (and hate some with a passion that only gets stronger). I probably will end up rereading these books again this summer, but you know, that’s okay, I think they deserve it.⚡️


I didn’t make specific goals for January since my last recap post was focused only on 2018 as a whole, but here are my February goals.

Reading Goals:

  • Read 10 books
  • Complete my Harry Potter reread
  • Stay active on bookstagram, post 5 times
  • Keep up on Goodreads (RATE BOOKS)
  • Read something fantasy

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January was a auspicious start to the blogging year for me! I may have disappeared a bit at the beginning of February, but…that wasn’t January. I feel like it’s a good omen for 2019 that I started out the year feeling inspired and posting posts that I loved. 🙂

Here’s a look back on what I posted in January!


Blog Posts I Wrote:

Thank you all so much for all the love on the posts I wrote this month! I had so much fun discussing insta-love vs. slow burn with y’all, and all your love on my tag really made my heart so happy.💘

Image result for taylor swift i love you gif


A Few Posts I Loved:


Blogging Goals for This Month:

  • Stay on schedule (from this point forward)
  • Write a discussion post
  • Comment on other posts
  • Do a tag

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A few notable things happened this month. 😉

  • Starting recital dances in dance. This month we began (and have finished a few) dances for my studio’s spring concert in May! We get our costumes this week, and I already can’t wait.
  • Hanging out with friends. Due to a few people having birthdays and due to the small amount of break I had in January, I got to hang out with a lot of friends in January! That was good for the soul.
  • I memorized “My Shot” from Hamilton! As I’ve been a Hamilton fan for just over a year, it’s really sad it’s taken me such a long time to memorize such an iconic song. I think the thing is I never really liked it don’t hurt me until this month?? AND NOW I’M OBSESSED I SHOULDER EVERY BURDEN EVERY DISADVANTAGE I HAVE LEARNED TO MANAGE I DON’T HAVE A GUN TO BRANDISH I WALK THIS STREETS FAMISHED. Okay I’m done I’m sorry.

January was a quiet month for the most part filled with school (hi homework, I don’t like you at all), dance, Harry Potter, friends, and Hamilton. Overall, not a bad start to the new year at all.


I apologize for this post’s lateness! It was supposed to be posted a week ago, but I was sick for a good part of this last week (I’m finally almost back to normal) and just wasn’t able to get it up in time.

I hope you’re all having a lovely start to your 2019.✨

How was your January? Do you ever do Harry Potter rereads? What was the best song you’ve memorized? I’d love to chat with you all in the comments.

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62 thoughts on “A Late January Recap // Harry Potter Reread (Again?!), Dancing, & Hamilton

    So I’m yet to hear Hamilton… don’t hate me pls. BUT IM READING THE RAVEN BOYS AND AHHHHHHH ITS AMAZING RONAN IS 😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖. I’m partway through book 1. Also I hope the tag you’re doing is the Gilmore Girls Book Tag or I shall be sad. I need to know your answers.
    Have a lovely rest of Feb!! x

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  2. Great post! I am in love with your graphics! Oh and YESS HAMILTON! im NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT! I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT AYO IM JUST LIKE MY COUNTRY IM YOUNG CRAPPY AND HUNGRY (i sure am hungry for some of lafeyettes french bagguetes!) AND IM NOT THROWING A WAY MY SHOT!

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  4. I’m going to re-read Harry Potter this year. I have Sorceror’s Stone on my list. I’m excited!

    I memorized Taylor’s “Mine” as a surprise to my now-husband. I practiced over and over, for the better part of a full year, and then sang it to him during our rehearsal dinner in November 2015. It went off so well. I also enlisted the wedding party to hold handmade signs that read “You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.”

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    • Ahh, that’s so exciting! Wishing you the loveliest of rereads. 🙂

      Oh my gosh, that’s SO CUTE, don’t mind me over here squealing. XD I adore that song, and the music video is my all-time favorite Taylor music video, too. ❤


  5. I’m so glad that your 2019 has been going well so far! But……I did still notice that you used 2018 at some point instead of 2019 and it made me do a double take! O_O

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  6. Oh I’m so sorry to hear you were sick Olivia, I hope you’re feeling better now, I’m sending you all the love and cookies and hugs if taken ❤ ❤
    I'm glad your year was off to a great start overall despite the sickness, and I hope that February has been treating you well so far ❤ Thank you so much for sharing my post, you're too sweet!! ❤ Sending you all the love ❤

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  7. My January was pretty boring. Nothing nearly as exciting as what you went through happened. 🤦‍♀️😂 On the other hand, my reading is doing pretty great. 🤓 Idk about rereading HP bcs I’ve never read the series to begin with. 🙈 The best songs I memorized were probably all the ones that have raps on the lyrics. 😂

