Happy 2nd Birthday Purely Olivia // GIVEAWAY!! (intl)

Happy birthday, Purely Olivia!

My blog is now two years old, a fact that is both amazing and unbelievable. It’s so crazy to think that it’s been two years since I switched over to WordPress, created Purely Olivia, and wrote my very first post!

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To commemorate the occasion, I’m going to be talking about some of my favorite posts I’ve done, some of my favorite memories from blogging, giving some thank-yous, and then at the end of this post, I’ll have all the information and a place to enter my very first giveaway!

Without further ado, let’s get started. 😉


First of all, let’s take a look at some of my most popular posts over the past two years!


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These are my top six most popular posts, and all the featured images link back to the posts themselves. All of these posts were written in this past year of blogging, and I remember loving all of them! Thank you all so much for all the love on these.

And now, here are a few of the posts that I personally loved writing, even if they weren’t in the top six most popular posts. 😉

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Again, all featured images link back to the posts. And honestly, I could list out so many other posts I loved writing! I have so many favorites, these are just a few that I feel like really came from my heart.


Another thing that makes blogging amazing is talking with you all in the comments. Sometimes, the posts that had amazing discussions in the comments are the best of all! Each comment makes me so, so happy and I hope you know that my day is made each and every time someone leaves a comment for me!

Here’s a quick shoutout to the top five commenters on my blog- Annie, Marie, Carol, Lily, and Annie. I love having long comment conversations with you all! 💓


I don’t want to share exact stats in this post because even though I’m not a big blog or anything, I wouldn’t want to make anyone feel bad about their own stats! You’re all amazing. But I did want to share a screenshot of the country-tracker thing, because holy moly, it’s so cool to see!

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Look at all those yellow countries! It’s pretty amazing to think about that someone in all those countries saw a post on my blog. *squeals*


Now, it’s time for a very sappy thank you.

I was rereading my post from last year. It was my first blogoversary, and I made a post much like this one to celebrate. At the end I said that by my next blog birthday, I wanted to have 85 followers. And now we have 328?!

That’s pretty crazy if you ask me. I never would have guessed that my blog would somehow have over 300 people who actually want to read my posts and talk with me in the comments. Y’all are amazing, and I love you!

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I wish I could send you all free books and cake and ice cream. Since that’s not possible, we’re going to have to settle for a virtual hug and for….A GIVEAWAY TO THANK YOU!


And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. 😉

I’ve been wanting to host a giveaway for a long time, and I’m so excited to finally be doing one. This giveaway is in honor of my blog’s second birthday, but it’s also as a thank you for 300 followers. Y’all are the best!

I will be giving away a… $20 online visa gift card! 🎉

I wanted it to be online because 1) then EVERYONE can enter, even internationally (note: I’m pretty sure visa gift cards work internationally? but if they don’t, and you win and it doesn’t work where you live, we’ll figure something out, don’t worry!) and 2) you can enter without having to give out your home address. And since it’s a visa gift card, you can buy whatever you want with it.

Important Things to Know:

  • To enter, you must…
    • Be following Purely Olivia
    • Comment on this post saying what you would buy with the gift card
    • Provide a valid email address (which I promise to keep private!)
  • Once I pick the winner, I will email them. You must respond within 72 hours or I’ll pick another winner! After I email you to verify your email address, then I’ll email you the actual gift card.
  • I’ll be using a random-picking website to find the winner, and I can 100% guarantee you that it will be 100% fair. 😉
  • I’ll be announcing the winner on Monday, September 17th, so be sure to enter before then.

Just fill out the form below to enter!


I will have a few opportunities for extra entries! You get one extra entry if you mention this giveaway on your blog (and link back to this post), and two extra entries if you reblog this post. I’ll keep careful track of the extra entries, but feel free to remind me that you linked back or reblogged so I can be completely sure I wrote it down!

YAY, I’m so excited to be doing this, and I hope y’all are excited, too.🤗


And that concludes my birthday celebrations! It’s definitely been an amazing two years, and I can’t wait for all the years to come. Thank you all again for your amazing support and for basically being the best people ever. Let’s make year three the best yet, shall we?