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  8. Seems like your January was filled with cute & fluffy contemporaries, so yay! And I totally understand the feeling of re-reading old favorites to procrastinate reading new-to-you books. I am 100% guilty of it, as I’m now preparing a re-read for Lola & The Boy Next Door, even though I have several other books I should probably be reading, hahah. But I do love a good Harry Potter re-visit! I read the series for the first time back in 2016, I think, and I stopped at Order of the Phoenix and never really carried on. This is something I hope to change in 2019, as there are only two books left, after all. It happens that Half-Blood Prince & Deathly Hallows pt. 1 are my least-favorite movies, so my excitement to pick up the books is very, very low. I think I’ll probably re-read my favorites – Prisioner of Azkaban & Goblet of Fire – so it puts me in a good mood before continuing on with the series.
    I am absolutely lost in the world of musicals, but I think it’s pretty awesome you memorized a whole song that seems very difficult, hahah. I love watching ballet & dancing, so I feel like I should’ve gotten in the musical train by now, but I just never really had an interest on it – even when Hamilton was everything people on Tumblr could talk about. I am thinking about giving it a try, though. I’ve heard a lot of great things about Dear Evan Hansen, so maybe I’ll start with that one? Just getting to know the songs, the plot and all of that, since the chances of me actually watching the musical are pretty slim.
    Okay, this comment turned out to be a lot longer than I’d anticipated. I’m sorry! Hope you have a great February, filled with amazing reads! 💛

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    • Aww, it really was- I think I’m a little obsessed with contemporaries. 😉
      I hope you decide to pick Harry Potter back up, if that’s what you want! I understand stopping after Order of the Phoenix, from that book forward all the happy-magical-fun is kind of over and the storyline is thrust into war, so books 5-7 definitely give out a completely different vibe. From my reread, what I deduced is that the 6th is probably my least favorite, and Goblet of Fire and is probably my most favorite! I do love them all though, haha.
      I love musicals! I mostly just listen to Hamilton though, and then some older ones like Sound of Music and Grease, haha. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Dear Even Hansen too! I have personally never listened to it but if you do I’d love to hear you thoughts on it.
      I loved this comment so much! Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely February. ❤


  9. I started recital dances in January for May too!! I really love my pieces so far haha. And aahh I really want to reread some books since I have a lot I’m planning on rereading but I’ve fallen behind on reading so I want to read more books I haven’t read yet! Good luck on all your goals for Februaryb💕

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    • That’s so exciting! Yay, I love my pieces too, it’s just always so thrilling to start something new.☺️ I get you about rereading, it’s so hard because I want to revisit my favorites but also I want to find new books…it’s a never ending cycle, haha. Thank you so much! I hope you’re having a great month. ❤

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  10. my pAST PATIENTLY WAITING IM PASSIONATELY SMASHIN EVERY EXPECTATION EVERY ACT IS AN ACT OF CREATION 😭💛 oh my goodness i do not blame you for starting harry potter again, it is magical ! and cute ! and harry eep!!
    ok this is a weird spontaneous question but do you want to buddy read with me?? we could do a collab review afterward but it would be really fun just to read something together 🎉🤗

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  11. ahh it looks like you had an amazing month (yes, rereads are an important part of reading, v valid) i want to read first and then so BADLY but im waiting for my copy to arrive but anything emma mills basically has my vote. alex approximately and love & luck were so good omg i hope you enjoyed them too
    so glad to see you’ve done so well AND JUST in the beginning of the year ❤

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  12. YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE 👏👏👏 You read so many wonderful contemporaries this month, and I’m also not surprised you’re doing a Harry Potter reread LOL Best of luck for your dance recital ❤ I remember dance performances being such a fun time of the year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, THANK YOU, TIFFANY.💖(Psst, you’re doing amazing too.) Haha, I feel like at this point nothing I do regarding my obsession over Harry Potter is a surprise, I have reached the point of insanity. XD Thank you so much! I hope you’re having a great month. 🙂

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  13. Yayy, I’m glad you had a good reading month in January! I’ve been faring well on the reading front too. Wait, I don’t know why this hasn’t happened yet, but what’s your Goodreads account? And one of your reading goals for February is something fantasy!! Have you crossed that one off yet or do you know what book you want to read? Ahhh, thank you so much for linking to my post. :)) I hope your quiet time is going well. My January was good- I solved a rubix cube for the first time! Very exciting. Other things that happened: I watched the new Spider-man movie (have you seen it?? the animation is incredible-and there was a rubix cube in it, which I thought was funny). I also went to March for Life in Dallas. Oh my goodness, your sentence, that was good for my soul, for the hanging out with your friends bullet point made me take a deep breath. That is what it does for me too. Ohh, what’s the best song I’ve memorized? Hm, I don’t think I have any song down like you do with Hamilton, but for me I think it would be Taylor Swift- her songs, especially Love Story, always seem to come up at parties and stuff and it’s so fun to yell-sing along.

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    • Thank you! Oh, I’m glad you had a good reading month, too. We aren’t friends on Goodreads?! I don’t know why that hasn’t happened yet either, maybe because I use Goodreads to track the books I read but other than that I forget about the other features. XD My username is purelyolivia! I haven’t crossed off the fantasy goal yet, and I’m not quite sure what book I’m going to read that will cross it off. (I reread Harry Potter, which is fantasy, but I don’t think I’m going to count that as my fantasy book. XD) Ahh, you solved a rubix cube?! I could not, though to be fair I’ve never put too much effort into it. *applauds you* I haven’t seen the new Spiderman movie! I usually get scared by action movies (yes, I am a coward) so I probably won’t watch it but I’m glad to hear it was good. IT IS so fun to yell-sing to Taylor Swift, especially when you’re surrounded by a group of friends who are also yell-singing.

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      • You’re welcome! Haha, I don’t fully use Goodreads either. Besides keeping track of books, the only thing I mostly do is enter their giveaways! I haven’t won one yet, but it’s bound to happen. ;)) And I requested to friend you-ha, that sounds funny. Ohh, I’m excited to hear what book it ends up being. Hahaha, I was thinking about that when I read in your post that you were rereading Harry Potter! I can’t believe I solved a rubix cube either. *bows in a really flourishy way to applause, thank you, thank you* Haha, you are not a coward. I haven’t read them yet, but I know for sure that Harry Potter has more action than the new Spiderman movie. Although it’s different reading about things and seeing them. I know right?? I had a school dance in January (Sadie Hawkins if you’ve ever heard of it) and on the bus we yell-sang to Love Story and You Belong With Me.

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        • I friended you back! (I think. Let me know if I didn’t, like I said, I’m not very good at this whole Goodreads thing. ((Also, that sentence made me sound like a mom but with Facebook.))) So true about it being different with reading them and seeing them. I think the reason why I’m not scared by Harry Potter movies is because I’ve read the books first and knew exactly what was going to happen. I have heard of Sadie Hawkins! I don’t think my school does it though. Haha, that sounds so fun!

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  14. I sing along to Hamilton so I think I have the whole thing memorized??? maybe, I don’t know, I just am definitely singing with every song the entire 2andhalf hours 😂

    I’m kind of struggling fitting in reading right now, because life has been so crammed! My Goodreads says I’ve 4 books behind, eeeek! Also, I had the flu for a whole week so THAT did not help.

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    • Oh, yes, I’m sure you do have it memorized.😂I can’t wait for the day where I can go all the way through and not make any small mistakes, haha.

      Aww, I’m sorry about your reading situation! I hope it’s getting better, and that you’re feeling better from the flu. ❤


  15. okay, but for real:
    me: *rereads Harry Potter*
    v accurate summary, 10/10 would recommend.

    first & then is the only emma mills book that i’ve yet to read and i can’t wait to get to it.

    love & luck gave me such intense travel vibes, like, can someone please take me to Ireland immediately, thank you. also, the SIBLING RELATIONSHIP! i am trash for good sibling relationships in books and this one was just,,, so good.

    alex, approximately is one of those perfect, hilarious books that are unique and cute and such fun summer reads. i want to read it again for the first time.

    OK BUT HIGH FIVE, FELLOW HAMILTON FAN. i am trash. utterly, completely trash for this musical. i can’t ever get tired of listening to it because, y’know, I’ll neVER BE SATISFIED. also, i’m currently learning the rap to Right Hand Man and it’s. so. much. fun.

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    • OH MY GOSH, that is literally…exactly me. I just cried laughing reading this.😂

      I hope you enjoy it! What was your favorite so far? Mine was Foolish Hearts.

      YES, I just wanted to hop on a plane and travel the world after reading Love and Luck?! (Then I remembered I’m a broke high school student.) Okay yes, I loved how the relationship was complicated but they were still totally there for each other.

      AGREE. I need to reread it this summer, that will be perfect timing?!

      AWW, HIGH FIVE. I’m non stop about this musical, honestly most of the time it has me helpless and if I had to choose between favorite songs…it’d be a tie. 😉 The rap to Right Hand Man is so fun! I need to memorize it too.

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  16. Happy February! I love how you said January is usually a mediocre month because I totally agree lol. I know it’s supposed to be a great start to the year, kicking off your New Year’s Resolutions and all that, but the transition from winter break back to the grind is always kind of tough. I’m glad you had a great January though! I’m in the middle of a Harry Potter reread now, but I’ve only been reading a book a month and I just got to Order of the Phoenix which is such a big book I’m kind of nervous lol.

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    • So true! I agree that the main reason it’s so difficult is because of the transition back out of break. I hope your year is going well so far, despite the inevitable January slump. 😉 Oh, a Harry Potter reread! I’m always a little intimidated by OOTP at first, but then I start reading and remember that I love it and every page is worth it. XD

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  17. I can not believe it is already February!!! I love your blog! I have literally 40 links open(does that ever happen to you!?!) on my computer because I found one of your friends blogs and there were links to so many other blogs and I love them all!!! I just started blogging about a month ago and some day I hope I can blog as well as all of you!!!

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