Did you enter the giveaway? What would you spend $20 on? How long have you been reading Purely Olivia? I’d love to chat with you in the comments.

Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 6.17.37 PMPhoto by Brooke Lark on Unsplash >> Credits for the image I used in my featured image, thank you to the photographer!

116 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Birthday Purely Olivia // GIVEAWAY!! (intl)

  1. Woohoo!

    So I broke my GLASS water bottle and I really want a pink and rose gold S’well bottle (so it never breaks again) but I’ve broken, lost or forgotten so many dang bottles that my parents are hesitant to buy me one! So that’s what I’d use the money for.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Huge congrats Olivia on two years of blogging success! It is so great to see that you have been blogging for two years already and doing amazing, that’s incredible! And it’s so cool to see so many viewers across the world view your blog! Thank you for being so kind in the community and also for this giveaway! I’m so happy I found your blog 🙂 I would like the enter the giveaway, and if I win, I’ll probably buy another book even though there are way too many books on my shelves that I haven’t read yet haha 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awe, thank you so very much, Sissi!❤️Thank you for all your kind comments and support, I always love chatting with you. Here’s to amazing blogging friends! 😉 Best of luck in the giveaway (I wish I could give away free books to everyone!), and I feel you about buying books even though there’s no more room, haha.


  3. Congratulations! two years here! I will read your popular posts right now!
    I have been blogging for 9 years so I love to see more people blogging! that’s great!
    And also thanks for the giveaway! If I win I will buy books (I’ve been selling my books because I am unemployed) so it would be great!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Nina! Oh, I hope you enjoy any posts that you read.
      Oh my goodness, NINE years?!🙈 That’s incredible, I hope you’re really proud because that is an absolutely amazing accomplishment.
      Thank you for entering! Aw, books are just amazing, and I’m wishing you all the best with employment and getting more books.❤️


  4. OMG, HAPPY 2ND BLOGOVERSARY, OLIVIA!!! ♥ You’ve had some amazing posts, and I’m glad I found your blog. 🙂 Congrats as well on 300 followers eeeep!!! Here’s to more awesome years of blogging!

    I’d love to buy books with the GC if I win! Thanks for the chance. ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so so much, Aimee!❤️
      Awe, that means so much to me, thank you. I’m so glad I have discovered your blog as well, I always love reading it. I’m so happy we have become blogger friends! 😉

      Ohh, I would buy books for sure, too. XD Thanks for entering, best of luck!


  5. Happy blogoversary!! I’m so glad to have discovered your blog, you’re so sweet 🙂 Congratulations on 300+ followers, too, you totally deserve it ❤ I'm about to enter your giveaway 🙂 I think I'd use the money to buy a leutchtturm bullet journal…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Emily!❤️Ahh, you’re too kind. And right back at ya- I’m really glad I discovered 2G2M, and I can’t wait for your new blog (this Saturday, yay!). Thank you so much for entering! Oh, a bullet journal sounds amazing. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. AHHH, this is so exciting! Happy second birthday. :)) Yes, of course I entered the giveaway (thank you for doing this), and what would I use the money on? Hm, maybe a bottle of Rainworks invisible spray- or haha, more likely I would just save it. I tend to do that with gift cards. I used a Walmart gifcard on school supplies yesterday that I’ve had for years. I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading your blog, but it’s been a while right? Also, I am very, very proud to be one of your top five commenters. :))

    Liked by 1 person

    • AHHH! I’m really excited too. Thank you so much! Yay, I’m so happy you entered the giveaway. Whoa, I just looked up Rainworks invisible spray and it looks really cool! I’m a saver too. That’s so funny about the Walmart gift card, haha. Yes, it’s definitely been a while! And I’m really happy you’re my top commenter. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I entered in for the Visa card and I am definitely spending it all on books.
    Congrats 🎈🎉🎊 on your two year blogaversary, Olivia! Your posts are all so creative and fun to read. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to blogging. You’re making the blogosphere better every post.
    -Katie K

    Liked by 2 people

    • Woohoo, I’m so excited that you entered! Oh, I would spend it all on books too. XD
      Thank you so so much, Katie!💓Oh my goodness, this comment made me smile so much. THANK YOU YOU’RE SO SWEET. I love your blog, too, thank you for always being so kind!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy blogiversary, Olivia! I’ve only known you and your blog for a bit, but you’ve accomplished so much the past year and cannot wait to see what your sophomore year in blogging brings. If I won the $20 gift card, I’d use the money to buy myself a birthday book due to it placed at an awkward time during the year and it being the first time I celebrate it alone. >.<

    xoxo Abigail Lennah

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ahh, thank you so much, Abigail! I’m really happy that we have found each other’s blogs, thank you for all the support and sweet comments that make my day each time.🤗Also, I’m so sorry to hear about your birthday being celebrated alone! *sends you virtual hugs* I hope it’s filled with cake and books and everything else wonderful. Thank you for entering!


  9. Happy blogiversary and congrats on 300 followers! I love reading your blog and I hope that you continue for many more years. My favorite posts of yours are probably your library hauls and monthly wrap ups.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. AHHH OLIVIA! Congratulations on two years of blogging, I am so, so happy you’ve been sticking with blogging for so long and that we got to chat for a part of these years, it’s been such a highlight in my blogging life for sure. You’re the sweetest and I’ve been loving chatting with you!! ❤ I'm honored to be mentioned here as well, it's my pleasure to comment on your great posts ❤ ❤ ❤ Here's to many more years of blogging! 😀
    Oh and thank you so, SO much for such a generous giveaway and for making it international, that's amazing! I don't need more books, but let's face it…. I'd probably buy more books hahaha 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. i lovvvve the design of your blog, so cute! i’m rose and my blog is new(ish), so if you have a minute i would love if you checked it out and maybe tell me what you think? thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  12. YAY! Happy blog birthday, Olivia! 😀 Your blog has grown so much since you started – I’m so happy for you! ❤
    This is a great giveaway! If I won, I'd use the money towards the new camera I'm saving for. 🙂

    -Clara ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Clara!❤️Your blog was one of the first ones I found, and I’m so thankful that I did. Thank you for always supporting my blog!
      Yay, thank you for entering! Best of luck in the giveaway, and a new camera sounds amazing. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations on two years of blogging! I just found your blog through Allison’s blog (A Farm Girl’s Life), so I just started following. If I won the gift card, I’d probably buy some great historical fiction by Gilbert Morris or Bodie Thoene, or books from the Apart from the Crowd series by Jen Turano and books from the Heirs of Acadia series by T Davis and Isabella Bunn. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Congrats Olivia!! 🙂 I am so happy for you!!! 😀 I would love to enter and if I won I would either save it or use it for a t-shirt that I want. 🙂 I reblogged this post. 😀 Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway.

    -Laura ❤ 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Congratulations on your two year blogiversary, Olivia! ❤ You're genuinely one of my favorite people and best friends here, and I'm so thankful to have met you through blogging. :') Also, you're amazing for having blogged for this long sndfjdsfd, here's to many more years of friendship, and many more years of looking forward to amazing posts from you (hopefully??). ❤

    Honestly, this is going to sound so cliché, but … I'd buy books. #noregrets, hehe. (Thank you so much for making this giveaway international, by the way! You're an absolute angel!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Alrighty. I entered and shared on my blog. I would love to spend on more pens or brush pens on Amazon because I’m going broke because of it. XD Congratulations again, Olivia!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Congratulations Olivia!! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing it grow over the past year that I’ve been a follower. I can’t wait to see it grow even more in the years to come!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I’m so happy your blog turned two! It’s so exciting!
    As for what I’ll spend the gift car on.. I’d probably go on a Book Outlet shopping spree (3 dollar books? YES PLEASE!)
    Also, I think it’s great you made it international! *thumbs up*

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Congrats! Yay, I entered!! I would use the Visa card to buy books on book outlet! Oh and btw my blog has been changed to lifefrombehindacamera.com, which I forgot to change in the form. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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